First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke bongs for years when I was younger.
I'm not such of a huge stoner as I used to be and try to stay healthy as poss these days. Bongs are bad news for the ol' lung system and really do some damage. The smoke burns so thick it's easier for particles of moisture to cling onto, thus the mass is greater and they can get deeper into your alveoli. Will give you a nasty cough not to mention seriously increase the risk of well, I'm sure you can guess...

Smoking weed is all about relaxing for me. Roll a joint, take your time doing it, make sure it's gonna smoke slowly and smoothly. Kick back, put some Morcheeba on, dim the lights and light that puppy up :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just stopping by and dropping some good luck your way.
Thanks for the good luck Barking, I feel like I need it at the moment.

I have a nice glass collection... I will post pics for yah sometime soon...
Thanks loaded, I'd love to see them. I hear glass provides a lovely smoke, so possibly something else to add to my ever increasing list of stuff I need to get.

I used to smoke bongs for years when I was younger. I'm not such of a huge stoner as I used to be and try to stay healthy as poss these days. Bongs are bad news for the ol' lung system and really do some damage. The smoke burns so thick it's easier for particles of moisture to cling onto, thus the mass is greater and they can get deeper into your alveoli. Will give you a nasty cough not to mention seriously increase the risk of well, I'm sure you can guess... Smoking weed is all about relaxing for me. Roll a joint, take your time doing it, make sure it's gonna smoke slowly and smoothly. Kick back, put some Morcheeba on, dim the lights and light that puppy up :blsmoke:
LOL - yeah my lungs used to be completely screwed from bongs, endless chest infections, bronchitis the heap. Maybe cause we never cleaned the damn thing :o These days I mostly smoke for med reasons so I just take what I need, but I have a "blow-out" once in a while LOL. I need very little to get stoned and get uncomfortable (paranoid) if I smoke too much, unless I've had a couple of drinks that is, and then I do love a nice fat joint ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi all, well nothing much has changed I'm afraid. Loads of pre-flowers on the Cinnamons, but still no flowering. The days are still a tad too long I think. The Purple Powers are also showing plenty of pre-flowers now, but all they ever seem to do is get taller LOL. The tallest is now about 67 inches, a few inches taller than my tallest Cinammon plant (the Cinammons have definitely slowed right down now, but I think they're pretty root bound so that is only to be expected). Anyway I promised pics so here they are - sorry there's nothing too exciting for you:

Pic 1: The Purple Powers

Pic 2: A Cinammon Almost-Flower

Pic3: A Few Cinammons

I'm just a little worried about that Cinammon in the middle, the topped one. Almost all of the lower and mid larger fan leaves are now yellowing, yellow or dead. I know this is normal during flowering, but these aren't flowering yet. They're getting plenty of food, and the soil ph is about 6.4 so all should be OK. It's happening very gradually, so I'm not panicking. Anyone any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
those plants are seriously beautiful mate, i wouldnt worry about a little bit of yellowing on a few leaves its perfectly normal.

man i love the terqouisey green that your plants are!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind and reassuring comments mammal. I think the big leaves are probably just tired and no longer needed - there's so much more foliage now there's no shortage of chlorophyll to do the business (fingers crossed). And they are a nice colour - not quite as turquoise when you're up close in real life, more a deep green, but the light reflecting off the leaves makes them look sort of blueish. Thanks again for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
shit bro surprised i ever missed your journal, and thanks for stoppin by mine

as you piped in on mine i suppose i could pipe in on your little question....

that yellowing looks natural and u should just pull them off the plant

those plants are all beautiful, hopefully mine catch up a bit :P
the green is awesome

best of luck dude


Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn, thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments. Hope you didn't mind me popping into your journal - I'm just so used to hoping everyone will come here to help me with my problems or just give me reassurance. And thanks for the comment on the yellowing. As I said I wasn't really too worried, just wasn't expecting it quite yet LOL. Cheers mate ...


