Yellow leaves are normal right??

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It's normal just about everything in nature as far as plants go yellow out before harvest tomatoes and lots of other stuff will do the same thing. They r just sucking all the nitrogen and good stuff outta the leaves to make fruit. Just like trees do in fall. Your plants look fine and u will b pleased just don't mess up when drying and curing it's probably the most important part of everything you've done. I've seen people mess some great looking bud up with a bad dry or cure.
You are incorrect sir..
THAT (his picture's) is NOT "normal" yellowing......From the yellow bud fans to the yellow bud leaves. I'll say with all conviction, P tox.
Too much P&K too early...Do not start "bloom" feeds till at least week 3 after the flip to 12/12..

Cannabis "specific" nutrients are a JOKE as over 90% of them have fairly bad NPK ratio's (N too low and P too high) and they tell you to start using high P&K (so called bloom or flower nutes) too early !!! That is where all this yellowing in flower comes from!!

Did you "see" ISK's pic of a healthy plant? THAT is how it should look!

Don't listen to everything you hear on the web your plants are fine. It's just not natural for plants that bear fruit including weed not to yellow out at the end. If it were the first 2 weeks of flower or still in veg that's different but Don't worry u will have some nice bud.
You are incorrect sir..
THAT (his picture's) is NOT "normal" yellowing......From the yellow bud fans to the yellow bud leaves. I'll say with all conviction, P tox.
Too much P&K too early...Do not start "bloom" feeds till at least week 3 after the flip to 12/12..

Cannabis "specific" nutrients are a JOKE as over 90% of them have fairly bad NPK ratio's (N too low and P too high) and they tell you to start using high P&K (so called bloom or flower nutes) too early !!! That is where all this yellowing in flower comes from!!

Did you "see" ISK's pic of a healthy plant? THAT is how it should look!

the guy is still gonna have better bud than most people buy on the street lol. And still the last two pics he posted don't look very bad still green leaves but looks to me like heavy nutes and heat issue

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Chlorophyll Breaks Down
But in the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor.

At the same time other chemical changes may occur, which form additional colors through the development of red anthocyanin pigments. Some mixtures give rise to the reddish and purplish fall colors of trees such as dogwoods and sumacs, while others give the sugar maple its brilliant orange.

The autumn foliage of some trees show only yellow colors. Others, like many oaks, display mostly browns. All these colors are due to the mixing of varying amounts of the chlorophyll residue and other pigments in the leaf during the fall season.


Well-Known Member
the guy is still gonna have better bud than most people buy on the street lol. And still the last two pics he posted don't look very bad still green leaves but looks to me like heavy nutes and heat issue
Not on my street. :bigjoint:
Don't listen to everything you hear on the web your plants are fine. It's just not natural for plants that bear fruit including weed not to yellow out at the end. If it were the first 2 weeks of flower or still in veg that's different but Don't worry u will have some nice bud.
This isn't a "natural" grow. A "natural" grow would be letting some land race cannabis creep into your yard while you sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. He's growing indoors under artificial lights on an artificial schedule, so safe to assume he is interested in optimization, not hands off growing.
Chlorophyll Breaks Down
But in the fall, because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor.

At the same time other chemical changes may occur, which form additional colors through the development of red anthocyanin pigments. Some mixtures give rise to the reddish and purplish fall colors of trees such as dogwoods and sumacs, while others give the sugar maple its brilliant orange.

The autumn foliage of some trees show only yellow colors. Others, like many oaks, display mostly browns. All these colors are due to the mixing of varying amounts of the chlorophyll residue and other pigments in the leaf during the fall season.
FYI I'm an arborist that was my profession before having a bad injury. And yeah man trees also bear fruit acorns,seed pods ,and so on and the light change does flip the switch but yeah trees do the same thing.
Not on my street. :bigjoint:

This isn't a "natural" grow. A "natural" grow would be letting some land race cannabis creep into your yard while you sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. He's growing indoors under artificial lights on an artificial schedule, so safe to assume he is interested in optimization, not hands off growing.
I never said it was a natural grow I said it was natural for leaves to yellow when the plant is close to being done. And anyone who grows indoors is trying to replicate nature light, water , co2 & so on.
I'm not a well known member on this site but I'm definitely not a newbie by any means. People are always freaking someone out about the condition of their plants and then the newb ends up giving a hefty dose of ferts and really messes things up! My point is these plants are very resilient I've seen plants almost chopped in half and bounce back. And yellowing also has a lot to do with strain your growing. Blue dream yellows a little more than say northern lights. I've seen plants yellow and have killer bud and I've seen plants stay green and have killer. His bud looks fine

