Thanks man

it's been a rough ride but it's getting sooooooo much better haha
Benzos will do that to ya! Poor guy a seizure on acid would suck. I had quit cold turkey 4 days prior because of cops taking my entire stash of pills. Have a pending felony for that Shit.. Between that, a near fatal accident in june, and then a seizure I'm just done.
Not that hardcore. I've been stuck at work a couple of times but that was either an accident or for shits and giggles. Mostly just not telling my group of friends. Then almost always ending up in public places at some point.
I make ayahuasca myself.
1) 150g acacia confusa and 35g Syrian rue added into a pot with lemon juice and a liter of water.
2) simmer with few bubbles for 45 minutes.
3) strain into another pot.
4) add another liter of water and re-simmer plants again for 45 minutes.
5) strain into other pot and repeat once more for a total of 3 strains.
6) simmer strained material and discard plant material. Until it fits into a 750mL wine bottle.
= life changed forever
Id rather do ayahuasca than smoke dmt. My honest preference. Smoking it isn't long enough and not as.. Life changing lol
Don't take that recipe lightly. Took me a lot of trial and error to come up with that.
3-5 regular size shots will cause a religious experience that you'll never forget. And if you respect it enough, the spirits will play with you