Yeah, Ohso, like I was telling you, the utility of the myco's is extremely well-documented. I'm hoping, living where I do, that more and more farmers will start using them, as I'm hoping that by their doing so they may help stop whatever it is that's killing our bees. If farmers get better plant growth and disease resistance by using something that should be there in the first place, then they won't have to use the chemical ferts and pesticides that are helping to push the little bees over the edge.
Yes, long before all these commercial (NPK only) fertilizers the soil was healthy. Full of minerals, micro-beaties & organic living things. The food our parents and grandparents ate was just better quality.
There were no Big Cancer Treatment Centers in ever major city, becasue they were not needed. Life begets Life. Dead soil will get you there faster.
Plants grown in a living soil are more disease resistant, grow faster, and are much more nutrient rich. Look at the Amish, as just one example. They grow all their vegetables using only cow manure and chicken manure. No chemicals what so ever. They rotate crops, compost and allow fields to go unused on a regular rotation cycle.
I visisted an Amish Village near Heber Springs, Arkansas once. Their gardens were absolutely beautiful. Everything was green and completely healthly looking. They are a complete Organic Community and very healthy people.
I met a 74 year old man, cutting hay with a horse drawn rig, who looked better than I did. I didn't get Organic until my late 40's. Before that - it was fast food, fast times, fast lane. I wised up, when my best friend dropped dead at 48. Stroked straight out, fell dead. Hard living & a Bad Diet took its toll.
When consumers start demanding better quality food, more farmers will get onboard. We also have to demand the government stop allowing these super farms, which are a profit only setup. Small farms, meant diversity, Mega Farms - mean NPK only ferts, non-sustainable methods of growing and a slow systematic killing of the land. I hate Mega-Farms...they suck..
Amish are Good & Healthy because they are Organic, easy going people (no stress problems in their neighborhood) / Mega Farms are BAD...
OK, I 'm off the soap box now...Sorry, I just have strong opinions on some subjects.....
Keep it Real..Organic....