Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Hey P,
How much aloe should one use? I am getting an aloe plant now ..

Also, what's your ratio for the pure organic coco water ?

DT, for fresh aloe I shoot for approximately one ounce of the goo per gallon. However, more times than not, I just cut a chunk of leaf off and blend it up. I've also stopped scrapping the goo out, I just blend the whole leaf up skin and all.

As far as coconut water, I only use the powder at 1/4 tsp per gallon. SST's are going to give you a very similar profile.


See I've heard rumors that too much air is bad, but I've actually read a lot more often that you can never get too much air.

Just too much movement, like you said, jumping out the bucket lol.

Does anyone use lids on their brews and poke holes in the top to prevent foam over flow or prevent splashing?

You should look at diy vortex dead spots.

Tbh I stopped doing ss teas and brews because the cons outweighed the pros for me......stepped back and realized a good los is enough for our beloved c3 plant IMO....

GOOD shit there brother.
I learned me some stuff...
Interesting that chitin has a potential future in curing wounds and such, very interesting....
Next time I wrack my knuckles on a car i'll just rub some ground up bugs in it...

Raw unpasteurized honey should be on your short list........with studies to back it up
DT, for fresh aloe I shoot for approximately one ounce of the goo per gallon. However, more times than not, I just cut a chunk of leaf off and blend it up. I've also stopped scrapping the goo out, I just blend the whole leaf up skin and all.

As far as coconut water, I only use the powder at 1/4 tsp per gallon. SST's are going to give you a very similar profile.


Wow wow with the skin?! Man that would make my life easier lol
Anyone ever seen these little bugs in their worm bins before? I've only had mine for a few months now so pardon my ignorance if they're normal. They're about the size of a grain of sand or so. View attachment 3358466
uhh, aren't those worm cocoons?
Or am I missing something?
Either way don't worry.
A thimble full of vermicompost has TONS of critters in there, all kinds of weird looking alien-things.
Sorta reminds me of that cheesy 80s movie "honey I shrunk the kids"
I sorta wanna be shrunk and go investigate my wormbin...
Ahh crap, i'm glad I already have a beautiful girlfriend.... cuz statements like that def increase my douche-factor.
Shhh, nobody say anything...
I vote this thread and supras cob thread in the led section.

Leds plus organics = best herb in the world!
you know....
Never thought i'd say this... but I think I may be changing my "HID ONLY" philosophy...might need to do some research on some LEDS.
I've been using HIDs since the mid 90s.
And I know virtually NOTHING about them, other than their applications in the auto industry, I understand diodes and such rather competently, they use them in DC applications frequently, especially when using AC generators/alternators. Generator produces AC and then it's changed to DC..
Which of you No-tillers are using LEDS anyways?
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Anyone ever seen these little bugs in their worm bins before? I've only had mine for a few months now so pardon my ignorance if they're normal. They're about the size of a grain of sand or so. View attachment 3358466
Yea those look like cocoons. Soil mites will have similar color though. Either way all good. If they are mites they should scurry about; they don't care for light much like the worms. They are harmless though. You just don't want them out-competing your worms for food. If you feel you have to many put a rotten apple core or watermelon rind on top of your bedding. They will swarm it in a day or two then just pick it out and toss it in the compost pile.
I vote this thread and supras cob thread in the led section.

Leds plus organics = best herb in the world!
you know....
Never thought i'd say this... but I think I might need to do some research on some LEDS.
I've been using HIDs since the mid 90s.
And I know virtually NOTHING about them, other than their applications in the auto industry, I understand diodes and such rather competently, they use them in DC applications frequently, especially when using AC generators/alternators. Generator produces AC and then it's changed to DC..
Which of you No-tillers are using LEDS anyways?
120w DIY LED panel.
That panel is one of four and together they cover a 4x4 area so 30w/sq.ft.
Gotcha.. i'll spare ya my newb questions.... reading the LED section now.
Should be an expert in about a week.
At least I already know how to solder and wire stuff.
One more question though.. if you don't mind.
Did you use HIDs prior to the LEDS?
I'm curious on the end-product differences..
Yea those look like cocoons. Soil mites will have similar color though. Either way all good. If they are mites they should scurry about; they don't care for light much like the worms. They are harmless though. You just don't want them out-competing your worms for food. If you feel you have to many put a rotten apple core or watermelon rind on top of your bedding. They will swarm it in a day or two then just pick it out and toss it in the compost pile.
Build your own for best efficiency, I'm currently breaking 1gpw with these diy set up, similar to the pic above by the don

Don't want to build your own?

Look into reputiable companies like Area 51 or apache tech