I really, really, really hate Republicans


Well-Known Member
When have I said that?

I think workers should be paid what they work for, that's it
Flipping burgers and scrubbing floors = 60+ hours a week to survive.

That's what those jobs are worth. Not everyone gets to go home after 40 hours and call it quits for the week.

Fucking cry.


Well-Known Member
Flipping burgers and scrubbing floors = 60+ hours a week to survive.

That's what those jobs are worth. Not everyone gets to go home after 40 hours and call it quits for the week.

Fucking cry.
your dream of making everyone as miserable a fuck as you are might come true one day.

Do you feel like you get paid for the right amount of work you do?
he doesn't work, he sucked his allotment of dicks already.


Well-Known Member
Flipping burgers and scrubbing floors = 60+ hours a week to survive.

That's what those jobs are worth. Not everyone gets to go home after 40 hours and call it quits for the week.

Fucking cry.
If that's all those jobs were worth, fast food corporations that pay their employees minimum wage wouldn't be able to exist. Clearly the surplus labor workers in the fast food industry produce is valuable to employers.

You truly do not understand how capitalism works or even the scope of the conversation. You keep talking about handouts and defending exploitative business practices while shitting on the American working class, and clearly, you're not interested in learning


Well-Known Member
If that's all those jobs were worth, fast food corporations that pay their employees minimum wage wouldn't be able to exist. Clearly the surplus labor workers in the fast food industry produce is valuable to employers.

You truly do not understand how capitalism works or even the scope of the conversation. You keep talking about handouts and defending exploitative business practices while shitting on the American working class, and clearly, you're not interested in learning
Surplus labor? Is that where your employer actually makes you work the entire time you are at work? OMG, how fucking cruel and unusual to only pay someone for their actual production value, rather than just because their ass showed up that day.

Keep working for the man, because you are too entitled for anything else.


Well-Known Member
Do you feel like you get paid for the right amount of work you do?
No.... Not yet. But I haven't worked since 2011 sometime. And then I was making Shit pay like 9$ and I mainly did that to keep the eye off me. Legal income. I'm. All for a federal minimum wage raise. But let's not get overboard


Well-Known Member
McDonalds employs roughly 1.7 million people worldwide.

In 2014, McDonalds posted a year end earnings of 27.4B.

If you raised EVERY employee's salary by $3.00 an hour, it would cost McDonalds at year end a total of $7.65B extra in salary expenses.

Even with that extra expenditure, McDonalds would still post a yearly earnings of roughly $20B.

If they raised the price of their meals by $0.25 across the board, that salary expense I stated earlier would be offset by roughly $1.3B in sales. What's the average price of a Big Mac meal? Let's go with $4.88. So an increase of $0.25, would make the meals $5.13, a hit that I think most tubby-butts could handle.

The average employee's improved standard of living, with an increase of $480 extra in their monthly income, would be substantial.

And that's just talking about increasing the average salary of $8.05 an hour to $11.05 an hour.


Well-Known Member
McDonalds employs roughly 1.7 million people worldwide.

In 2014, McDonalds posted a year end earnings of 27.4B.

If you raised EVERY employee's salary by $3.00 an hour, it would cost McDonalds at year end a total of $7.65B extra in salary expenses.

Even with that extra expenditure, McDonalds would still post a yearly earnings of roughly $20B.

If they raised the price of their meals by $0.25 across the board, that salary expense I stated earlier would be offset by roughly $1.3B in sales. What's the average price of a Big Mac meal? Let's go with $4.88. So an increase of $0.25, would make the meals $5.13, a hit that I think most tubby-butts could handle.

The average employee's improved standard of living, with an increase of $480 extra in their monthly income, would be substantial.

And that's just talking about increasing the average salary of $8.05 an hour to $11.05 an hour.
Good to see ya see4...

Are you sure of your numbers? If they're correct, I'd like to see this mentioned in the national news.


Well-Known Member
Good to see ya see4...

Are you sure of your numbers? If they're correct, I'd like to see this mentioned in the national news.
Hey TBone.. yea, those are good numbers. The McDonalds earnings are straight from their website. The Big Mac meal avg cost is pulled from WSJ publication. The McDonalds employment numbers are from wikipedia. Everything else is just a matter of deduction.

It should be in national news. But national news is too busy sensationalizing everything that doesn't matter.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
McDonalds employs roughly 1.7 million people worldwide.

In 2014, McDonalds posted a year end earnings of 27.4B.

If you raised EVERY employee's salary by $3.00 an hour, it would cost McDonalds at year end a total of $7.65B extra in salary expenses.

Even with that extra expenditure, McDonalds would still post a yearly earnings of roughly $20B.

If they raised the price of their meals by $0.25 across the board, that salary expense I stated earlier would be offset by roughly $1.3B in sales. What's the average price of a Big Mac meal? Let's go with $4.88. So an increase of $0.25, would make the meals $5.13, a hit that I think most tubby-butts could handle.

The average employee's improved standard of living, with an increase of $480 extra in their monthly income, would be substantial.

And that's just talking about increasing the average salary of $8.05 an hour to $11.05 an hour.

I read where McDonalds has 27Bill of earnings with 5bill profit. So if there profit is 5.5 billion and you want to add 7.65 billion in added pay raises where does the company stand? They could raise there prices , but it looks like a pretty big hurdle for a company to give away more than what they profit.

You could add the higher price like what you said and that still would not get you back to even. If you subtract your 1.3 billion from the higher price from the 7.65 billion of the added payroll you would be at 6.3 billion . They would fall short of breaking even by .8 billion.

How many dollars more would they have to get from a big mac to break even? not cents because a quarter wouldn't even come close from what I see.


