Having trouble getting plant to come out soil


Well-Known Member
I use the paper towel method to start germination with a 100% rate. But when i put the seed in the soil, it drops to 50-75%. I prewater the soil before moving seed and keep it moist with a spray bottle if needed. i dont know what else im doing wrong, or if there are any methods or tips to get my seeds to sprout?


Well-Known Member
Skip the paper towel and go straight to soil. The less steps the better.
Also you need to water just a little after planting the seed. That rids any air pockets from around the seed. A little out of a dropper will work.
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I'm a fan of not over complicating it. I stick mine in the dirt in a piece of PH'd rockwool and I have a 100% germination rate for the last 3-4 years.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I use the paper towel method to start germination with a 100% rate. But when i put the seed in the soil, it drops to 50-75%. I prewater the soil before moving seed and keep it moist with a spray bottle if needed. i dont know what else im doing wrong, or if there are any methods or tips to get my seeds to sprout?
How long are you letting them germ for in the paper towel before planting them?

Just a taproot? Or straight out of the shell germinated? In the latter scenario, I imagine a transplantation would be stressful.

If you insist on using the paper towel method then just wait till they have a bit of taproot, then transplant taproot down and seed partially buried/exposed. It'll take hold then start stretching towards the light while working to remove its helmet.

Either that or just plug into soil.

If that doesn't work then I suggest buying a bunch of veggie or flower seeds at the store to practice with as they're much cheaper than cannabis seeds.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
How long are you letting them germ for in the paper towel before planting them?

Just a taproot? Or straight out of the shell germinated? In the latter scenario, I imagine a transplantation would be stressful.

If you insist on using the paper towel method then just wait till they have a bit of taproot, then transplant taproot down and seed partially buried/exposed. It'll take hold then start stretching towards the light while working to remove its helmet.

Either that or just plug into soil.

If that doesn't work then I suggest buying a bunch of veggie or flower seeds at the store to practice with as they're much cheaper than cannabis seeds.

Good luck!
i germ in paper towel until i see the tap root pop out, usually 2 or 3 days. should i wait until it gets longer?


Well-Known Member
No that shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe you're over watering.

Stop spraying and watering so much, more water is definitely not better.
ive really tried all variables... water, no water, light, no light, heat, no heat.... i really dont know what im doing wrong.. once they sprout i grow some beautiful plants.


Well-Known Member
Too much moisture the seedling cant breathe, Try your best to only water when soil is dry or early morning when you know it's going to be a hot day. Have a look at your local weather forecast throughout the week to kinda give you an indication of when you should water.


Well-Known Member
If you use the paper towel method, you should only have to wet the soil (until you've got some runoff) before you plant, and dribble some water over the freshly sown seed. They should emerge before they need watering.

With good seeds, and a TINY bit of exposed taproot, it should sprout 48 hours or so later. Well before it should need water. I heat the soil with my light. (400w hid. Idk if cfls or led get hot enough to heat soil, but I would imagine so of they were close.)

I like to plant a bit deep. Whitebb2727 (hey buddy!) Actually gave me the advice to put them a half inch down, and my last 5 sprouted %100 with nice stems and they look pretty. :)

Ps: lots of videos on YouTube show super long taproots, but as soon as a tiny bit of root pops, it's time to go into the soil. I check after the first 24 hours (at least to aerate the container) and if they pop, I drop everything and plant. Paper towels are good to see if a seed is viable, but they shouldn't stay in there any longer than they have to.
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Well-Known Member
it seems ive tried everything already posted except trying to bury the seed a little deeper and maybe not spraying the soil to keep it moist. oh well, see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
What are your temps and humidity dude? Maybe you would benefit from a heating pad?

Also, are you using bagseed? My success ratio was all whack when I was using bagseed. %100 with my seeds from herbies.


Well-Known Member
What are your temps and humidity dude? Maybe you would benefit from a heating pad?

Also, are you using bagseed? My success ratio was all whack when I was using bagseed. %100 with my seeds from herbies.
using good genetics right now im trying to get dark devil from sweet seeds to germinate..i have 2 northern lights and 1 amnesia x pink diesel already growing out of control.

my temps range from 75-85F and RH around 50%


Well-Known Member
Hmm That seems pretty ship shape. I can understand why you're frustrated. Low temps or humidity was always the culprit for me.

stick with you're good seeds and try your best to recreate your success.

I'm new and chances are you will get some good advice soon, but I did multiple rounds of sprouts before I started my good seeds. the beginning can be a real pain, but you will get better. I ruined alot of seeds practicing.


Well-Known Member
Hmm That seems pretty ship shape. I can understand why you're frustrated. Low temps or humidity was always the culprit for me.

stick with you're good seeds and try your best to recreate your success.

I'm new and chances are you will get some good advice soon, but I did multiple rounds of sprouts before I started my good seeds. the beginning can be a real pain, but you will get better. I ruined alot of seeds practicing.
its frustrating because after i get the seeds to sprout i can produce some beauties.. heres my northern lights

2015-03-08 00.32.52.jpg


Well-Known Member
ive really tried all variables... water, no water, light, no light, heat, no heat.... i really dont know what im doing wrong.. once they sprout i grow some beautiful plants.
100% success guaranteed-
I grow hydro, but this will work perfect with soil too.

1.Get some 1" Rockwool cubes. Soak them over night in ph'd water @ 5.5

2. Once cubes are done grab a toothpick and widen out the punched seedling holes in cubes a little bit.

*i like to get my seeds in as soon as the taproot pops, and no longer than 1/4". 1/8" is safest.

3. Use toothpick to push seeds close to bottom of pre made hole. Leaving a little space will allow faster tapping

4. Keep cubes in a dark space. No cooler than 65f and no warmer than 75f is optimal as your cubes will retain water best. Once you see the tap root break through the bottom throw it under a small cfl or somethin.

5. Once you have first set of true leaves and the next set is forming, just stick the cube on top of a small container with medium of choice.


Well-Known Member
How long are you waiting for them to pop? The ones I'm growing right now took over a week to pop out then grew out of control. A water meter could help wonders too, water the soil initially and let it sit until it's almost dry. Sounds like your drowning your girls before they have a chance to breath.