Got some of the seed plants flowering now. These had a ruff go of it this summer in the heat up stairs in coco, and me working and building the greenhouse. It is a miracle anything made it. i through them in half ass dirt because i couldn't buy good stuff at that point and bamm they are going to make some bud!
Nibiru and berrybubble @whodatnation IMG_20151009_133449.jpgIMG_20151009_133438.jpg IMG_20151009_133506.jpg IMG_20151009_133514.jpg
Doesn't seem like half ass dirt to me lol. They look damn green and frosty so it couldn't have been that bad. It never amazes me how the plants do even with the neglect we give them. Great work bro and they aren't even finished yet
I harvested the southern thounder today and it came out very nice. It is exstrema x herijana and the real test will come when it gets the migraine test from the wife. The franks gift works very well and will be passing a jar to papapayne for his girl to test too.
IMG_20151029_165935.JPG IMG_20151029_164240.jpg IMG_20151029_163900.jpg IMG_20151029_170131.JPG
Hobbit house!