Well-Known Member
They will cry, gnash their teeth and argue all week long, but in the end Amtrak will be voted out and more military spending in by both republican'ts and democant's.

Amtrak should have died 10 years ago, it hasn't turned an actual profit, ever.
Publicly funded for profit companies never do.

Let Amtrak die so that some industrious private company can start their own passenger train service.

2.5 million more bus rides each month.

That derailment probably had more to do with the train going a claimed 106MPH into a turn, twice as fast as its supposed to go, and not due to underlying infrastructure problems.

Trains derail all the time, literally every day. Most of them are at much lower speeds.
so much fail.
Let Amtrak die, so a private company can take over and derail more trains at slower speeds. So instead of just cargo trains derailing everyday, you now want to have commuter trains derailing everyday also?
You are one of the dickwads OP is talking about FYI.


Well-Known Member

I read where McDonalds has 27Bill of earnings with 5bill profit. So if there profit is 5.5 billion and you want to add 7.65 billion in added pay raises where does the company stand? They could raise there prices , but it looks like a pretty big hurdle for a company to give away more than what they profit.

You could add the higher price like what you said and that still would not get you back to even. If you subtract your 1.3 billion from the higher price from the 7.65 billion of the added payroll you would be at 6.3 billion . They would fall short of breaking even by .8 billion.

How many dollars more would they have to get from a big mac to break even? not cents because a quarter wouldn't even come close from what I see.
My math may be slightly off, but not by much.

Wall Street Journal and several other reputable financial publications have stated that if employees look to have a $15/hr pay, McDonalds would need to tack on $0.68 per meal to "break even".

I see how you could perceive straight revenue and profit and the added expenditure as a failure, but international corporate economics are slightly more difficult than you and I can discern, and I was merely showing how only increasing pay to $11 an hour rather than the $15 as proposed by many could be conceivable. WSJ says it would only take $0.68 added per meal to give there employees a starting pay of $15.

Mind you, $15 is an hourly rate that is completely foreign to me. Out of college I was making the equivalent of $32 an hour right off the bat. I make the equivalent of nearly triple that now. So for me, I can see how important it is for someone making $8 an hour so desperately needs something closer to $15 to even survive. I couldn't survive on $40 an hour much less $15.


Well-Known Member
Funny as hell, thanks to NAFTA hundreds of thousands of manufacturers moved overseas to outsource, literally taking millions of jobs with them, of course passed by a fucking democrat. Now we have the great lord and savior obama visiting a fucking Nike sweatshop, where employees are often 12 year old girls making pennies per hour with no benefits whatsoever, and that cocksucker uses this as an example why his new trade agreement should pass?
Every study, even those conducted by the most liberal of institutions has proven that illegal immigration has absolutely devastated the low skilled and construction labor market in this country. The black workers have been especially hard hit, yet they just cant get enough of the guy. The labor unions also, as they literally watch their jobs sailing to china with captain obama at the helm. Fucking idiots, like barak is any better.


Well-Known Member
Funny as hell, thanks to NAFTA hundreds of thousands of manufacturers moved overseas to outsource, literally taking millions of jobs with them, of course passed by a fucking democrat. Now we have the great lord and savior obama visiting a fucking Nike sweatshop, where employees are often 12 year old girls making pennies per hour with no benefits whatsoever, and that cocksucker uses this as an example why his new trade agreement should pass?
Every study, even those conducted by the most liberal of institutions has proven that illegal immigration has absolutely devastated the low skilled and construction labor market in this country. The black workers have been especially hard hit, yet they just cant get enough of the guy. The labor unions also, as they literally watch their jobs sailing to china with captain obama at the helm. Fucking idiots, like barak is any better.

The ships were sailing long before Obama showed.

If nothing else, a working individual has to be adaptable. You're only as valuable as your "tool" box.


Well-Known Member
The ships were sailing long before Obama showed.
You sound like one of the Fates in a Greek tragedy. Your destiny was determined at the beginning of time.

Never mind that other countries have low unemployment, good growth, low crime, low corruption, healthcare for all, and a livable minimum wage. Nope, its impossible.


Well-Known Member
Funny as hell, thanks to NAFTA hundreds of thousands of manufacturers moved overseas to outsource, literally taking millions of jobs with them, of course passed by a fucking democrat. Now we have the great lord and savior obama visiting a fucking Nike sweatshop, where employees are often 12 year old girls making pennies per hour with no benefits whatsoever, and that cocksucker uses this as an example why his new trade agreement should pass?
Every study, even those conducted by the most liberal of institutions has proven that illegal immigration has absolutely devastated the low skilled and construction labor market in this country. The black workers have been especially hard hit, yet they just cant get enough of the guy. The labor unions also, as they literally watch their jobs sailing to china with captain obama at the helm. Fucking idiots, like barak is any better.
obama visited the nike factory in portland oregon, dumbass.

you're gonna be a fun little ball of anger to rile though.


Well-Known Member
Funny as hell, thanks to NAFTA hundreds of thousands of manufacturers moved overseas to outsource, literally taking millions of jobs with them, of course passed by a fucking democrat. Now we have the great lord and savior obama visiting a fucking Nike sweatshop, where employees are often 12 year old girls making pennies per hour with no benefits whatsoever, and that cocksucker uses this as an example why his new trade agreement should pass?
Every study, even those conducted by the most liberal of institutions has proven that illegal immigration has absolutely devastated the low skilled and construction labor market in this country. The black workers have been especially hard hit, yet they just cant get enough of the guy. The labor unions also, as they literally watch their jobs sailing to china with captain obama at the helm. Fucking idiots, like barak is any better.
I agree with you. Also want to add the bengazi incident.. way to drop the ball there liberals.