Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Micro Grow Bloom Clones & Seedlings


Well-Known Member
I think this may be one of the hardest nutrients to find info on yet so many claim it to be magnificent. I have used their calculator and I still feel unsure of what I am doing. For instance week 1 veg and 1 week one veg from seed. When does week 1 start? Does it start after so many sets of leaves grow? Both a clone and a seedlings obviously need different amounts of nutes so this clarification would prob help many others. I am personally on day 23 from seen and Im at 600ppm down to 525 after 24 hrs. Is this about right?
Next question- If its 3 part then at what ratios are they added at different periods of the grow. Is it 1-1-1? Thats how I have been using it.
If you are supposed to feed 1000ppm does that mean that you keep your resivor @ 1000ppm or do you start at 1000 and let it drop over the week just topping off with PH RO water?
So many things are unclear.


Well-Known Member
In general less is more. Especially in regards to AN. I would only start at 80% of recommended dosage and work up from there. dont try to keep it at 1000 ppm. Let it drop through the week. This is my opintion though. Im guessing you are water culture. @jigfresh knows way more about that than I. Although I have dabbled a bit.


Well-Known Member
All of this you will get a feel for as you grow. 1000 is just a number they picked in the middle of things, some plants need less some need more. I think following the chart is a good place to start for the first grow. However like Someguy said, use about 75% of what they say to use. If the plants look hungry, give them more.

And don't stress the ppms too much. If you fill a new Rez to three quarters of what the chart says, and that gets you to 800, note that and see how the plants like it. I don't find a need to add more nutrients between Rez changes. I will add water for a week before more nutes are added.

Of course one big factor is the size of plants vs reservoir. If they are drinking a whole Rez in 2 days that's different than drinking a whole Rez in a week


Well-Known Member
All of this you will get a feel for as you grow. 1000 is just a number they picked in the middle of things, some plants need less some need more. I think following the chart is a good place to start for the first grow. However like Someguy said, use about 75% of what they say to use. If the plants look hungry, give them more.

And don't stress the ppms too much. If you fill a new Rez to three quarters of what the chart says, and that gets you to 800, note that and see how the plants like it. I don't find a need to add more nutrients between Rez changes. I will add water for a week before more nutes are added.

Of course one big factor is the size of plants vs reservoir. If they are drinking a whole Rez in 2 days that's different than drinking a whole Rez in a week


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the clarification. this is my second DWC grow. I tried soil and decided it wasnt for me and thought if I really knew what I was doing then DWC could be very rewarding. I had them go to about 15 days with very light nutes. I strarted them on 185 ppm @ day 14 and let ride to about day 19 and they started showing some nitrogen def so I pumped it to 600 and the bottom leaves are starting to come back. I am now @ day 23 and on day 7 with this resivor. Here is a pic of them bouncing back from the lack of nitrogen. I was reading not to start nutes till week 3 but now see I could have started after about 10 days after germination. I see what you mean when you say get the feel for it. I was just a bit unsure. My new growth is lime gree but turns dark green is this normal? They do seem to be growing at a decent rate. 25 gallon res @ 69 degrees, grow room is 80 degrees, ph 5.7 600 watt MH, 550 ppm. 4 super skunk females. Letting the PPm fall through the week is much easier. so @ the end of the week should I expect to see the PPM almost down to zero? The first grow I think I under fed them. I added everyday but at most 130 ppm. It would fall to 50 and I would put the difference back the next day when I topped off. It was so much work. that's why I tried soil. Thanks for some clarification. Hopefully this thread will help other in the same boat.



Well-Known Member
The light green for new growth is just right. As long as the big leaves are nice and dark. I have never grown from seed so I can't really say on timing with that. I do know 150 is super low. Maybe for seedlings, but anything with roots should be higher. 600-800 is a good place to start your rez, 600 earlier, up to 800. I used to do like 1500, but that was a waste and the plants suffered. Some plants might need 1000 or 1200. I've never grown any, I think sativas need more nutes than indicas, not sure.

your conditions sound just right. keep the water temps below 74 and youre good. The ppms wont fall to 0 by the end of the week... if they do get down to 100 you might want to add nutes more than once a week. I find once a week to once every 10 days is good. I have a big rez like you. It can take 30, but I usually use 14-18 something like that. Anyways, I'll fill it up on Sunday, add nutes and all that jazz, ppms lets say 800. By wednesday it might be down to 750 or something, sometimes a little higher, like 850. Either way I'll add a few gallons to keep the water level up. That will dilute it down to 500 ppms or so. I let it run till sunday, adding a gallon or two if needed of water. That will dilute it more... then Sunday do it all over again.

