
Hi Everyone,

I'm trying growing from seeds for the first time. Have just transferred them from the paper towels after showing first signs of roots into root riot cubes. My question is, do I use lights on them now whilst planted in the cubes or leave in the dark ?

Have read so much and I am confused. Some people leave in the dark it seems until the seeds start sprouting leaves, other suggest them getting light as soon as planted in the root riot cubes !!!


Well-Known Member
I use my lights...but not really for the light. Just the top-down warmth.

If you have a dark WARM area, then that should suffice.

I like to give new sprouts something to aim and wiggle toward as soon as they pop up too.
There seems to be differing opinions on this and I can only guess its down to preference. Also, some say 24 hour lights on at the seeding stage others say 18 on and 6 off !!!


Well-Known Member
Each strain is different and that causes conflicting opinions I'm sure.

I started my seeds off at 24 hrs light for the first week, because my nights were so cold. 6 weeks later and my girl's love thier dark period. They lay down and "droop" when there is no light to catch.
Ive got a 125W flourscent light on at the moment. The cubes seem to dry out quite quickly. I have to spray them with some PH'd water. I'm wondering if I should keep the light on or turn it off. I don't want to stress the seeds.
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Well-Known Member
It would be nice if someone familiar with cubes could chime in. But as I said before, I would keep my light on. It's how I do it, but I'm totally unfamiliar with rockwool.

i can count on my soil being too cold without my light. Germination happens faster with better rates this way for me.


Well-Known Member
Yep don't put light on em until the seed pops off the top and u have leaves, unless u don't have a warm dark place to let em pop good. I do not have a warm closet so I blow a space heater on low toward my babies and they take off after a few days. And my opinion on light is Everything needs sleep
I leave my seeds in germination until the seed pod is about to come off when I transplant into medium I can leave the seed pod just barely poking out. They take off like crazy
Here is a pic of my seeds in root riot at the mo. Do I need any light on the ones that have broke through now ? I'm just testing the water really, and see if I can get germination right. Thanks.


Here are a few going through my germination testing. One of them tends to lean over quite often, how do I get it to stay upright !!!
Here are a few going through my germination testing. One of them tends to lean over quite often, how do I get it to stay upright !!!
im not seeing a pic but if seedlings are floppy it's because you didn't plant deep enough or they aren't getting enough light but I wouldn't worry they will support themselves after some time I have a couple leaners right now myself


Well-Known Member
Here are a few going through my germination testing. One of them tends to lean over quite often, how do I get it to stay upright !!!
A little breeze will strengthen it over time. i start with just a few hours.

If it's touching the dirt, toothpicks! Get used to improvising lol.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm trying growing from seeds for the first time. Have just transferred them from the paper towels after showing first signs of roots into root riot cubes. My question is, do I use lights on them now whilst planted in the cubes or leave in the dark ?

Have read so much and I am confused. Some people leave in the dark it seems until the seeds start sprouting leaves, other suggest them getting light as soon as planted in the root riot cubes !!!
as soon as they show roots, stick them in a medium and put a light above them. The tops of the seedling( that still has the seed part attached to it) will grow upward in search of light. Without light, that lil guys gonna keep stretching and growing upward until if finds it.. Unless you want ridiculously stretched plants, put a low powered CFL or something like that over it. ;) I also wouldn't recommend an osculating fan or anything like that until its about a week or 2 old.. When it's a seedling, it's trying to establish a good root system, putting a fan on it, will cause it to strengthen its stem, which is indeed good, but when it's a baby like that, it will stunt the growth a bit as it's simply not mature enough to flourish from being blown around while it's still growing a root system. (however) this part right here about the fans for seedlings, is my personal preference. So thats on you whether you choose to follow that or not. The rest however is fact.


Well-Known Member
as soon as they show roots, stick them in a medium and put a light above them. The tops of the seedling( that still has the seed part attached to it) will grow upward in search of light. Without light, that lil guys gonna keep stretching and growing upward until if finds it.. Unless you want ridiculously stretched plants, put a low powered CFL or something like that over it. ;) I also wouldn't recommend an osculating fan or anything like that until its about a week or 2 old.. When it's a seedling, it's trying to establish a good root system, putting a fan on it, will cause it to strengthen its stem, which is indeed good, but when it's a baby like that, it will stunt the growth a bit as it's simply not mature enough to flourish from being blown around while it's still growing a root system. (however) this part right here about the fans for seedlings, is my personal preference. So thats on you whether you choose to follow that or not. The rest however is fact.
These are actually very good points. I use a fan so tiny it folds up and almost fits in my pocket, but the first few weeks can be iffy.

when super young, I like to let them lean toward the light (naturally) then turn the pots once a day so they have to lean again the opposite way. Imo it stimulates and strengthens them. If only the stem.


Well-Known Member
I use dental floss. I tie it around the plant (not too tight as to choke it) and the other end around the pot to hold it in place. I DO use an oscillating fan but not directly on my girls but over the top of them to still get a good breeze going. This helps strengthen the stem till its able to stand on its own. Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Thankyou. Do I need to start spraying them at this early stage with some bug spray at all ?
no! LOL! Don't ever put bug spray on your plants... Use NEEM OIL. However, they are way to young to be spraying with anything except regular water. And even then i wouldn't spray the foliage unless it's a clone...
Is NEEM OIL the way to go ? Like lots of forums and Internet info there are positives and negatives for every prevention method. One person says this another says that, you just never know. Ive been told that once plants are transferred to big pots that they should be sprayed with a bug type spray early on as a prevention !!!