Overwatering but drying out fast


Active Member
I got 6 plants all female, 2 1/2 weeks into flowering. Closet space is 2.5 x 3. I have the door left open and 2 fans providing the air circulation throughout the closet. 55,000 Lumen HPS400W i have it raised 2.5 feet. I got Perfect potting soil from walmart...i dont have the bag now so i dont know the exact amout of nutes it had. Ive also mixed a very small portion(handfull) of some slow release fert Pennington ALL PURPOSE plant food giving 6-10-10 and 1 portion per 4 portions of soil of worm castings.

Problem?: I see users in the forums talking about watering 1-2 times weekly. However i find myself watering everyday on some of them. 5/6 Showed no signs of overwatering but the one i overwatered by accident i believe. The soil itself dries out very quickly. When i say dries out i mean i poke my finger more than 1" and the soil still felt very dry. I might not be giving them enough water to last of what?

any advice, thanks
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Well-Known Member
I got 6 plants all female, 2 1/2 weeks into flowering. Closet space is 2.5 x 3. I have the door left open and 2 fans providing the air circulation throughout the closet. 55,000 Lumen HPS400W i have it raised 2.5 feet. I got Perfect potting soil from walmart...i dont have the bag now so i dont know the exact amout of nutes it had. Ive also mixed a very small portion(handfull) of some slow release fert Pennington ALL PURPOSE plant food giving 6-10-10 and 1 portion per 4 portions of soil of worm castings.

Problem?: I see users in the forums talking about watering 1-2 times weekly. However i find myself watering everyday on some of them. 5/6 Showed no signs of overwatering but the one i overwatered by accident i believe. The soil itself dries out very quickly. When i say dries out i mean i poke my finger more than 1" and the soil still felt very dry. I might not be giving them enough water to last of what?

any advice, thanks
When we talk about "dry" we mean the soil is crusty at the top. If you check your soil and it's moist not wet; then you don't need to water them until the first 1/2 to an 1" inch of soil is crusty.


Active Member
Yes the soil is crusty. The pot sizes are 10 x 10. On occasion i squeeze the containers to help loosen the soil and maybe help satistfy for more oxygen... is this alright to do or a waste. I dont want the plants getting any larger than 3 feet so is it alright to leave them where there at...wouldnt they eventually become rootbound, i do want to acheive high yeild but that would mean transplanting into larger containers, because again im trying not to get over 3 feet high, i need to figure out the right size container to acheive this.... the hps light is around 4 1/2 feet up and it seems to produce hella heat till about 10" out, dont want to burn them for sure

and also when watering what should be sufficient, water drain at the bottom because i usually dont see water draining off, i do give my girls a decent supply of water though. I do foliar feed from time to time but try not to over-do it. i usually only do this when they look real dry and thirsty
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