please help

I'm not able to post up pics but my plants is starting to get yellow spots on the Leaves also some of the top leaves are dry in and curling up. my plant is on the 5th week of flowering.
It won't let me but it looks like discoloration of the leaves some leaves are drying up at the tip. It's mostly on the top part of the plant
I'm growing in soil I'm using a 250w cfl bulb 2100k. I'm using some blooming nutes it says to put 4 tbls per gallon of water I only do 2 every other watering. I also use cal mag


Well-Known Member
Find a way to post pictures, its really the only way to help you out. Whats stopping you from posting the pictures, maybe we can help you with that also?

If im to make a guess, yellow/brown spots and curling of the leaves could be a few things, i had that happen to my plants this grow and i narrowed it down to a calcium deficiency or pH lockout.