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
FYI I'm an arborist that was my profession before having a bad injury. And yeah man trees also bear fruit acorns,seed pods ,and so on and the light change does flip the switch but yeah trees do the same thing.
well, I'm no arborvitae, I can barely pronounce it, BUT, trees and weed are not the same, especially when it comes to INDOOR growing, where we control everything, unlike mother nature.
It takes more growing skills to finish a plant green and healthy as opposed to fried leaves, which is not natural.
well, I'm no arborvitae, I can barely pronounce it, BUT, trees and weed are not the same, especially when it comes to INDOOR growing, where we control everything, unlike mother nature.
It takes more growing skills to finish a plant green and healthy as opposed to fried leaves, which is not natural.
But isn't the whole idea of indoor growing to replicate nature as best we can? I don't think any indoor grower can do a better job than Mother Nature. I've seen outdoor plants with yellow leaves produce 6lb a plant never seen it indoors


Well-Known Member
But isn't the whole idea of indoor growing to replicate nature as best we can? I don't think any indoor grower can do a better job than Mother Nature. I've seen outdoor plants with yellow leaves produce 6lb a plant never seen it indoors
Fuck no. We are optimizing. You run hail in your indoor grow? Do you run drought? Do you run high winds that break branches?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I also don't let males pollinate my plants, mother nature doesn't run 12 hours of gavita lighting with 12 hours of complete darkness, I don't have all sorts of bugs on my indoor plants(anymore) My indoor room has 1200 ppms of c02, does MN? does MN grow with Dyna grow and peat moss? in 5 gal pots?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I'm not a well known member on this site but I'm definitely not a newbie by any means. People are always freaking someone out about the condition of their plants and then the newb ends up giving a hefty dose of ferts and really messes things up! My point is these plants are very resilient I've seen plants almost chopped in half and bounce back. And yellowing also has a lot to do with strain your growing. Blue dream yellows a little more than say northern lights. I've seen plants yellow and have killer bud and I've seen plants stay green and have killer. His bud looks fine
1: I spoke the truth about where his yellowing came from.

2: It would appear he did not "freak out". He did ask if it would effect the quality. - I will address his question after I finish with you.

3: I NEVER told him to add anything! I told him why it happened and how to avoid it in the future.

4: There is some yellowing at the very end and usually only in the bottom or lower leaves ......I do see coloring expressed later in bloom on plants predisposed to - with the right conditions supplied..

What you see is not "normal" by any means. I was helping him with a gentle nudge in the right direction.....Not starting so called "bloom" nutes before week 3 after the flip will go a long way in helping his (or anyone's) early yellowing problems....If running heavy Sativa strains - longer......Hell dude, when I run a synthetic grow (not very frick'in often anymore and never in the com. grows) I wouldn't start "bloom" nutes till I saw flower set! And even then I start low by mixing with veg nutes on a progressive basis over 2 weeks ..

Will the buds off a plant with the yellowing leaves be a lesser quality than on a non-yellowing plant?
The answer is ................. It can!

In your case. Not really in any area but maybe a minor yield loss that you might see.....It APPEARS to have started later and will allow a very nice harvest.

Could it have been better? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yes, I believe so.....I don't think it allowed you to get to the plants final "potential" finish parameter.......But DAMN close!

Be PROUD! Most don't do that well when they start now know a trick to make it better next time.....If you still get a bit of yellowing kinda early ...... Then the time after that - reduce the concentration of the "bloom" feed.....SHIT, do that to the next one too! It's WAY easier to add more and do good then to use too much and attempt to back pedal into quality!



Well-Known Member
If you're optimizing Mother Nature why do plants grown outside get bigger?
Lighting and associated cost is the usually limiting factor. You can grow them just as big or bigger in a greenhouse where you have more control than outdoors.
you are a arborvitae and you asked a stupid question like that? plants grow in proportion to the time they are vegged before flowering.:dunce:
I wasn't asking a question I was making a point! if I had a question I would ask someone who knows what there talking about. I'm not commenting anymore on this guys post unless he has a question for me it's his post it's about him! besides looking at the pics of some of the people who seem to know it all I think I will stick with the yellow leaves cause the guy who made this posts plant looks just as good as the people giving advice at least he won't b smokin ferts