Well-Known Member
hi gb ya plants are lookin the biz those pots are lookin very small now lol.
i might be talkin out my backside but your pics look just a tad over exposed they still look good all the same.
hope your lads out the shit


Well-Known Member
Hi bob, thanks as usual ;) Yeah the pots don't just LOOK small - they ARE TOO small LOL. The wee guy won't know for another week or two until he gets a letter from the DPP. We are keeping our fingers crossed. As regards the pics it was a really dull morning and the pics likewise so I brightened them up a bit - think I overdid it. Hard to tell on this screen until it gets dark as it's opposite the window. I should do my editing at night LOL. How's things with you bob?


Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn, thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments. Hope you didn't mind me popping into your journal - I'm just so used to hoping everyone will come here to help me with my problems or just give me reassurance. And thanks for the comment on the yellowing. As I said I wasn't really too worried, just wasn't expecting it quite yet LOL. Cheers mate ...
nope im in the same boat as u, love the company in my journal, so thx again for stopping by hopefully i can update soon :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
not to bad same shit different day im skint at the moment but ive a house to sell that my dad left me shame the banks are holdin onto there money at the moment so i cant sell it just my luck.
a mate of mine gave me oz of soap bar / rocky black today so ime going to skin one up go on utube and dream about buying an RD500 v4 yamaha when ive sold the house oh yeh lol


Well-Known Member
LOL - I'm skint too it sucks. Pretty hard to shift houses these days, but it will pick up again (eventually). At least you have a bar, that should see you through for a while LOL. Had a bit of something similar recently myself and I must say it was very nice. Usually the old brown stuff you get roud here is pure boot polish but this was very tasty, almost fruity in fact. Not very strong, but that suits me just fine. Don't have anything at the minute, but you get used to it. Can't wait to see what I can get off my girls :)


Well-Known Member
They are gonna be huge when 12/12 kicks in.

I wish i had begun a grow at the start of the season - i have had mine vegging now for just over a month, and transplanted out in the ground - bastard rabbits are being savage on em. I have used wild animal repellent and now had to begin using hot chilli pepper on leaves. damn. not looking to peachy :(


Well-Known Member
Hi all. First of all sorry for disappearing again. Decided to dump Windows for Linux and have been having great fun over the last few days fiddling about with it etc. It's great :) Anyway no pics or anything, just saying "hello".

How's the grow going greenb? Saw the news with the rain where you are... Love august!
Hi Staro. Yes the rain was crazy LOL, but thankfully we live on top of a hill so no flooding here ;) Having said that my girls were pretty sodden, but managed to keep the worst of the rain off. Two of my Cinammons are now too tall to sit under the shed overhang, so they and the Purples just sat against the back of the house and all in all they've survived pretty well. Will have a look at your journal shortly ...

They are gonna be huge when 12/12 kicks in. I wish i had begun a grow at the start of the season - i have had mine vegging now for just over a month, and transplanted out in the ground - bastard rabbits are being savage on em. I have used wild animal repellent and now had to begin using hot chilli pepper on leaves. damn. not looking to peachy :(
Hi Aerohead, thanks for looking in on my journal. Yeah they're bloomin' huge as it is, I don't know how I'm gonna manage them if they get much bigger LOL. Sorry the rabbits are munching your crop - it must be difficult to keep the predators off when they're out in the ground. I'm lucky to have mine secluded. The odd bug does a little damage but nothing serious so far. I hope they pull through for you man ;)

Hope all your grows are going well. I'll try to get round all of your journals etc over the next day or so in between the rain showers LOL.


Well-Known Member
hi havent read all the posts.
is anyone growing iout door in the uk?.
i am i have 4 4 foot girls just starting to show sex.
never done an outdoor grow and was just wondering if anyone was at the same stage as me?.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing outdoors in the UK.
Had 6 plants. Down to just 4 now after asking the blokes to leave!
I started force flowering on the 7th because I was worried I wouldnt have enough time before the frosts.
Check out my journal. Plenty of photos...


Well-Known Member
took a look at your grow they look great.
i was worried about the temps, and wanted to start flowering by taking indoor, so they would start to flower faster, but i didnt want them to stress and go hermie, so i got a green house.