When to harvest! expertise opinion please!, getting mixed information regarding this.


Just a bunch more trap running and beating around the bush. What was my terrible information and what the right information come on bud set my terrible info straight. This thread was started by some on asking when to harvest. That's what I answered. You haven't told me anything that suggest I gave terrible information answering that question. Thats because you can't your just a big mouth that's trying to start shit. Prove me wrong or shut the hell up and go start shit somewhere eles. The only reason I said how long I've been growing is because your going by my profile saying new member. News flash the means I just joined the site. And no you haven't given any good info like you say you did what so ever. The crap you just spewed above is garbage. The reason for your strains decline was completly something you did wrong not the strain. Nice try but that is all truely terrible info and way off topic.
that's what I meant I wasn't talking about the genetics, I was talking about the environment and things like nutrients etc


Well-Known Member
Icouldnt even reply to his post, doesnt make any sense.

"What was my terrible information and what the right information come o"

Obviously the terrible info is what i refuted.. the right info was what i said instead of your misinfo

"And no you haven't given any good info like you say you did what so ever. The crap you just spewed above is garbage"

Really? You already knew thc's halflife in different environments before? For one because thats not debatable. And what i said is how the plant works, calyxs ripen not whole buds, when they do so the hairs recede, like fruit turning color. Thetrichomes again can be many colors. Ive had full amber trichs from beginning of flower as well as pink and purple. Some strains dont even go amber as thats a product of degradation but only pf compounds in lower ratios in those cases

"The reason for your strains decline was completly something you did wrong not the strain. Nice try but that is all truely terrible info and way off topic."

Really? Shows how little you know about genetics, as i said yur genetics are constantly being altered. Yes right now... i gave an example, epigenetics

I take it yiudont have any formal education that applies? If any?


You guys should get your info from some other guys, look for people

Stop talking so much shit to this guy man, you have been spewing BS through this thread to. You think u know it all

Prove who wrong you want me to?

Peace and may your garden flourish,
YES prove me wrong. Educate me. I've been waiting and you got nothing! Stop talking shit to what guy? Your the only one I talked shit too. Because you deserve every word of it. Which you asked for or don't you remember calling me a newbie giving terrible advice. Again since your memory is totally shot I answered the question that was the beginning of this thread in MY opinion of how I tell when MY cannabis is done.

trichomes are not to only thing to take into account when harvesting. Once again, the plant has to be filled out and ready looking. Google some pics. Most and in some cases all pistils recede, especially at the top of the main colas. Once this happens you are at the beginning of your harvest window, but as I stated earlier if you wait a little longer you will be rewarded.

Hope this isn't supposed to be your attempt at proving me wrong. Because that's all things someone without a microscope would do and all very obvious things. Boy your really sticking to an emphasizing that pistils receding.lol show me a case where the trics are completly clouded before your so called pistil receding happens or is filled out and ready looking or the before the lol harvest window. You can't. Because it simply doesn't happen. One more time for that really really short memory. For ME my buds are done when the main,#1 reason I "and I'm guessing here now"lol a few others use marijuana is at its peak!! If that's your idea of terrible advise well you got a lot more learning and Google searching to do.

Good luck on your next grow. Hope it rocks guy.


Icouldnt even reply to his post, doesnt make any sense.

"What was my terrible information and what the right information come o"

Obviously the terrible info is what i refuted.. the right info was what i said instead of your misinfo

"And no you haven't given any good info like you say you did what so ever. The crap you just spewed above is garbage"

Really? You already knew thc's halflife in different environments before? For one because thats not debatable. And what i said is how the plant works, calyxs ripen not whole buds, when they do so the hairs recede, like fruit turning color. Thetrichomes again can be many colors. Ive had full amber trichs from beginning of flower as well as pink and purple. Some strains dont even go amber as thats a product of degradation but only pf compounds in lower ratios in those cases

"The reason for your strains decline was completly something you did wrong not the strain. Nice try but that is all truely terrible info and way off topic."

Really? Shows how little you know about genetics, as i said yur genetics are constantly being altered. Yes right now... i gave an example, epigenetics

I take it yiudont have any formal education that applies? If any?
Well its pretty obvious that I have much more education than you and this other guy. Cuz you guys are both struggling pretty hard with basic reading.

You can say your trichomes turn this color they turn that color fuck I don't care if they turn chartreuse. Its still how I tell if ANY given strain is finished. Obviously you just didn't read it or forgot or did know how to pronounce that word but I also said that you have to know you're strain. but without question in most cases and for most all strains the trichomes get cloudy. COMPLETLY cloudy! Also ask a professional concentrate wax shatter maker if they would prefer their trichomes to have color to them? No cause its past prime!
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Well-Known Member
Lol go to the concentrate and extract section and askwho the pros are
Try asking in the contributors thread. Its where all the big guys are

Ill giveyou a hint

Not siftedhash btw crystallized hash oil
Hit up c&e ifyou wanna learn something

Well deuces


"The reason for your strains decline was completly something you did wrong not the strain. Nice try but that is all truely terrible info and way off topic."

Really? Shows how little you know about genetics, as i said yur genetics are constantly being altered. Yes right now... i gave an example, epigenetics

Wow so your trying to tell me that the genetics are going to hell and I have no way of stopping that? Its inevitable its just going to be a goner someday? There's NOTING I can do as a human to prevent it? Its a plant thing its totally up to the plant. So then like your saying one day I"ll have to say the genetics on that strain just went to hell I had to get rid of it. Can only blame the plant. TOO MUCH!!!

I'm out



Well-Known Member
Genes eventually mutate, thishappens in humans too..
Again try googling epigenetics

Yiu really are special


Lol go to the concentrate and extract section and askwho the pros are
Try asking in the contributors thread. Its where all the big guys are

Ill giveyou a hint

Not siftedhash btw crystallized hash oil
Hit up c&e ifyou wanna learn something

Well deuces
I don't need anybody to answer anything for me man! Yeah I'm just going to ask you a hypothetical question that I don't know the answer to. CLEAR is the goal or white for wax


Genes eventually mutate, thishappens in humans too..
Again try googling epigenetics

Yiu really are special
OMG you believe it - that's all the plant fault there's nothing anyone could have done. Good lord I think I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots!! Im out have fun! Not even going to check any more responses on this page I'm done with it. Later!!!


Well-Known Member
I dunno but I hate when people jump in and shove them shitty ass yellow HPS pics at everyone to admire.


Well-Known Member
Right so yes of course I can go on the internet and research and I have already done, prefer to do a discussion about this because I'm getting so many different info.
Someone says you have to wait till leaves start yellowing which means the season is up and the plant is ready to be harvested.
Some people wait till all leaves fall off and there's only few leaves left and there's just stem and bud on the plant with few odd leaves.
Some people say wait for 60% of the pistils to turn orange.. some say wait for the THC to get cloudy.
One of my strains is orange, the other ones are still white but theyre all pretty much cloudy and non of them have even started yellowing, the buds do look decent size.
SORRY MATE......but .........I just haven't got the time to read 6pages of do this don't do that .....you YOURSELF r the only one who can say when to harvest......your the one with the eyes on them.....pick your preferred stone and harvest accordingly.......SIMPLES.....


Well-Known Member
And that pic you put up a couple of posts ago..........seen it loads of times......but.......I still love them their BUSHES.......


Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier CHOOSE when to harvest yourself .........if you prefer a heavier stone then leave her go a while longer(seen your pic) .......but.......she looks like she would give you a good kick as she is.........your plant your decision.....