Sock puppets on the rise


Well-Known Member
FYI, that's creepy especially if you're accusatory, from the start, in pm. open forum is a more honest environment. post a picture of your face brother.
ugh, I just didn't want to spam the board with your issues.
Don't post a picture of your face, please.


Well-Known Member
A member who hasn't even been here a year, is trying to accuse a 3 year vet of being a sock puppet. That's priceless. :lol:
Were you and I talking here?

Why is your 2 cents necessary to resolve this situation?

Unless...would you also like to pick a fight with me?

Let hear it. Lets hear how my postings are raping your face and you just HAVE to read them and its sooooooo offensive to your delicate sensitivities.

hahaha, unless you weren't talking about me and you were trying to start shit with another member.

In which case - um......oooops? I can be a real cunt sometimes. GUILTY!


Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow.
Thank you, thank you very much!

I'm honest about my intentions.

If you pick a fight with me, I will get mad.

I'm not going to throw half insults and snide remarks at you like we are in the Sweet Vally High.

If you have something to say, use your words and say it.

So - you WERE talking about me? Did I call him a sock? I might of, Trouser and I don't get along well at the moment. That may change. I'd expect an apology first. Doesn't seem like he's that type of guy.... DON'T want to fight??


This is a public forum. I am allowed to express my opinions, whether you like them or agree with them or not. I do not need permission from you to say what I'm thinking. Also, I haven't addressed you, so I would appreciate it if you would stop quoting me. Thanks. This sort of childish drama is why everyone is leaving this place.


Well-Known Member
This is a public forum. I am allowed to express my opinions, whether you like them or agree with them or not. I do not need permission from you to say what I'm thinking. Also, I haven't addressed you, so I would appreciate it if you would stop quoting me. Thanks. This sort of childish drama is why everyone is leaving this place.
Are you talking to me now?

Am I allowed to quote you now?

Its very difficult to infer meaning and purpose of a message unless you are direct and specific.

Thinking back, you were very possibly talking about Mainliner and not me and I just assumed you were being dickish to myself.

I'll admit when I'm wrong.

Also - aren't we in the tote and talk section? As far as I heard - THIS was the childish section. We are also currently in a thread called "sock puppets on the rise" - it's got Fight written all over it.

If you don't like childish drama, maybe just put me and the other members you don't like on ignore?

Probably a lot easier than trying to micro-manage what other people post.

Just a thought...
I just assumed

If you don't like childish drama, maybe just put me and the other members you don't like on ignore?
That's a good idea. Maybe you should consider doing the same. I tried to be polite. But, it seems as though you are desperate to start a problem where there isn't one. What's wrong with you?
Probably a lot easier than trying to micro-manage what other people post.
What a very hypocritical thing to say, considering that's what you are trying to do to me right now. I am sorry you feel the way you do right now. Please do not take it out on me. I am just here to read and have fun.


Well-Known Member
Yet you still felt the need to attack, and insult me. Why is that?

That's a good idea. Maybe you should consider doing the same. I tried to be polite. But, it seems as though you are desperate to start a problem where there isn't one. What's wrong with you?

What a very hypocritical thing to say, considering that's what you are trying to do to me right now. I am sorry you feel the way you do right now. Please do not take it out on me. I am just here to read and have fun.
Well then READ and stop trying to tell me how to behave, cool?

I'm just saying if you want to put your two cents in, in the middle of an INTERNET FIGHT, then you might get scratched by one of us caddy bitches.

I'm admittedly not right in the head. I'm kinda bi-polar, I have control and anger issues. I have A LOT of feelings and I tend to snap a little - on internet at least.

There's A LOT wrong with me.

I said you were acting "dick-ish" IF you were trying to start a fight with me that you had no previous involvement with.

I guess you and Trousers are besties or something? Or you just really hate new members? Or me?

Meh - you are more than entitled to your opinion.

I don't know how I feel about you yet. The jury is still out on that one...