Mind if I ask why and how long you've been smoking?I'm down to less than a g a day, pretty much smoking like I did when I had to buy it, plan to quit entirely soon
Mind if I ask why and how long you've been smoking?I'm down to less than a g a day, pretty much smoking like I did when I had to buy it, plan to quit entirely soon
I do Declare that This Thread Needs Pics!
I dunno if it's really an 8th, I don't weigh it...but my big ass grinder fits quite a load...Might be more than an 8th actuallly. this stuff is fairly dense....
Blunt haters...hate away...This is not the ONLY method I use for smoking, or even my preferred...I just like to change things up....
I thought you were a grower, huh I swear I thought I've seen pics.. Guess not..back in november i started cutting back on how often i smoke. i had always smoked constantly, even waking up in the middle of the night and smoking and going back to sleep regularly. now I only smoke after 8pm, sometimes not till 10-11. I never really pay attention to the amount, but probably down to 1-3 grams a night now. Usually went through a quarter ounce a day before that, or more. I've never grown. Always had the good hookups
Feelin a lot better since cutting back. It's nice. I'm fucking ripped now.
Quarter gram? Like .25 g ?I used to smoke a ounce every 13-14 days , which is about 2 g's a day. Now I'm down to a quarter gram once a week.
I thought you were a grower, huh I swear I thought I've seen pics.. Guess not..
Yeah , I got this time safe to help me out , I posted a thread in toke n talk If you wanna check it out. If I didn't have it .25 wouldn't be possibleQuarter gram? Like .25 g ?
Youl be blasted next time you smokeI've been straight and narrow for a couple months now, seriously. Got a couple more to go...
But I get to watch my friends enjoy what I grow and that really does make up for it.
I smoke the most of all my friends, about an ounce a week, but that's because I don't grow (yet) and the stuff aint cheap. Curious how much other people are smoking.
10th of a gram a day isn't much Iana spliff an hourish
a teenth a day ish
10th of a gram a day isn't much Ian