Gage Green Group Info Thread

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How long do you let it break down??

6 months to a year

Or do you have a big bin outdoors.3yr old.

I got some bins started,but I'm going to but a few bags and do some test runs..

Looking great pie,no flowers for I'm doing my terptastic shake
View attachment 3480653
Aloha grape's all grapes.
View attachment 3480654

Yeah, if you mulch it, add a source of N, and keep it moist 12 months is good. If you just rake leaves in to a pile and leave them it can take upwards of 3 years apparently. They're pretty much all carbon by the time we rake them up in the fall, so tossing some alfalfa pellets or something in there and running over them with a lawnmower really helps.

I'm using a couple bucket fulls from a neighbor right now, and I've got a big ass pile from last fall that is looking really close to done 9 months in. I really like it so far!
Yeah, if you mulch it, add a source of N, and keep it moist 12 months is good. If you just rake leaves in to a pile and leave them it can take upwards of 3 years apparently. They're pretty much all carbon by the time we rake them up in the fall, so tossing some alfalfa pellets or something in there and running over them with a lawnmower really helps.

I'm using a couple bucket fulls from a neighbor right now, and I've got a big ass pile from last fall that is looking really close to done 9 months in. I really like it so far!
I cant have piles of leaves. I'll get fined... So stupid.
Lookin great Pie!

I see Uncle Buck is using your avatar. What did you do to earn that honor?? lol
I gave him a couple walls of text over him disrespecting panhead's family.

His extended family from lebanon that he just pulled out of harms way and brought to america. Uncle Buck thought that because he hates panhead, it would be cool to post that he (UB) supports ISIS and wishes them the best.

His excuse was America killed way more people than ISIS could ever kill. Which wasn't even under discussion. Panhead was talking about the fleeing masses and large refugee camps.

Just a whole bunch of fucked up.
Looks like the Grapestomper male used made a nice dom pheno. Looks like that male breeds well as that lady is super frosty and chunky too. How she Bob?

Hey @skunkwreck hows your D Cure doing? I hope you got a pheno like this

Has this great grape skittles with a sour twist thing going on. Def GS dom. Fantastic loooong lasting high.:)

It really chunked up too. Multiple totem pole gorilla arms. I was chopping under duress and don't know if I have a whole plant pic. :/

EDIT: Had 2 plants. Both the same exact pheno IMO.
just got back from a nfl football training camp/vacation. it gets very intense there. i wish i could stayed longer. def going back next yr.

my very good buddy from the bay area came in town today. the whole summer i've been hearin is how good the king louie is over there, top shelf, blah blah. and this is the BAY area.
so i finally take a peak/smell. i smiled/grinned. it smelled EXACTLY like my lemon/lime sprite aspi pheno, my keeper. so showed him aspi.
he said the exact thing. if we were blind folded you couldnt tell the difference. smelled exact same. king louie has a VERY DISTINCTIVE smell.
now i know how the real king louie smells.
my aspi/king louie pheno

my opinion on what size pots. general rule of thumb 1g=1month. depending on mix.
i like to run 3g on new beans. if they're keepers. 5g or bigger. no need to waste an extra 2g of your hard earned ss mix on unknown genes.


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