Post your tomatoes

I chopped all the old woody trunks on this old sob. Churned in some leftover roots soil Then Top dressed with earth worm castings some happy frog 7-4-5 and some garden lime. I also put some liquid sea kelp down in the resevoir, i don't know if that's a good idea or not. This plant has given me so many delicious tomatoes at this point its kinda just like an experiment to see how long i can get her to produce through the hot summer months. I also got rid of all those clamps and bungees and draped a net trellis over it ill secure that down and make it look all neet later. Time to medicate bongsmilieView attachment 3461108
Those look ready to handle the growing season!
I used to get the old soap in the mouth. This was back before they had all these fancy fruity smelling soaps.
Just a big white bar of soap. Gross as shit.
Better then the belt though.
Ahh that sucks man lol. My friends dad used to whip him with a stud belt and he did the old belt snapping noise whenever it was that time and you knew exactly what was coming!
Wow, that's unique! I have some Silver Queen going also. The ears are about done, I think lol...first time growing corn. ATB!

I wait until the silk is all but dry.
You can always take a peek by peeling a bit of the husk away and look at the top of the cob.
If still immature, put the husk back in place with a rubber band and check the next day.
Silver Queen usually produces foot long cobs of white sweet corn.
Man you guys are kicking ass, my garden has been pretty screwed this year, first monsoon rains for months on end, now I've got a deer I'm pretty sure it is that is just ravaging beans and chomping vines off tomatoes at about 4ft off the ground. So to add insult to injury, after eating the hell out of most of my bean plants, I went out to pick my first ripe tomato. I had been waiting days for it to ripen, my favorite Cherokee Purple, and the tomato is gone. I start looking around and there it is on the ground a couple feet away half chomped into.

I haven't picked much yet this year, some beans and a couple cucumbers, a couple zucchini, a couple tomatoes and about 10 nice big red peppers from those two plants I overwintered. Tomatoes are starting to ripen though, I have 4-5 that are 6ft tall and starting to overgrow their stakes, but the rain definitely hurt them and then the deer or whatever it is eating on some of the vines isn't helping.

I just got a new computer after my old one crashed, I'll try to get some pics tomorrow.