Nothing there about led cob name brands, just high bin led cobs. The description is a generic one in my opinion. Probably a sign of shitty stuff. I'd advertise Cree or Vero or whatever if I was selling them.
All LED manufacturers produce LEDs with different performance characteristics specific to light output, color, and forward voltage. The top LED manufacturers produce high quality and lower quality LEDs and depending on the quality, these LEDs are priced accordingly and serve a purpose for a wide variety of applications anywhere from industrial lighting down to children's toys. Just because it is advertised with 'name brand', doesn't guarantee it is a quality device and just because it is advertised generically as "high bin" doesn't indicate the LEDs are of lower quality.
Assume you are an LED manufacturer and you are flash testing LEDs as they are coming out production. Based on a 20 millisecond test, you are able to determine if the quality of the LED is good, better, or best and you sort or bin these LEDs accordingly. Now within the "best bin" you have 1000s of 'high quality' LEDs that will be sub-binned because different applications will require tighter tolerances specific to performance, color quality, etc. and the cost of the device is directly proportional to the quality. Understand this sub-binning process continues on and on and now you have many bins within what started out as simply the BEST bin.
Specific to COB devices, assuming all the LEDs are from the "best" bin, I would be interested to know what percentage of the LEDs come from the best of the sub-bin and what percentage comes from the worst sub-bin. Remember that all of the LEDs are high quality devices just priced dramatically different based on performance and color quality.