Check the state and county tax web pages. They have all kinds of killer land deals where you just pay off the taxes at an auction an the land is yours!.
really i herd lots of things like that but when i looked into it found out alot of it was BS you have any links
I take it its a holiday trailer >>>??? i did holiday trailer thing for 2 years as i built my Dream home was not that bad specially with newer version holiday trailer literally a home on wheels now looking for lake front property to put it on :) View attachment 3537264
Yea man a holiday\camper trailer. We got lucky and found a 95 that had been taken in by a car dealer in a trade si they wanted it sold. It has the same floor plan as the new ones. We looked at some 85ish ones too and they are not layed out well. It will be tight but we are a tight family anyway.
We took our prada with armed guard 10 yrs ago in angola, w africa (kissama natl park) but we had to get jerked out by the big fkr :) because our driver was a shit driver. View attachment 3537271
I want to see Africa one day but there are a lot of places on the list before it. Your region is one of them ahead of it.

damn man, I like that truck, Thats a beast! I forsee many rides in it
Yea a 1978 4x4 with a 350 so cheep parts, easy to fix, and hell to kill;)
I want to see Africa one day but there are a lot of places on the list before it. Your region is one of them ahead of it.

Yea a 1978 4x4 with a 350 so cheep parts, easy to fix, and hell to kill;)

late 70's were good years for pu's. they lasted then.

Africa is an awesome continent that I will see more of. I have worked in Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, & Mauritania on that continent and have travelled through Johannesburg, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dom Rep of Congo; awesome experiences. I have spent time in India, Russia (Sakhalin; Russia, Korea, Japan all in 1), Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, Germany, and a bunch of places just flying through. But yeah my favorite is SE Asia. I will see more of India though as I am interested in getting up to Parvati Valley before its gone...
late 70's were good years for pu's. they lasted then.

Africa is an awesome continent that I will see more of. I have worked in Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, & Mauritania on that continent and have travelled through Johannesburg, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dom Rep of Congo; awesome experiences. I have spent time in India, Russia (Sakhalin; Russia, Korea, Japan all in 1), Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, Germany, and a bunch of places just flying through. But yeah my favorite is SE Asia. I will see more of India though as I am interested in getting up to Parvati Valley before its gone...
I have been to like 14 country's or territories but you got me bet boss:)
The city, county, and state all have web pages you can find with .gov endings. They usually have crap maps but I use Google maps/satellite views to get an idea of the layout and proximity to roads, rivers, and people.

It is usually under the Tax Assessor's link in the main web site. Find the county you want and then search their site.