My journey

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Can I see you P. def. ??
Not yet, i'm still at work. . . . .i'll get pics tonight......

At first i thought it was from cold at night (purple stems on fan leaves) But then i woke up this morning and I have 4 yellow leaves that are brown at the ends. . . . . Gave nutes 2 days ago b/c i saw some browning starting on some real low leaves. I've not been using to much nutes out of fear from the MG but looks like i should bump it up from 1/4 strength.

I'll be able to tell better later when i see them though. :wall:

She'll bounce back i'm sure but i'll get some pics up in a couple hrs.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Well as you saw it was a bad when i got home . . . . . .
:joint: :joint:
but on a lighter note

Look at all those bud sites!!

Will this whole thing fill in???


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
man they are every where!! May I suggest a small investment in some of these.. Texas Hydroponics :: Growing Accessories :: Plant Supports :: Plant Yo Yo Each Not necessarily from there, they require a signature from ups and wont budge! i had to take off work to get mine.. I also only got 10 Needed a whole lot more of em! but they are great!!!!! and believe me you will need something like them! your branches will get heavy!

Those are pretty nice, but how exactly do they work?

You really think that they will get nice and big?
I'm starting to get into the stage where your like "there's no way those will fill in. .. "



Well-Known Member
yea I do think they will fill in!!! they look exactly like mine did at the same time.. the way those things work at least for me, I took a string and ran it paralell with the ceiling leaving about a two inch sag. the white part hooked on the string and the oarnge hook hooked around the branches that where sagging. the white part is a spring loaded spool... I have some pics of the sensi garden I took last year. that is where I saw them. Ill post em for ya if want a better idea how they work. ya have to really blow the pic up a bit to see though.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
yea I do think they will fill in!!! they look exactly like mine did at the same time.. the way those things work at least for me, I took a string and ran it paralell with the ceiling leaving about a two inch sag. the white part hooked on the string and the oarnge hook hooked around the branches that where sagging. the white part is a spring loaded spool... I have some pics of the sensi garden I took last year. that is where I saw them. Ill post em for ya if want a better idea how they work. ya have to really blow the pic up a bit to see though.


I think i understand......You don't have to post a pic 'less you want to. If you had to guess, how much would you say yours yielded?


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I have 6 aeroponics units with 36 pod spots on each. Im going to use three of them with a sog....
Your the shit! LOL

I'ma have to stick with 4 tops prolly. The G/F is real sketched by the whole situation. . . .got kinda pissed bout me getting seeds shipped here. . . .don't even know if i can get away with a perpetual. :cry:

I'm gonna get on to her about it right after I harvest!!! Thats when the beast is at its weakest!!!



Well-Known Member
lol youll wear here down!! Im lucky, single and own my home...
as far as me being the shit... well see if I am sucsefull.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
lol youll wear here down!! Im lucky, single and own my home...
as far as me being the shit... well see if I am sucsefull.
we got a pretty legit setup, but we rent from her parents. They don't really come over and when they do they don't go into rooms without telling us that they'll have to. . . . She'll change her mind when she taste the dankness she helped with!!

One thing though, she's sexy as hell when she bust out the plant knowledge on her stoner friends!!

Well shit with a harvest like that you already are in my book!!!!

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Yea I can see sitting back and looking at the ole lady with pride while she schools fools on the grow!

One of her friends knows, she looked at the plant today and was amazed but then she goes...."But this is from regs so it won't be...well you know it regs right?"
I didn't even get my mouth open when she burst out "No, regs are when a female gets pollinated by the male"
friend "well its still regs though b/c its from a reg seed right?"
G/F "NO, you can get good bud from regs just depends on how you take care of it and what pheno's are dominant!"

I was hard!:twisted: LOL
I'm high... . .. . .. the shit was tight!
