Odour problem with carbon filter?!


Well-Known Member
I could really do with some advice please? I already have a 4 inch carbon filter which gets rid of most the smell (I only have one lowryder-2 plant.) But i need something else aswell to get rid of the smell so you can't smell it out of my room. This is the situation, i have just found out today that at the end of the month right when she will be in the middle of flowering we have a police man coming to visit. Wait that's not the best bit he works in London on the drug squad! I have been informed that he would have no problem in shopping me even though i nearly am family to him! So i need a cheap soultion to help control odour. Advice anyone please?


Well-Known Member
How do you have your filter set up? Are you exhausting, or scrubbing? What kind of grow setup?


Well-Known Member
Erm i have a 120mm pc fan wired to a 12volt adaptor at the top left hand corner of my cab then a very short bit of ducting running to the filter sat on top of my cab. Maybe the fan isn't strong enough for the filter? But when i put my hands round the filter i can easy feel that it's pushing air out so not sure if it is that.

Oh and i did have a bathroom extractor fan instead of the pc fan at one point but the pc fan seems to move the same amount of air if not more than the bathroom extractor fan just quieter.

How do you have your filter set up? Are you exhausting, or scrubbing? What kind of grow setup?


Well-Known Member
Who is it up to - do they want you to get locked up?

Seems to me like the solution is easy - make up some excuse, whatever his reason to visit - go out somewhere instead.

Even if you do eliminate the smell, what if he stumbles on your room by some other mistake like looking for bathroom. Why would you want to have some one around as your guest that would shop you anyway?

Is it worth the risk. Sems to me the problem runs deeper. If your flat mate, wife or who ever can't see reason look maybe you should find a new house mate / wife?


Well-Known Member
Erm i have a 120mm pc fan wired to a 12volt adaptor at the top left hand corner of my cab then a very short bit of ducting running to the filter sat on top of my cab. Maybe the fan isn't strong enough for the filter?
Probably not.

You shouldn't be growing in your mum's house without her permission. Is that why she invited plod over? What are the chances she's going to invite him to search your room?

Get! Fucking! Rid of it! You need to wait til you move out of your mum's house before you start trying to grow herb.


Well-Known Member
Ok can i get one thing stright here, your all jumping to the conclucsion that i don't have permission to grow well i do. And actually my step mum who i live with smokes more weed than me! I have no idea why he is coming. But the last thing she wants to do is shop me! She was the one who warned me that i need to sort it out! So yer just thought i'd clear that up. Like how everyone jumps to the conclusion i live with my parents and don't have there permission. It's not like that at all and the situation is a lot more complcated than i care to share on such a public forum. So yer that's my bit said on that subject i think.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked out ONA gel or something like that? I use a scrubber too, but when I open my cab the smell comes out so I use ONA in the room to stop the smell coming out. You can use that stuff with a small fan to blow the smell around and you should be good.

I know I am a stupid German/American but what does "shop me" mean, is it like arrested or something in slang? Don't worry about everyones assumptions, just worry about solving this issue before the dude comes to stay.....worst case scenario make some cannabutter and put it in that cops food...maybe if he stays high all weekend he won't notice shit.


Active Member
i think by "shop me" he means snoop/look around like what you do when you are shopping? not sure because at first i read it as "stop" and then i had to look again.


Well-Known Member
buy something like this. it pulls air in and clears it with water. you can add some STRONG smells in it. my room smells like flowers non-stop :)



Well-Known Member
Yer your basically right, what i meant be "shop me" was that if he happened to smell them he wouldn't hesatiate to hand me in to police himself. Its unlikly that he would happen to stumble across my cab it's in my wardrobe and is basically silent why would i guest be going in you wardrobe?! They just wouldn't. Anyways i spend most of my time in my room with them so it's very unlikly that he would be able to get in without me being there!

Have you checked out ONA gel or something like that? I use a scrubber too, but when I open my cab the smell comes out so I use ONA in the room to stop the smell coming out. You can use that stuff with a small fan to blow the smell around and you should be good.

I know I am a stupid German/American but what does "shop me" mean, is it like arrested or something in slang? Don't worry about everyones assumptions, just worry about solving this issue before the dude comes to stay.....worst case scenario make some cannabutter and put it in that cops food...maybe if he stays high all weekend he won't notice shit.


Well-Known Member
Ok this shouldn't be too hard, if you take your fan and put it on the other side of your filter it will help. Add another filter and exhaust fan and seal up any holes should create a nice negative pressure that will pull all the air through the filters allowing none to escape. Probably what is happening is that the intake air can overcome the pull of the exhaust. that air then seeps out any cracks or holes and into the room. You may also just have a crappy filter too, sometimes adding a dryer sheet can help. ONA also works to a degree. Ever thought about a Ozone generator? It can kill odors pretty well.


Well-Known Member
At the moment i have 2 80mm pc fans at the bottom front right hand corner taking cool air into my cab. So do you think if i turned one of them off it will stop the intake air overcoming the exhaust? Just an idea.

Ok this shouldn't be too hard, if you take your fan and put it on the other side of your filter it will help. Add another filter and exhaust fan and seal up any holes should create a nice negative pressure that will pull all the air through the filters allowing none to escape. Probably what is happening is that the intake air can overcome the pull of the exhaust. that air then seeps out any cracks or holes and into the room. You may also just have a crappy filter too, sometimes adding a dryer sheet can help. ONA also works to a degree. Ever thought about a Ozone generator? It can kill odors pretty well.

Steve Hengsperger

Active Member
Safer and more effective = lotus Sanitizing System. Ozone in air (air purifiers) are not safe and cause lung irritation, hence why you will never find one with UL approval. Ozone in water, perfectly safe and effective. This system is actually UL approved, EPA registered and 3rd party tested and proven to kill odors, not just mask them.


Well-Known Member
I dont get how these Lotus Sanitising systems are going to help a grow room . Dont they just purify the water receptacles provided in about 5 minutes and then switch off until they need to be used again?

I was keen to buy one as heard that ozone into water is safer and more stable than in air and fine to have in your grow room. All the ads and videos didn't yield much info :S


Active Member
sucks for you,why anyone would allow a person like that into their home is beyond me,specially if they have anything to hide from said person..if he turns you in you might make Yahoo headline news!!!lmao

do you have any windows/vents in your room?might also want to close and seal the AC vent in your room,and try to seal your room so that odors cant leak out.

how does your step mumi know he will turn you in?did they talk about it ,has he turned in family before?


Well-Known Member
to be honest, there won't be anything you can do to eliminate the smell at that point.. i have seen setups running 2, 6" filters on 2 424 cfm fans (6x6x8 room) and it still smells.. not as bad as without them, but i have never seen the smell be controlled to the point a person in the house doesn't know what is going on. that is the best advice i can give you.. again, i have never seen/smelled a grow smell completely contained. minimized yes, eliminated, never.. also, ona just masks odor.. it doesn't eat it. i have seen that used many times also, and for a small low odor plant it helps.. doesn't get rid of though.. you basically get a mix of the ona smell and your pot flower smell.. if i had a cop coming over, i would chop now, maybe start a new grow or make it so it is in veg when he comes by, then flower after.. good luck!!