Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Yea those look like cocoons. Soil mites will have similar color though. Either way all good. If they are mites they should scurry about; they don't care for light much like the worms. They are harmless though. You just don't want them out-competing your worms for food. If you feel you have to many put a rotten apple core or watermelon rind on top of your bedding. They will swarm it in a day or two then just pick it out and toss it in the compost pile.
If mites scurry about and avoid light, than that's definitely what these are. To be honest, there probably is way too many in my bin from what I saw.
uhh, aren't those worm cocoons?
Or am I missing something?
Either way don't worry.
A thimble full of vermicompost has TONS of critters in there, all kinds of weird looking alien-things.
Sorta reminds me of that cheesy 80s movie "honey I shrunk the kids"
I sorta wanna be shrunk and go investigate my wormbin...
Ahh crap, i'm glad I already have a beautiful girlfriend.... cuz statements like that def increase my douche-factor.
Shhh, nobody say anything...
Looks like 50/50 to me, 50% worm cocoons (bigger ones with protruding dots are def jah cocoons) so congrats!

The smaller ones look like iunno, mites, maybe? id just watch for massive outbreaks! If I find an apple peel/coir chunk or colony of hundreds I scrap that piece, are y'all saying not to worry at all about em!? That'd be cool..

Still merkin' thrips, tho
Sorta reminds me of that cheesy 80s movie "honey I shrunk the kids"
I sorta wanna be shrunk and go investigate my wormbin...

No need to shrink brotha, trust!

If you want a crazy secret trick, try investigating the bin real close for at least 30 mins.. Closer the better.. Zooming into pics even better.

All images get recorded by subconscious mind..automatically.

Then.. Relax.
Then.. Bust your strongest herb.. You're looking for one that has the terpene BORNEAL
it stimulates the third eye and allows for visual and psychedelic effects to occur more easily.

Then, take ONE MASSIVE HOOT, as big as humanly possible..
Then, don't move or talk to anyone.
With eyes closed, and a diet free of fluoride, you will be able to INSTANTLY enter environments of past, micro and macro worlds including.. If your bin inspections were soon before this crazy bowl (deeper = better so joints not as good) then you should naturally enter that world again, via consciousness, in its full living and present moving state.. It's AMAZING

Shamans world wide believe that microscopic lense views are obtainable thru consciousness alone.. Using the third eye they believe it is a dimension of its own when they travel thru blood.

Note ayahuasca ceremonies, it happens there too..with or without shamans thousands of ppl report "seeing there DNA, being "fixed" or "scanned" by energy beings of a different variety

Blood and DNA aside, you can "enter" your canopy or bin and "enjoy bug life views" at 20-100x magnification everyday if you like.. Especially and super easily if you have some Borneal herb.. And some way to relax and take crazy high quality hoots.

It blows my mind every time it happens..
Time for a bowl of Gravy! Mind weapons, mon, mind weapons!

Go nuts!
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Gotcha.. i'll spare ya my newb questions.... reading the LED section now.
Should be an expert in about a week.
At least I already know how to solder and wire stuff.
One more question though.. if you don't mind.
Did you use HIDs prior to the LEDS?
I'm curious on the end-product differences..
CFL, HID, cheap Chinese LED. IMO LED grown bud is of higher quality because i feel the light is better used by the plant. The DIY panels will soon be on their virgin flowering run so we'll keep you updated. The reduced heat signature and electrical savings is another reason i love LED.
Gotcha.. i'll spare ya my newb questions.... reading the LED section now.
Should be an expert in about a week.
At least I already know how to solder and wire stuff.
One more question though.. if you don't mind.
Did you use HIDs prior to the LEDS?
I'm curious on the end-product differences..
Also note that my panels are entirely solder-less. Even better.
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CFL, HID, cheap Chinese LED. IMO LED grown bud is of higher quality because i feel the light is better used by the plant. The DIY panels will soon be on their virgin flowering run so we'll keep you updated. The reduced heat signature and electrical savings is another reason i love LED.
Although research is still up in the air, @greengenes side by side grow with 1000w hid and 600w apache led, the hid got a couple grams extra, however, in terms of weight (or percentage) of thc or cannaboids, the led side proved to be the winner. I myself and fellow patients have noticed a much higher quality with led grown bud.
Although research is still up in the air, @greengenes side by side grow with 1000w hid and 600w apache led, the hid got a couple grams extra, however, in terms of weight (or percentage) of thc or cannaboids, the led side proved to be the winner. I myself and fellow patients have noticed a much higher quality with led grown bud.
Thats awesome! I strongly believe that our 480w of LED would stomp a 600w hps but i could be wrong.
CFL, HID, cheap Chinese LED. IMO LED grown bud is of higher quality because i feel the light is better used by the plant. The DIY panels will soon be on their virgin flowering run so we'll keep you updated. The reduced heat signature and electrical savings is another reason i love LED.
Although research is still up in the air, @greengenes side by side grow with 1000w hid and 600w apache led, the hid got a couple grams extra, however, in terms of weight (or percentage) of thc or cannaboids, the led side proved to be the winner. I myself and fellow patients have noticed a much higher quality with led grown bud.

