Fox news. enter at your own risk.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yes, the concept of "overfishing" is real, just like anthropogenic climate change

Gov. doesn't step in, you overfish and are fucked for next year

Gov. does step in and it's overreach, big government, nazi-esque

Why can't you see any of that?

I know you don't know anything about the fishing business so I will cut you some slack. Just so you know there has been no regulation in the oregon shrimp fishery other than you can't sell small baby shrimp that are 160 per pound or smaller and there is a limited entry permit to do it. The only thing forced upon us are the observers and the GPS that the feds made us install.

We are a MSC certified fishery that is self sustaining . here this is a good read about MSC

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
For fucks sake, nitro..

Do you think "just asking people" shit is very scientific?

Goddamn dude..
If you ask a professional it could be scientific. I took out this one kid observer and I wasn't five miles from town and he puked all over my crews clothes bags and was totally belly up, nice kid but not very scientific if you asked me. This scientist of a kid had only a few days on the water. So much for science.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member

I know you don't know anything about the fishing business so I will cut you some slack. Just so you know there has been no regulation in the oregon shrimp fishery other than you can't sell small baby shrimp that are 160 per pound or smaller and there is a limited entry permit to do it. The only thing forced upon us are the observers and the GPS that the feds made us install.

We are a MSC certified fishery that is self sustaining . here this is a good read about MSC
I wouldn't be harvesting less than a 36 count.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Right on.

We catch the small pink salad/ cocktail shrimp. for the season our average size is around 100/90 count. Its making me feel hungry.


Well-Known Member
If you ask a professional it could be scientific
No, asking anyone in order to reach a conclusion is anecdotal evidence, no science. In order for it to be science, you have to actually do science..
I took out this one kid observer and I wasn't five miles from town and he puked all over my crews clothes bags and was totally belly up, nice kid but not very scientific if you asked me.
Some kid puked, so so much for science?

You're an idiot

You're not qualified to speak about science. Keep fishing, buddy


Well-Known Member
We are busted, the fucking smelt are thicker now than they were twenty years ago. The feds could of just asked me about the smelt but they wanted to put there own young kids on the boat to count and weigh them. Now that the numbers are at record levels they don't want people to know about it because then who would they go after next that had equipment they could use for free on the ocean.
So you have been senile for 20 years...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
No, asking anyone in order to reach a conclusion is anecdotal evidence, no science. In order for it to be science, you have to actually do science..

Some kid puked, so so much for science?

You're an idiot

You're not qualified to speak about science. Keep fishing, buddy
I see you came up for some air. My log book that i fill out every day that the kid copies down is used for science. And for eleven months out of the year they just relied upon my log book for science. What science are you thinking about other than what I generate?


Well-Known Member
I see you came up for some air. My log book that i fill out every day that the kid copies down is used for science. And for eleven months out of the year they just relied upon my log book for science. What science are you thinking about other than what I generate?
And what's in your logbook, numbers, data, measurements?

Or does it just say "I seen dis many shrip today, I seen dis many shrimps yesterdays.. "?

No you silly fuck

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
And what's in your logbook, numbers, data, measurements?

Or does it just say "I seen dis many shrip today, I seen dis many shrimps yesterdays.. "?

No you silly fuck
It has all of what you mentioned plus all the by catch numbers and species of by catch. You know the science stuff.


Well-Known Member
I see you came up for some air. My log book that i fill out every day that the kid copies down is used for science. And for eleven months out of the year they just relied upon my log book for science. What science are you thinking about other than what I generate?
they wisely want to make sure that you are not lying, since you are a prolific liar.


Well-Known Member
It has all of what you mentioned plus all the by catch numbers and species of by catch. You know the science stuff.
Are you lying about any of it? Fabricating it?

No? Then STFU, that's science, measurements, data, numbers, wtf is your problem? Because some kid got seasick on your shitty boat?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I dam near filled my tag today with this thread.
Are you lying about any of it? Fabricating it?

No? Then STFU, that's science, measurements, data, numbers, wtf is your problem? Because some kid got seasick on your shitty boat?
Me lie? I am teaching you about the fish business and the science, what the fuck is there to lie about? And if you have seen my boat and still thought it was shitty you would have to reevaluate who is a liar. That was funny though.


Well-Known Member
I dam near filled my tag today with this thread.

Me lie? I am teaching you about the fish business and the science, what the fuck is there to lie about? And if you have seen my boat and still thought it was shitty you would have to reevaluate who is a liar. That was funny though.
*your dad's boat

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a logbook. That's not empirical science and would never make it through peer review. Well, maybe your senile peers, but no scientist is your peer.
I said it was my logbook thats correct. You must of got your high school diploma like london did because you seem like another smart fucker.