I personally leave the water that's left over in there. It's usually only a couple gallons at the bottom. First few grows I drained it completely every week, but I gave that up.

Also, if you stick with the same set up and same nutrients for a few grows you will really get a feel. You will find yourself not needing the ph pen to adjust things, and not checking ppms as much. I've used the same nutrients my grow career and it's nice to know how much to add many times without even looking it up.


Well-Known Member
The light green for new growth is just right. As long as the big leaves are nice and dark. I have never grown from seed so I can't really say on timing with that. I do know 150 is super low. Maybe for seedlings, but anything with roots should be higher. 600-800 is a good place to start your rez, 600 earlier, up to 800. I used to do like 1500, but that was a waste and the plants suffered. Some plants might need 1000 or 1200. I've never grown any, I think sativas need more nutes than indicas, not sure.

your conditions sound just right. keep the water temps below 74 and youre good. The ppms wont fall to 0 by the end of the week... if they do get down to 100 you might want to add nutes more than once a week. I find once a week to once every 10 days is good. I have a big rez like you. It can take 30, but I usually use 14-18 something like that. Anyways, I'll fill it up on Sunday, add nutes and all that jazz, ppms lets say 800. By wednesday it might be down to 750 or something, sometimes a little higher, like 850. Either way I'll add a few gallons to keep the water level up. That will dilute it down to 500 ppms or so. I let it run till sunday, adding a gallon or two if needed of water. That will dilute it more... then Sunday do it all over again.

I personally leave the water that's left over in there. It's usually only a couple gallons at the bottom. First few grows I drained it completely every week, but I gave that up.

Also, if you stick with the same set up and same nutrients for a few grows you will really get a feel. You will find yourself not needing the ph pen to adjust things, and not checking ppms as much. I've used the same nutrients my grow career and it's nice to know how much to add many times without even looking it up.
Thank you soooo much for the info. I feel so much more at ease and finally feel a little confident in what I have been doing. I just needed some confirmation. I take care of a coral reef tank and thought that this should be a tad easier with controlling the parameters. Thanks for simplifying life! I will be sure to contribute some info once I feel I am knowledgeable enough to do so. Many thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ah man, if you did coral tanks this should be a breeze. They are weeds after all.... Will grow about anywhere.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
LMAO, that's what I was thinking. Its a lot easier getting the correct information to take care of a reef tank but I think I am on track now. ;-) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Isn't it funny what a bunch of idiots pot growers are. I'll include myself I suppose. It's like everything is a fight.

FFs. We are all just trying to grow some good smoke. :)

Glad you are on the right track.


Well-Known Member
I have an update on what I seemed to learn about lime green new growth. Let me know what you think. I suspect I was giving borderline amount of nutes on the low end. The reason I say this is because while I had lime green growth my bottom leaves were yellowing. I then would bump up the ppm about 100ppm or so ant the lower leaves would start to get their green color back but in a day or two would start to yellow again. when I checked ppm it sure enough had dropped by 100ppm give or take. I then went to about 800 ppm and the tops started to grow dark green growth and the lower leaves are now holding steady. For good measure i still went to 900 ppm as I thought I was still too close to the minimum amount of nutes. Tomorrow is friday and I will be doing a res change and putting the nutes back to 900 ppm which they have been feeding at for about 24hrs now. Today is day 27 from seed. I think I am getting the feel for it now. Easier to let the plant tell you what it does or does not want. ;-) does 900 ppm sound about right at this stage? Not that it matters much by the way they are looking. Oh i also came across these cool 160 led fixtures but they are 3500K. can they be utilized? pics attached!



I use advanced nutrients and dwc and have constantly ph dropping
I tried all I could and not succeed , my tap water not good as ppm300 and ph8.2 so I can mix with di-water (ppm0), ro-water (ppm20)
I tried to mix ro-water and tap 50/50 so ppm 150 (as tells AN support) and nothing good.. I added calimagic to started ro-water up to ppm150..the same ph dropping.. I tried to adjust to ph6 started water then add nutrients and nothing ..I have ph6.5 after 5 hours and catch ph4.5 after 20hours...that looks like damnation.. ofcoz ma plants not happy with it..I changed all advanced nutrients ph perfect bases which they have...and all the same
now I run with their GMB ph perfect... I read a lot of the forums that have opposite opinions.. underfeeding or overfeeding...I reduce and increase ppm but not see much difference..I guess if I add 4ml-L as tells AN support I just kill ma plants ...
I ve done 20 hours flush with UCroots then change with fresh mid-doze nutrients and found ph4.7 this morning ...uuh(( I start to hate it and that’s not good help
the only thing that I cant control is condition inside tanks after scrog not allow that.. but never any bad smell or slime..solution temperature inside 16-21C (60.8-69.8F)...I removed co2 buckets from box and dropping..
please maybe u can help me.. what that?
thnx a lot


