... The news and their outrageous claims.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a dealer, I have no desire to be one... So this thread isn't about growing pot and selling it.. It's only about the news and their outrageous claims...

"Authorities say a single plant can produce $4,000 worth of pot on the streets."
[Caption for image 5]

I've never purchased a whole plant's worth of marijuana.. But it seems to me this claim is completely off.


Mexican cartels running pot farms in U.S. national forest - CNN.com


Well-Known Member
depending on the strain, where you reside, and how well it was grown ive heard of them selling that high...but most of the time they sell in my area for around 3k. NOW...if i took anything from northern california, oregon, washington, or especially from here in alaska or British columbia, i put money on it that i could make 5k off a pound.


Well-Known Member
But in order to get a pound from a single plant it would have to yield slightly over 453.5 grams....

Isn't that pretty high?

The average RIU yield I see is much lower than that.


Well-Known Member
But in order to get a pound from a single plant it would have to yield slightly over 453.5 grams....

Isn't that pretty high?
no not really i expect at least a pound a plant

depends on where you grow and how long the grow season is,
there are a lot of variables.
the one in my avatar yielded 3 lbs dry ,i have grown bigger and fdd has certainly grown bigger,
so they are correct with there estimate:hump:


Well-Known Member
no not really i expect at least a pound a plant

depends on where you grow and how long the grow season is,
there are a lot of variables.
the one in my avatar yielded 3 lbs dry ,i have grown bigger and fdd has certainly grown bigger,
so they are correct with there estimate:hump:
WTF.. the "plant" in your avatar is not a plant.. That's a fucking HEDGE.

I guess with a plant like that, I would believe it. I was just taking it from the sizes in image #7. I suppose to be fair, they could still be in veg at that stage.

Well...... whatever.. fuck the news anyway.


Well-Known Member
WTF.. the "plant" in your avatar is not a plant.. That's a fucking HEDGE.

I guess with a plant like that, I would believe it. I was just taking it from the sizes in image #7. I suppose to be fair, they could still be in veg at that stage.

Well...... whatever.. fuck the news anyway.
lol.....thanks you really shouldnt make a person laugh whilst drinking coffee in front of the computer

+rep for you


Well-Known Member
over here when a grow is busted the police often just rip the plants(wearing big thick gloves like fucking bio hazard type like theyre gona get contaminated by the plants or some shit) out of the pots often with roots still attached bag em up and weigh it all down the copshop, everything gets weighd roots, stems leaves not just the bud all soaking wet, then they come up with these ridiculous figures of street value, not taking into account that 70% of the plant is water, and what weight is left after drying only about 70% is smokable bud with value after the removal of large leaves and stems.


Well-Known Member
and im forever reading news articles in a uk growers forum with titles like "£250000 worth of drugs found in cannabis factory" and when see the pictures its just maybe like 100plants a few weeks into veg. Fucking crazy:-|


Well-Known Member
It just sounds so much better when the cops bust someone with a few plants and weigh everything, 5 pound bust!! but they do it to show the public that we are getting our tax dollars worth. Now if it were the truth, "cops bust man with 20 Grams of Herb" then the taxpayers would start asking questions about the shit performance of the PD. They do it, cuz John Q Public doesn't know any better. Always slappin themselves on the back for bustin some dude with a couple plants, but takes em years and years(Decades) to catch the real criminals (BTK Killer, Son of Sam, John Casey...list goes on and on...unabomber .....)

Pot is so fucking common in every town in america, the cops like to get paid for doing very little actual work, so they pick on the little guy that isn't hurting anyone cuz he is an easy target.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i think the 4k for a pound plant is close to accurate for a large outdoor plant a little on the high side though, the problem is just how they do it, they weigh the whoue thing...roots and all soaking wet, so now your big ass plant that might produce a pound suddenly weighs 10 pounds and is worth $40,000, like do you ever see these million dollar opperations they claim, its usually a bedroom with a few lights, that cranks out a few pounds every few months...fuck i hate cops and their bullshit