3 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
You have some issues going on my friend The weird twisted growth looks like you may be overwatering or your messing about with your ph wildly ..........post more info about how your growing what soil what nutes it will make things easy for people to help


Well-Known Member
Overwatered and underfed the top pic has some leaves twisting and curling pretty good to ..... But like mentioned above at least your trying and your looking for advice that's awesome your growing in the first place .......I've made my fair share of mistakes and learned from them no big deal It happend to most of us


Well-Known Member
the way I see is anyone can grow good quality weed. what separates the boys from the men is when it hits the scale.
Amen to that brother ......I feel the same exact way ....il see people with massive gardens growing mediocre money crops .......then there's the guy who's passionate with a small backyard grow that ends up with the most amazing potent well producing plants......money don't make you a good grower it's time effort and passion ......we all gotta start somewhere


Well-Known Member
I started with a 600 watt light when I was 15 in a closet at my moms house. lol put seeds direct in 5 gallon pots and watered the hell out of them. I thought I was going to be rich lol. after many failed attempts I had an experienced grower that grew 16,000 watts of hps help me out and show me the ropes. after that I ran with it. had 20, 1k lights going at one point. got to crawl before you can walk


Well-Known Member
seems like you hit that stage where you think you are good. but your still hitting 12 ounces a light lol just gotta push past that


Well-Known Member
Im new to growing just wondering if im doing well
Just remember your doing well just by getting started in the first place even if your first grow doesn't turn out like you hoped at least you learned hands on what works and what doesn't .......you'll be growing fine dank before you know it just don't give up and learn from your mistakes Keep growing


Im using cfls it stinks an the thc has covered the plant completely will it still bud the over watering problem is due to drainage issues buy i put pebbles etc at the bottom of the poy an for ph hasnt ever been tested juat thought id give it a go but my new crops have a ph pf 6.5 under 2-1000 watt hps


Well-Known Member
Im using cfls it stinks an the thc has covered the plant completely will it still bud the over watering problem is due to drainage issues buy i put pebbles etc at the bottom of the poy an for ph hasnt ever been tested juat thought id give it a go but my new crops have a ph pf 6.5 under 2-1000 watt hps
K well if your in good soil the ph is no big deal it will buffer by itself so don't worry to much about that ....IMO I think your moisture problem is your biggest issue right now ......you gotta let those things dry out before you water again MJ likes there dry period in soil How often are you watering


Now i water every time its dry to about an inch deep 3-4 days but thats since i fixed drainage problem but prior to that when i had the problem watering was a big issue as i didnt kmow the difference between over an over water an root rott etc as i change into a big pot i noticed the roots were white but i had to repot again because of the drainage issue but this time when i pulled her out tge roots were