Well-Known Member
I use advanced nutrients and dwc and have constantly ph dropping
I tried all I could and not succeed , my tap water not good as ppm300 and ph8.2 so I can mix with di-water (ppm0), ro-water (ppm20)
I tried to mix ro-water and tap 50/50 so ppm 150 (as tells AN support) and nothing good.. I added calimagic to started ro-water up to ppm150..the same ph dropping.. I tried to adjust to ph6 started water then add nutrients and nothing ..I have ph6.5 after 5 hours and catch ph4.5 after 20hours...that looks like damnation.. ofcoz ma plants not happy with it..I changed all advanced nutrients ph perfect bases which they have...and all the same
now I run with their GMB ph perfect... I read a lot of the forums that have opposite opinions.. underfeeding or overfeeding...I reduce and increase ppm but not see much difference..I guess if I add 4ml-L as tells AN support I just kill ma plants ...
I ve done 20 hours flush with UCroots then change with fresh mid-doze nutrients and found ph4.7 this morning ...uuh(( I start to hate it and that’s not good help
the only thing that I cant control is condition inside tanks after scrog not allow that.. but never any bad smell or slime..solution temperature inside 16-21C (60.8-69.8F)...I removed co2 buckets from box and dropping..
please maybe u can help me.. what that?
thnx a lot
It seems to me that everyone has different results and the reason I THINK why is because the water sources are different. I suspect my water is high in calcium because my ph rises when using ph perfect but not when using RO water. when using RO my ph stayed at 5.8. You stated it was @ 20 ppm which I think would be fine but maybe not. Have you tried straight distilled water alone? Doesn't seem worth it though. I switched to GH 3 part with cal mag and having great results. My ph swings but I just add PH up once a day. If I am not mistaken a small ph swing from 5.4 to 5.8 is fine. I wanted to get away from messing with PH but realized its not a big deal as you tend to the garden daily anyway. I saved money with the switch. Here is a pic 13- days into flower from that same crop in the pics



my plants not so happy as urs) yes i tried pure medicine water ppm0 (boiled and vap) first, i was long conversation with AN support which insists on ppm0 backgraund...i saw many youtube guys which use ph perfect base with killa rezult and that seems to me that's diferent nutrients...that's my third run..the first one was pure distelled (ppm0) with sensigrow and connoisseur , i did not check close ph and ppm - once or twice a week and had got slow grow and burnt second run i started experience with bases and additives , i used connoisseur grow AB and connoisseur bloom AB with all their additives which must do right ionic balance for ph the vega end i got ph dropping..3-4days and ph went to hell that killed ma all social my third atempt ..many growers told me about dissteled water ppm0 and i bought 4stage RO ppm20 for growing..also i decided use MGB ph perfect during all cycle-run, not changing base for flower and i get ph dropping for 20hours...that's stop in 2-3 days if i add some my hard tap water.. but i cant manage to prepare the solution so it be in ph limits up to now((((


Well-Known Member
my plants not so happy as urs) yes i tried pure medicine water ppm0 (boiled and vap) first, i was long conversation with AN support which insists on ppm0 backgraund...i saw many youtube guys which use ph perfect base with killa rezult and that seems to me that's diferent nutrients...that's my third run..the first one was pure distelled (ppm0) with sensigrow and connoisseur , i did not check close ph and ppm - once or twice a week and had got slow grow and burnt second run i started experience with bases and additives , i used connoisseur grow AB and connoisseur bloom AB with all their additives which must do right ionic balance for ph the vega end i got ph dropping..3-4days and ph went to hell that killed ma all social my third atempt ..many growers told me about dissteled water ppm0 and i bought 4stage RO ppm20 for growing..also i decided use MGB ph perfect during all cycle-run, not changing base for flower and i get ph dropping for 20 hours...that's stop in 2-3 days if i add some my hard tap water.. but i cant manage to prepare the solution so it be in ph limits up to now((((
I would stop trying to make it PH perfect and use ph up or down on a daily basis, every 12 hours if you need to. All the previous nutes should have been just fine if you adjusted you PH daily. I wake up and my ph is AT 5.3-5.4 Add PH up and bring to a 5.8-5.9 I know that AN PH perfect is supposed to work and it did for me but I have heard others have the same complaint.