I'm gonna have to start picking your brain(s) and get on the LED train. It's about that time where I'll be replacing ballasts anyway
Also note that my panels are entirely solder-less. Even better.
You're a smooth operator, DP! Can't wait to see you this weekend!! Gonna be a crazy road trip!

I'm gonna have to start picking your brain(s) and get on the LED train. It's about that time where I'll be replacing ballasts anyway

Do it Stow !! We've picked your brain so much, its the least we could do! ! (ie Dp)! Lol
I'm so happy his research findings have realigned him a bit more with my initial theories (far reds etc), and then some.. Especially impressive work regarding kelvin temps not having cyan, going completely solder-less from day 1, and just how his overall grasp of the technology and electrical/mechanical side grew to POSITIVITY heights so quickly.. It's really allowed me to venture into researching different sub-subjects since the DIYs were in such good hands.. At night we dream of different sub-subjects (bugs vs heatsinks) then we wake up and pool our knowledge ..
It's so beautiful! Lol
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You're a smooth operator, DP! Can't wait to see you this weekend!! Gonna be a crazy road trip!

Do it Stow !! We've picked your brain so much, its the least we could do! ! (ie Dp)! Lol
I'm so happy his research findings have realigned him a bit more with my initial theories (far reds etc), and then some.. Especially impressive work regarding kelvin temps not having cyan, going completely solder-less from day 1, and just how his overall grasp of the technology and electrical/mechanical side grew to POSITIVITY heights so quickly.. It's really allowed me to venture into researching different sub-subjects since the DIYs were in such good hands.. At night we dream of different sub-subjects (bugs vs heatsinks) then we wake up and pool our knowledge ..
It's so beautiful! Lol

Haha! That's great

I'd love to attend your little reunion and pass the baton with you two. That would be a blast! I could go through the Don initiation ceremony and officially be crowned Don Key. :-)
I'm gonna have to start picking your brain(s) and get on the LED train. It's about that time where I'll be replacing ballasts anyway
Bro your already there! Next step is too order the parts!!!! Get on it! Btw the right brain to pick is @SupraSPL , he is like us, Organic terrorist, a fucking genius! I'm sure he would be more then happy on getting you started, I'll put in a good word for ya, and anyone else for that matter. The led section is full of hydro foos, we need to flood that page with true organic shit
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So keeping in mind that I'm about as mechanically inclined as a field mouse, is this something that is within my reach? What's the scale of difficulty?
Dude, i knew nothing of the subject of DIY LED no more than 6 months ago...
Gained all my knowledge from the LED forum. @SupraSPL 's threads are amazing.
Haven't soldered anything since grade 8 shops class. Still haven't. Have you ever wired an extension cord? Thats my electrical experience up until now. It's amazing how DIY friendly it is. Building 2 panels right now in between checking alerts here on RIU.
Supra, Almost forgot about that genius.. I think Petro got taught by him too a few thangs.. I suppose when you get trained by the Fantastic Organic Four you become the Fantastic Fifth no vodka..

Hats off to all the pioneers simplifying them funny watt-amp-ohm languages..

I know Positivity has thermal imaging skills too

I just love that shit. Literally looking at our designs thrum thermal lenses before they arrive.. That's mad respect..

y'all deserve a Gravy Train Expansion Experience .. I better get me some gypsum.. Still want to know a good source the exact company and physical form .. I know that's like basic for y'all, spit it out please..

Big up big up
And big hoots
This pictures gives no justice to the size of the these plants.

Full veg mode, covering a 6x8 with 8 plants. Soon to be 600+ cob watts plus a couple area 51 units on light movers.


Old grow
9lbs week 4ish
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