nope i am in a none earthquake zone ..............i am somewhere on the middle of one of the plates (might have old fault lines but i am not cali or anyplace like that )
i got nothing to worry about i sleep in a split lvl house on the first floor (by the way the 1st floor is about 60% under ground on 2 sides and i am that corner (when i lay down to sleep u can not see me on flair unless u are directly over the house )
as for the rest i have ammo out the ying yang ........and not the simple buck shot
armor piercing
armor piercing inc round
explosive rounds
door breacher
pepper round
flame thrower rounds
devils toothpicks
thunder blanks (140 db in your face round)
that is just some of them i picked up over the years .............then i have the crazy KKK rednecks and their bunkers u have National gaurd depots and all the gun shops
( i been around i seen what some of these ppl have i know a guy with a 50 cal machine gun and claymores out the ass ) i got ex swat team from the police that have det cord and thermite cord ....those are my ppl not even count my family's
the world can end the governemet can crumble ppl can turn into mad max world life will not change i will still be the same person i am trading and making deals
the guy that make power
the guy that makes drink
the guy that can make meds out natural herbs ( i learned to make penicillian out of bread mold )