Slight bleaching of leaves 8th day of flower HELP


Well-Known Member
pics: pretty sure its bleaching, I know what Im doing in dwc. Most pics are with lights off, however I took a couple pics with the light just starting to come on. 9th day of 12/12
Ya i think you made the right call. Its just some new growth thats affected. No biggie, its better than i had imagined. A couple drops of superthrive if you have it around and givver.


Well-Known Member
Ya i think you made the right call. Its just some new growth thats affected. No biggie, its better than i had imagined. A couple drops of superthrive if you have it around and givver.
Yeah light is about 19" away. What is superthrive?? I use GH technaflora series and also 1ML per Gallon of Dutchmaster root zone conditioner.


Well-Known Member
Ya i think you made the right call. Its just some new growth thats affected. No biggie, its better than i had imagined. A couple drops of superthrive if you have it around and givver.
I've had minimal light bleaching before and it only affected very top of buds of about 1-2% of plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah light is about 19" away. What is superthrive?? I use GH technaflora series and also 1ML per Gallon of Dutchmaster root zone conditioner.
Super thrive is..(i think) made up of b vitamins and other good stuff and its supposed to bounce back plants that are shocked in any way. You can use it in hydro and soil. Its like an adrenalin shot i guess, i dont know how to explain it cause im white girl wasted but ok, couple weeks ago my friend blew a breaker on two ac units and temps were at over 120 for two days. Well it fried the plants pretty bad. Tops all had to be trimmed off cause they were shrivelled and dead. In veg. Big plants. Well he didnt have a clue what to do so i trimmed em up and got them on tea and superthrive and theyve bounced right back and are as healthy as ever...almost.


Well-Known Member
I've had minimal light bleaching before and it only affected very top of buds of about 1-2% of plant.
super close lighting? I have a table where the lights are, one at four feet above with de bulb, and one with two feet above with same de bulb. Two ft high light had to be raised because of major bleaching, like you can see the footprint square in the leaves, the outside of the plants are still green where theyre not touching direct light. The four foot high bulb table is still green and fat, just as fat as the light crushed ones.


Well-Known Member
When the calyx start forming the bleaching makes the individual calyx shorter and not as full as the non-bleached ones.


Active Member
what you showed in the pics makes me ask what your ph is at for these girls. Also what kind of water, for instance if you are using RO water or distilled or some type of purified water and you arent adding a sufficient supply of micronutrients back (mainly molybdnum, iron, manganese) then you might be defficient in one of those. If your water has all these micro nutrients but your PH is too high or something then same problem but the PH it causing it. Thats my 2centsszzsz


Well-Known Member
what you showed in the pics makes me ask what your ph is at for these girls. Also what kind of water, for instance if you are using RO water or distilled or some type of purified water and you arent adding a sufficient supply of micronutrients back (mainly molybdnum, iron, manganese) then you might be defficient in one of those. If your water has all these micro nutrients but your PH is too high or something then same problem but the PH it causing it. Thats my 2centsszzsz

So you agree that it isnt bleaching right? Looks like iron or something. Lockout or nute def for sure.


Well-Known Member
Im going to go ahead and say that it isnt Bleaching.

At all. Bleached plants are white. Like albino looking and you need bud to bleach. You only have vegetative growth.

Not bleached.


Well-Known Member
Im going to go ahead and say that it isnt Bleaching.

At all. Bleached plants are white. Like albino looking and you need bud to bleach. You only have vegetative growth.

Not bleached.
ph has been 5.7-6.0 , pretty sure its bleaching.... Ok found this
and gonna us it as a foliar spray, anyone heard of it?? When it the best time to spray on leaves/buds like 8 hours before lights on, 3 hours etc????


Well-Known Member
what you showed in the pics makes me ask what your ph is at for these girls. Also what kind of water, for instance if you are using RO water or distilled or some type of purified water and you arent adding a sufficient supply of micronutrients back (mainly molybdnum, iron, manganese) then you might be defficient in one of those. If your water has all these micro nutrients but your PH is too high or something then same problem but the PH it causing it. Thats my 2centsszzsz
Using water straight from tap at 140 ppm


Well-Known Member
ph has been 5.7-6.0 , pretty sure its bleaching.... Ok found this
and gonna us it as a foliar spray, anyone heard of it?? When it the best time to spray on leaves/buds like 8 hours before lights on, 3 hours etc????
I like twenty minutes before lights on if the bottle reccomends it. I run a green led light and keep the fans all on while i foliar. Then its usually almost, if not, totally dry before lights come on and the lights take care of all the rest of the moisture chicken louis. Some guys including me once and a while just foliar with the lights on if the airmovement is good. The only thing that you dont want to do...unless its reccomended by the company of course, is spray before lights out. Moisture on the leaves at bed time can stick around and cause powdery mildew and mould.


Well-Known Member
Your not bleaching anything at 18" with a 600w.

How long you been running your bulbs? digital or magnetic ballast? Might be time for a change. 3 harvests max. DOuble that and it can start doing funny things to your new growth.

If you dont already have an oscillating fan, set that up.

You sure its bleaching and not new growth/ph issues?

Need pics bruh
Theyre on the first page, the only other thing i can think it may be is an immediate change of nutrients when flower started with low nitrogen levels when theyre needed for stretch.


Well-Known Member
Your not bleaching anything at 18" with a 600w.

How long you been running your bulbs? digital or magnetic ballast? Might be time for a change. 3 harvests max. DOuble that and it can start doing funny things to your new growth.

If you dont already have an oscillating fan, set that up.

You sure its bleaching and not new growth/ph issues?

Need pics bruh
He means yellowing. This thread has turned into a clusterfuck lol