Well-Known Member
anyone ever take something like xanax with acid to reduce the negative side effects? what did you think? when i take psychedelics i get that anxious and paranoid feeling when it first kicks in. once im all fucked up and hallucinating i feel great though. i just dont like the initial feeling. i know it's just all in my head and most people would think im fine but i always get that paranoid feeling like something bad is going to happen. anyone ever take a benzo to help take the edge off? im talking like a smaller dose .5 - 1 mg. it usually doesnt put me to sleep unless i take a higher dose. anyone ever have negative effects when combining these drugs? im no toxicologist but im almost positive they are safe to take together. i've heard of ppl getting it at the ER when they have bad trips. i know for a fact they give it to people that freak out from smoking weed as crazy as that sounds. i would never go to the ER for a bad trip and never have as i know it is all illusion. been a while since i dropped acid. would rather start it off good.