somebody please identify this problem!

ok so I honestly don't understand ph then. Can u please give me a simple answer as to what the ph of the water I'm putting in should be? I cant get a straight answer anyway. I've been watering with 7.0ph based on the test color bottle and have flushed the bad plant once 2 days ago with 6.5ish ph. Should I do both 6.5 or stick with my unchanged tap water which is 7

phil k

Well-Known Member
ok so I honestly don't understand ph then. Can u please give me a simple answer as to what the ph of the water I'm putting in should be? I cant get a straight answer anyway. I've been watering with 7.0ph based on the test color bottle and have flushed the bad plant once 2 days ago with 6.5ish ph. Should I do both 6.5 or stick with my unchanged tap water which is 7
6.5 is where you should be on soil... range really is 6.2-6.8 but running 6.5 I've never had one respond poorly ever at that ph

phil k

Well-Known Member
REALLY your fine with 7.0 cause its neutral but your plant wants a bit of acidity to the water... it will always respond better at 6.5


Well-Known Member
its ocean forest burn... humidity flux would never cause that unless your at like 10% even in that case a burn wouldn't happen it would cause the edges of your leaf to curl.

if it was ph issues you'd see a completely different look and all leaves would be responding..
So the nutes in his medium is what ur saying is the cause to this? Ive never seen medium burn lol i use royal gold tupur tho its pretty stable ive just seen what ppl think is mag def caused by humidity cuz i had that problem

phil k

Well-Known Member
So the nutes in his medium is what ur saying is the cause to this? Ive never seen medium burn lol i use royal gold tupur tho its pretty stable ive just seen what ppl think is mag def caused by humidity cuz i had that problem

oh yeah royal gold will do the same thing... its normal i mean.. not normal i should say its not like you want it.. but whats happening is the plants young fragile roots are just now establishing.. so the minute the young feeders touch the hot portions they burn.. but they also (in ocean forest) come into contact with salts and a lot of them... his burn the way the leaf is dry, with ZERO tip burn really suggests he hit high salt content parts more than the hot soil.. but a couple plants you can see clear burn from the soil having too much of a charge ...its really inevitable unless you let the soil burn off outside in a bucket or something for a while after mixing.. that heat exchange process eliminates a lot of the salts and helps leech some of the chemicals out of the hotter soil into the "no charge/cut soil you use like light warrior or something"
even then you can still get burn from running the mixes... your roots are always sitting in amended soil... so they are forced to eat regardless ... once your plants adapt then your fine but young ones will consistently have that..

phil k

Well-Known Member
So the nutes in his medium is what ur saying is the cause to this? Ive never seen medium burn lol i use royal gold tupur tho its pretty stable ive just seen what ppl think is mag def caused by humidity cuz i had that problem
isn't royal gold mostly casting material though if i remember right?


Well-Known Member
oh yeah royal gold will do the same thing... its normal i mean.. not normal i should say its not like you want it.. but whats happening is the plants young fragile roots are just now establishing.. so the minute the young feeders touch the hot portions they burn.. but they also (in ocean forest) come into contact with salts and a lot of them... his burn the way the leaf is dry, with ZERO tip burn really suggests he hit high salt content parts more than the hot soil.. but a couple plants you can see clear burn from the soil having too much of a charge ...its really inevitable unless you let the soil burn off outside in a bucket or something for a while after mixing.. that heat exchange process eliminates a lot of the salts and helps leech some of the chemicals out of the hotter soil into the "no charge/cut soil you use like light warrior or something"
even then you can still get burn from running the mixes... your roots are always sitting in amended soil... so they are forced to eat regardless ... once your plants adapt then your fine but young ones will consistently have that..
Weird ive just never experienced that myself but i also wash my medium first

phil k

Well-Known Member
Some yes its just a good coco perlite soil i dig the shit outta it ive never had a problem with it
yeah its a lot different from ocean forset theres all kinds of mix in ocean forest like fish meals and stuff like that which carry higher charges.


New Member
ya man look at the post before the one u quoted me in. They are constantly running but there aimed over the plants at the lights so the plants are barely even moving with how they're set up. So kinda yes and no to answer that question lol. I cant find a 6in oscillating fan anywhere so this is the best I can do for fans
in this case i think too its some nutrient problem like salt burn
just watered the plant that's doing great with 6.5ph give or take a tenth or so. You guys are life saver. I'm glad to know im not the only one this happens to and im glad its not completely my fault it happened lol. Should I turn this into a grow log? Would love some advice along the way in case I run into anymore problems!

phil k

Well-Known Member
just watered the plant that's doing great with 6.5ph give or take a tenth or so. You guys are life saver. I'm glad to know im not the only one this happens to and im glad its not completely my fault it happened lol. Should I turn this into a grow log? Would love some advice along the way in case I run into anymore problems!
more than likely your only next issue could be two or three main things when your growing the way you are.. one is your ph always has to be on point.. your clearly good there i can see that in your plants. overwater you'll notice your leaves really start to sag... low oxygen will look like chemical burns but has a different look if you know what to look for.. its hard to describe.. other than that.. your production won't be massive with that system.. so don't expect to be hitting 3oz a plant or anything..
I'm goin on vacation in July for a week. So I've given myself a rough estimate of 4 weeks after harvest to dry for 7-14 days and cure for at least 2 weeks. Il be happy with any yield that'll supple that one week vacation. So about a half zip dry would make me happy enough. So if the afghani turns out to be female Il have 2 plants to harvest :)


Well-Known Member
copper spotting = calmag issue

you cause lockout issues with ph below 5.5 and above 7. looks like same issue i had which calmag solved it.

i busted ass my last grow like you are doing, using only distilled water, testing ph and ppm every water mixing and it was tedious, and caused alot of problems the whole grow. my 2nd go around ive used off the faucet well water, no ph up or down, not even bothering ph'ing or testing ppm and this plant has given me ZERO problems.

Dont get over worked.
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copper spotting = calmag issue

you cause lockout issues with ph below 5.5 and above 7. looks like same issue i had which calmag solved it.

i busted ass my last grow like you are doing, using only distilled water, testing ph and ppm every water mixing and it was tedious, and caused alot of problems the whole grow. my 2nd go around ive used off the faucet well water, no ph up or down, not even bothering ph'ing or testing ppm and this plant has given me ZERO problems.

Dont get over worked.
I did that with a few bagseed plants a few weeks ago before my good genetic seeds came in. But this time around I started with unchecked tap water only no ppm check either and my afghani was perfectly fine but my strawberry blue was not okay with the enviroment at all. Either way i feel more comfortable kmowining ph 6.5 is going in everytime. I plan to do some serious organic research over the next few months so i can avoid the liquid nutes next time. But i hear you i tried for the simple unchecked grow but i wasn't as lucky as u so i started ph-Ing after problems started.

Portland PL

New Member
It looks more like maybe the way your are watering, make sure you are getting run off every time. when not the salts from the soil will build up and change the ph of the soil, the run off is mostly what you want to check when watering, you'll grab the first bit run out, and if your not getting run off then that as well as not emptying the saucers after the watering, will defitently give you those burns, the burns will not fix just the new leafs will be good, the ph range ppl are give 6.2-6.8 even 7.0 is ok but most nutes are not avil unless in that range, but key is the run off, if run off is back in range than just keep on trucking if not flush with mild 5-10ml/gal of molasses 2-3x volume than 1x volume stright h2o(non-cl h2o) hope this helps


Well-Known Member
^ This.

as someone else said, dont worry about the damages now, they are not reversible. just focus and keep an eye on new growth.