My journey


Well-Known Member
just checked out BCseedking... almost pulled the trigger on some ice... but couldnt do it... fn customs got me spooked!!! fucking sucks man! I want to order some verified genetics! not this underground bean farming shit that I can never be sure is what I am told it is..... urgh... I want to kick america in the nuts sometimes!!

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
just checked out BCseedking... almost pulled the trigger on some ice... but couldnt do it... fn customs got me spooked!!! fucking sucks man! I want to order some verified genetics! not this underground bean farming shit that I can never be sure is what I am told it is..... urgh... I want to kick america in the nuts sometimes!!
They were pretty discreet, i'm getting the re-shipment sent to my mom's b/c the G/F freeeeaaked on me last time (i didn't really inform her), mom's taking a few for payment but its all good. . . .
If you do end up getting some ICE i may have to get up and barter with ya!



Well-Known Member
They were pretty discreet, i'm getting the re-shipment sent to my mom's b/c the G/F freeeeaaked on me last time (i didn't really inform her), mom's taking a few for payment but its all good. . . .
If you do end up getting some ICE i may have to get up and barter with ya!

Id be down for that!! I deff bater!! but not sure I will get the balls to do it! dont have a place I can ship it other than where my grow is either.. the one shot I took at that I got a fn letter from customs. so im in pussy mode now!:confused:

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Id be down for that!! I deff bater!! but not sure I will get the balls to do it! dont have a place I can ship it other than where my grow is either.. the one shot I took at that I got a fn letter from customs. so im in pussy mode now!:confused:
Yeah. . . ... .who'd you order from last time?



Well-Known Member
If I was you I would go to a ups store and set up a box. Its not a P.O box but its actually a real street adress. I was actually there looking at 1 2day. Its 30 bucks for 3months and some 1 is alwayse there 2 sign for your packages


Well-Known Member
you still have to sign up with your actual name though dont you? Im afraid my name is on like some database now... parinoid I know but I have always belived in being overautious... has saved me from the law in the past I am sure... I could probably get one of my freinds to sighn up for one thogh..


Well-Known Member
Hell if you are that worried Ill order them for you and send them 2 you. Mabye Im not as woried because I didnt get a letter in the mail saying this is the goverment we took your seeds


Well-Known Member
well that and my grow also is my house!!! in this state I think they may be able to seize my house if they want!! that would be fucked!


Well-Known Member
yea I started seeing it a lot after I ordered... before everyone was talking about how great they are!! guess it is only a matter of time with any of them with our overzealous government

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
yea I started seeing it a lot after I ordered... before everyone was talking about how great they are!! guess it is only a matter of time with any of them with our overzealous government
It was probably you!! They were like....fuck HHM is getting seeds from this dude we better shut 'em down!!!!

You're such a jerk!!!!!!!




Well-Known Member
dr chronicis in amsterdam right? i thinkthey realize that its coming from a hotspot like there. im gonna try to order from a canadien or uk seedbank from now on, seems less suspicious

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
dr chronicis in amsterdam right? i thinkthey realize that its coming from a hotspot like there. im gonna try to order from a canadien or uk seedbank from now on, seems less suspicious

I'm not sure where he's at but i like all the Canadian bud i smoked in Montana so i'm happy!



Well-Known Member
well I think they know who drchronic is... the return adress says button fun and Im sure they say that on everything the doc sends out.. also the packaging was shitty, if you suspected it was seed you could have shaken the envelope and heard themm... not stealthy at all.