California judge order sex change to proceed


Well-Known Member
Btw, what is a psyd wife? I write "psyd" and it wants to auto correct to psycho lofuckingl, so like your mentality I will assume that's what u meant to say.
Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) is a professional doctorate degree intended to prepare graduates for practice in psychology.

You are taking this a little personal, so I also assume this subject hits a little too close to home for you so maybe you have gender issues yourself. Good luck with that. What's with name calling? Bigot? Your talking out your ass again. Your 3rd grade mentality just proves you still can't get past the "B's" in the dictionary. And finally, you are the biggest bigot on this forum. You are against all people with common sense.
don't have a fucking meltdown, you fucking bigoted loser.


New Member
thanks for making it super easy to identify you as a bigot. probably a sock puppet too.
Thanks for not trying to argue the rest of what I wrote because you would of failed miserably. And I guess by definition we are all bigots for something.


Well-Known Member
Haha roflmao. I see you still haven't graduated from the first year of garden gnome school yet. Don't worry, hang in there. You might be a full-fledged troll one day.
  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
    "don't let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city"
    synonyms:chauvinist, partisan, sectarian; More
Sounds to me you are intolerant of everyone else's opinion here gnome. You are the definition of bigot. How's that job over at Travelocity going?

Someone who is a convicted murderer currently incarcerated, someone who has permanently taken someone else's civil rights and human rights, should not be afforded any other right other than the right to live in a 5x5 until they serve out their sentence. It's called prison for a reason. You don't go there to feel better about yourself. :clap:
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for not trying to argue the rest of what I wrote because you would of failed miserably. And I guess by definition we are all bigots for something.
your theory is that the judge is just a "secret faggot". it discredits itself. the only thing i need to do is point out what a bigoted piece of shit you are.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me you are intolerant of everyone else's opinion here gnome. You are the definition of bigot.
no, i can tolerate your opinions, however wrong they may be.

but i also have the right to point out that it is unconstitutional to deny prisoners medical services, and call you guys bigots when you formulate theories about the judge being a "secret faggot" and insinuating that i must be one as well.

dumb fucking bigots.


Well-Known Member
Fuk it we should do the surgery , give that Asshole a pussy the size of his head & put his ass & pussy out in general population .

His big pussy would be fuked raw like a Japanese bukakee whore , daily .


Well-Known Member
no, i can tolerate your opinions, however wrong they may be.

but i also have the right to point out that it is unconstitutional to deny prisoners medical services, and call you guys bigots when you formulate theories about the judge being a "secret faggot" and insinuating that i must be one as well.

dumb fucking bigots.
Haha thanks for the laugh, I needed that , been a long day.
You guys? Damn I feel special now that I'm part of a group. I didn't call or even insinuate that you were a faggot. Are you? Doesn't make a flying flip to me if your a faggot or not a faggot. Only if you are then that would make you bias to the discussion at hand. Why are you so defensive to me about what other guys are doing to you or saying to you?? You quoted my post then respond with that kind of drivel. I am not your confidant!:cuss:

Someone break out the neem. There's a fluffy faggot garden gnome running amuck.

P.S. I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to know, but do garden gnomes really roam alone? That question has haunted me ever since I found out they really existed.


Well-Known Member
I didn't call or even insinuate that you were a faggot.
my bad, you insinuated that i was a transsexual. feel free to use that in your defense, bigot.

You are taking this a little personal, so I also assume this subject hits a little too close to home for you so maybe you have gender issues yourself. Good luck with that.

Doesn't make a flying flip to me if your a faggot or not a faggot. Only if you are then that would make you bias to the discussion at hand.
why do you think homosexuals are incapable of unbiased judicial thought?

that is quite prejudiced of you, further solidifying the plain fact that you are a homophobic bigot.


Well-Known Member
my bad, you insinuated that i was a transsexual. feel free to use that in your defense, bigot.


why do you think homosexuals are incapable of unbiased judicial thought?

that is quite prejudiced of you, further solidifying the plain fact that you are a homophobic bigot.
Haha. Talking out your ass again I see. Homophobic? Even tho it is totally unnatural and goes against natural order, I understand it and am definitely not afraid of it. My wife and I had a real laugh over that one. I get more trim from her than my plants sometimes. Thanks again for the laugh. Me seriously believes you have a bright future after clown college if you just put forth some effort. Clowns can at least make it past the "B's" in the dictionary.


Well-Known Member
if it is unnatural, why does it happen in nature?

and are you ascribing intentionality to nature?

bible thumping bigot.

For the same reason that crime is illegal and happens inside the law. You will not see a fish try to mate with a bird unless it can file a joint tax return....

That`s what Gay is and how it works. Other than that, it has no relative significance to life in general.

You say medical services,...well this is a medical alteration that is not life threatening and is all about self pride. I should not have to pay for some guy to become a girl so he can serve time happy.

But,...again,...Gays get more money for nut`n and now chicks for free.


Well-Known Member
You will not see a fish try to mate with a bird unless it can file a joint tax return....

That`s what Gay is and how it works.
so you're...


and now coming out as proudly...

*homophobic bigot

why should anyone listen to your opinions on anything since they are all based in hatred?


Well-Known Member
Prison is a place for punishment not elective surgical procedures.

If the prisoner is able to prove the surgery is necessary for their wellbeing, there may be an argument, otherwise, the prisoner should wait until they have completed their prison sentence.


Well-Known Member
i've been up since noon watering the lawn and crops.

how many racist slurs have you yelled at your neighbors in that time?
Probably as many as MuyLocoNC has. Wow, that guy is openly racist, then tries to completely deny it. He can't even be man enough to admit it.


Well-Known Member
Prison is a place for punishment not elective surgical procedures.

If the prisoner is able to prove the surgery is necessary for their wellbeing, there may be an argument, otherwise, the prisoner should wait until they have completed their prison sentence.
i take issue with calling this elective since the disorder it corrects is listed in the DSM-5 right next to a whole bunch of other disorders that we treat in prisoners as well. to deny this procedure while still giving meds to patients with other mental disorders is hypocritical.

prisoners do have the right to medical treatments.


Well-Known Member
i take issue with calling this elective since the disorder it corrects is listed in the DSM-5 right next to a whole bunch of other disorders that we treat in prisoners as well. to deny this procedure while still giving meds to patients with other mental disorders is hypocritical.

prisoners do have the right to medical treatments.
It is elective unless the prisoner can prove that they are indeed inflicted by this disorder. Remember, they are a prisoner, someone of less than perfect credibility.

I do agree though, that if this prisoner is indeed experiencing this disorder and thus ruining their livelihood, they should get the procedure. But then there is the question of who pays for it? Remember, prison is a place for punishment.


Well-Known Member
i take issue with calling this elective since the disorder it corrects is listed in the DSM-5 right next to a whole bunch of other disorders that we treat in prisoners as well. to deny this procedure while still giving meds to patients with other mental disorders is hypocritical.

prisoners do have the right to medical treatments.

Giving meds and alternative surgery are two different treatments, one is not a necessity in this particular case.


Well-Known Member
It is elective unless the prisoner can prove that they are indeed inflicted by this disorder.
the criteria for gender dysphoria are very clear. this would not be an issue if a registered psyD did not determine that the patient meets the criteria for gender dysphoria.