Well-Known Member
How long do you let it break down??
6 months to a year
Or do you have a big bin outdoors.3yr old.
I got some bins started,but I'm going to but a few bags and do some test runs..
Looking great pie,no flowers for I'm doing my terptastic shake
View attachment 3480653
Aloha grape's all grapes.
View attachment 3480654
Yeah, if you mulch it, add a source of N, and keep it moist 12 months is good. If you just rake leaves in to a pile and leave them it can take upwards of 3 years apparently. They're pretty much all carbon by the time we rake them up in the fall, so tossing some alfalfa pellets or something in there and running over them with a lawnmower really helps.
I'm using a couple bucket fulls from a neighbor right now, and I've got a big ass pile from last fall that is looking really close to done 9 months in. I really like it so far!