The Official Where Did You Go Thread


Well-Known Member
A thread to talk about / badmouth members who are MIA. I will start.

Where the fuck did Clayton, and C2G go? Did ty wash out of the army yet? Where is young master hashman chewberto? What about Dyna (if you are reading this dyna, start a new account and get your big swinging dick back in here, this place is no the same without you) Also, where in the almighty fuck is @Blue Wizard?

Why did they leave me? DOGBOLLOCKS! I am pretty fairly almost positively certain I am the reason they all left, because the world totally revolves around me...

We miss you, and love you, MIA members.
How about skywalker? They tried to make him go to rehab, but I think he said ♫no, no, no♫. Obviously we're all grateful for the break from mainliner. I am personally very happy that I ran Nevaeh off, only took 4 years. He annoyed me so much that I actually thought about him irl once or twice...
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Tyler u didnt run naveah off...he obviously was abducted by aliens and we'll hear all about it when he returns.
How about skywalker? They tried to make him go to rehab, but I think he said ♫no, no, no♫. Obviously we're all grateful for the break from mainliner. I am personally very happy that I ran Nevaeh off, only took 4 years. He annoyed me so much that actually thought about him irl once or twice...
Tyler u didnt run naveah off...he obviously was abducted by aliens and we'll hear all about it when he returns.

No, I think his mission here was completed and he headed back to his home planet. If the mission was to find out how much delusional arrogance humans can tolerate, I fear I may have doomed us all...
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At least he waved me goodbye...

Johnny Greenfingers was a hoot! Where's Shannon? I've seen many a posters come and go in my half a decade here.