The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
I'm having mobile nutrient issues, my plants are sucking them up too God damned fast! I broke down last night and whipped out the orchid food, it's got everything in it and not a lot of extra salts. So... :oops: it's my "mostly organic" grow.

Lb, I think that you can use the guano as a tea, strained, then use what remains as a top dressing. I don't remember the ratios for guano tea, but starting with 1T/gallon is usually good. I think you can go as high as 4T/gal. bat guano.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I love reading this thread!
Seamaiden: you are right about the guano. Ohsogreen has a thread about Teas for your reference using just about any dung ( Oh and thx for the mite recipe. Where do you get those types of tobacco? I have never heard of them.

Honky: What stellar clone sending method! I love it. Maybe I wont have to make 2 day trips in the future to get clones from friends.

Littlebat: You crack me up with that squirril! hahaha. Guess your going to need some chicken wire or start using flash cards of different vermon to show your cat so it knows what to attack. Also if you have light leaks in your cab that could be the reason for sex of the plant not showing up yet. Make sure your lights are actually going off at 12 too as I had that happen to me once too.

Great grow guys. I'll be watching you guys


Well-Known Member
I got the tobaccos at a tobacco shop. I'd heard of American Spirit from a friend of mine who couldn't seem to quit smoking, so she decided she should at least not be smoking ALL that other shit you find in most other ciggies. My husband actually discovered the Bali Shag, because he took up smoking again (he does that when he's stressed :(), and when he showed it to me it was of SUCH a higher quality than the AS that.. I was amazed. He's rolling his own to save money and also not be smoking all the other shit you find in pre-made ciggies. He actually smokes less, finds it more.. umm.. "satisfying" (hello Marlboro man 8) ), and saves a LOT of money.

I was thinking that lb's issues are with the light still getting into the cabinet as well. Littleb, I was thinking something like a packing/moving blanket might be more effective at blocking the light, but.. I'm sure there are other better options than that. Like cardboard. :lol:

Oh yeah, you KNOW I'm watching Ohsogreen's posts, there's too much to miss!


Well-Known Member
Yes, Littlebat....if you see light leaking out during the light cycle,there is light leaking in during the dark cycle. That very well might be why you are getting slow sexing.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well my connies may have passed on but the big bud is thriving.Check out this female ill easily get a pound dry off her,shes got 3 weeks to a month to go!!!!!Brought her into the washroom and put her on 12/12.10:30 am she goes outside and gets 5 hours of pure sun in the 80'S then back in and sleeps at 10:30 pm.Got 2 more bigger than her outside,and the papayas...Wont be long now!!!!:weed:



Well-Known Member
Wood paneling FTW!! I grew up in the beautiful '70s with wood paneling, a plaid couch, and rust-colored shag carpet. Awww yeah. And a mustard yellow kitchen. My mom and I found some old pictures of us in our living room in 1978, when we had just moved into our first brand new house that my parents actually owned, where we were the only people who had ever lived there. I was eight years old and in one of the pics I'm lying on the floor smelling the carpet. I thought that brand new synthetic smell meant that we were finally as cool as everybody else because we had wall-to-wall carpet, and it was brand new and we were the only people who had ever walked on it. For the first eight years of my life we lived in two different rental houses, both with hardwood floors, and I hated them because they were cold in the morning when you got out of bed. It's so funny how that shag carpet and wood paneling made me think my family had moved on up. Of course both my mom and I are wearing big bell-bottom jeans, and her hair is feathered back like Farrah.

I'll put another cover over the cab. I topped the big huge plant today but then the light went out (one way I fucked up is I set my timer backwards and the light is off during the day and on at night, and now I don't know what to do) so I can't see what's up with it. Anyway, I think I have a black sheet somewhere...I'm going to double-layer the sheets over the cab and maybe that will fix the light issue.

Honkey, aren't orange pistils genetic? I've smoked plenty of bud with orange hairs and no seeds.

By the way, I would just like to tell you that I just went to gymnastics stoned and managed to still do tree pose and arabesques on the beam. That myth about stoners being lazy, clumsy, and unmotivated is totally untrue. I love love love gymnastics. It's so ridiculously hard but it's sooooo much fun! Speaking of which, NASTIA OWNS!!!!!!! That is all.


Well-Known Member
Never noticed a color change just a fat little seed casing covered in trich's...
Thanx for joining in on the intervention little bat.Fuck it im gonna put that black/white plastic everywhere...whats that shit called again?????????


Well-Known Member
Littlebat, I think that you could simply leave the lights off for the next light cycle, then put them back onto the 12/12. I could be WRONGWRONGWRONG, though. Still having some sort of issues (am I too impatient?) with rust-colored spots and some yellowing of lower leaves, different things on different plants. And, my fucking Mr. Clean carwash filter isn't lasting long AT ALL. The indicator has almost turned brown and I JUST changed the damn thing the other day. If it goes as quickly as I think it will, Dave will kill me because I'm gonna go back to the PUR drip filter thingy. Long time to get the water, but at least I got a lot more water out of it.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I covered the cabinet so there are no light leaks and changed the lighting so it's on during the day. I hope this doesn't do any damage to the plants. One of them has tiny green pointy things at the nodes, finally, but I can't tell if they'll become pistils or balls. Dammit, I'm really impatient!! I'm gonna go do yoga.