Well-Known Member
Dear Rollie,
Some mean members keep saying, everytime i post, that there should be a special forum set up for people like me and apparently i cant grow, dont grow and am bidding to be the next Rollitup super ace god guru person. It keeps on happening and when i told my mum she said to tell you that they are bullying me, that and you owe her $30 for last night.
Any way my friend George said it would be a good idea for the Moderators to issue 2day bans for nasty name calling and bullying.
I would never say stuff like these meanies and dont go round doing the things they write about me, i object in a mature way not by name calling and try to back up things.
I know it is probably a dumb idea i just wish we could all be mature and get along.
Yours Faithfully
2Hearts Aged 11 and a half
Some mean members keep saying, everytime i post, that there should be a special forum set up for people like me and apparently i cant grow, dont grow and am bidding to be the next Rollitup super ace god guru person. It keeps on happening and when i told my mum she said to tell you that they are bullying me, that and you owe her $30 for last night.
Any way my friend George said it would be a good idea for the Moderators to issue 2day bans for nasty name calling and bullying.
I would never say stuff like these meanies and dont go round doing the things they write about me, i object in a mature way not by name calling and try to back up things.
I know it is probably a dumb idea i just wish we could all be mature and get along.
Yours Faithfully
2Hearts Aged 11 and a half