How much do you smoke?

Everyday for the past 12ish years..mainly cause I only like to smoke chronic, but I grow schwag and can't afford to buy the good good
I do Declare that This Thread Needs Pics!

I dunno if it's really an 8th, I don't weigh it...but my big ass grinder fits quite a load...Might be more than an 8th actuallly. this stuff is fairly dense....

Blunt haters...hate away...This is not the ONLY method I use for smoking, or even my preferred...I just like to change things up....


trimming some fluffy ass micky kush and smoking some crumble wax
My friends make fun of me, and tell me that I don't even really smoke weed... It's partially true, I barely smoke anymore... I may go days without smoking.. I really just smoke around my friends and that's it now a days... If I want to get high alone I just take a dabIMG_20150228_191300.jpg

If I wanna be high all day I eat some edibles..If I am with friends I roll a mini.. and @kesaber I sell ounces of top shelve for 225 and the lesser quality for 180...
back in november i started cutting back on how often i smoke. i had always smoked constantly, even waking up in the middle of the night and smoking and going back to sleep regularly. now I only smoke after 8pm, sometimes not till 10-11. I never really pay attention to the amount, but probably down to 1-3 grams a night now. Usually went through a quarter ounce a day before that, or more. I've never grown. Always had the good hookups bongsmilie

Feelin a lot better since cutting back. It's nice. I'm fucking ripped now.
I used to smoke a ounce every 13-14 days , which is about 2 g's a day. Now I'm down to a quarter gram once a week.
back in november i started cutting back on how often i smoke. i had always smoked constantly, even waking up in the middle of the night and smoking and going back to sleep regularly. now I only smoke after 8pm, sometimes not till 10-11. I never really pay attention to the amount, but probably down to 1-3 grams a night now. Usually went through a quarter ounce a day before that, or more. I've never grown. Always had the good hookups bongsmilie

Feelin a lot better since cutting back. It's nice. I'm fucking ripped now.
I thought you were a grower, huh I swear I thought I've seen pics.. Guess not..
planning a sabbatical soon. 1st in many years. We shall see how it goes. I grow my own but have been away from home(CT) for 6 months so I am almost out. About an OZ/mth is good. I can acquire it but the quality has been lacking the past year. This is the plan anyway.
About a pound (okay, I lied in that other thread). Seriously, I smoke less now that I grow for living than I did before, maybe a little under a gram per day. I believe the reason for not smoking as much is that I don't fucking hate my life of working a stupid corporate job. I hated everything about it, waking up early, the commute, the awful coworkers, the mind-numbing boredom, the relatively little pay, and wasting the majority of my time at something that I would not choose to do. I love my life now, so I need very little escape. I use it more like a spice now to mildly enhance already pleasurable activities. Plus, what I grow is uber dank, so a little dab'll do ya...
I smoke the most of all my friends, about an ounce a week, but that's because I don't grow (yet) and the stuff aint cheap. Curious how much other people are smoking.

I used to smoke like a champion too. Literally the same as you all in a bong. and this was like the bare minimum! Sometimes Id go through a quarter to a half in an afternoon sesh and gifting friends.
Now i make and dab my own bho and my lifes never been better. Im a 2 to 3 gram a week smoker, and thats getting all my mates as stoned as i am a few times a week too lol
1 to 1.5 Oz's/month and climbing. I need a break, the last time i actually got high, really high, was after 3 bowls and a half doz dabs between 2 people. I smoke right after i eat breakfast, then every hour or two after that. The weather is a big factor..if it was warm and sunny outside I'd be keeping busy and not sitting on my ass in front of a TV.