Harvest..add your comments and pictures


Well-Known Member
First time growing. Live in Oregon and got two clone Girl Scout Cookies during the first week of July.
Put them in about 5 gal containers. One was plastic and they other that molded paper. A piece of reflective packing had come with something and I put it behind them whenever the wind wasn't too bad. They took off real well.

I have Alpacas during the summer and pile their droppings in a pile. The little worms get in their and eat it and make worm castings. I mixed some of this with a little boughten potting mix. Living in the country we are on well water.
Next picture was taken 9/28.

A friend told me via phone to remove leaves to let the sun in. I went overboard and cut off almost all the fan leaves.

Next two pictures from 10/06

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I made compost tea from the worm castings. Just put a couple inches in the bottom of a bucket. Sometimes would add a little molasses or a little epsom salt. Then make the hose shoot a strong stream to mix it up. Let sit a day or two. When tea was about used up, would just repeat since some castings still would be in bottom..Onc in awhile I would give a little miracle grow. Once it went to flower I also gave them some golden tree...
Today I noticed one cola on each plant was starting to turn brownish so I cut them.

Not 100% sure this was today but think so..


So...now hanging in dark garage with fan lightly blowing.
I think I pulled up n old picture. (the close up)
Today there was a big cola on each plant that was getting really brown.
You'll get a feel for it, just takes a little practice. Get a current pic. The trim or do not trim debate is an ongoing thing, I haven't seen a convincing argument either way. I leave sugar leaves on my bud during drying, but strip all the fan leaves before chop. To each their own, to some degree at least.

Hey Mike, do you fly fish? I hope so, you're in the right area of Oregon to have some fun doing so.
You'll get a feel for it, just takes a little practice. Get a current pic. The trim or do not trim debate is an ongoing thing, I haven't seen a convincing argument either way. I leave sugar leaves on my bud during drying, but strip all the fan leaves before chop. To each their own, to some degree at least.

Hey Mike, do you fly fish? I hope so, you're in the right area of Oregon to have some fun doing so.
Very little fly fishing. Sometimes I do a little fly tying and fishing through the Portland VA.
I am 99% a salmon fisherman around here but go to a friend's place in Alaska for halibut.
For the most part you've done a good job. In the future, get those ladies in the ground after danger of frost has passed. I'm in the Rogue Valley of Oregon, a little south of you. Around here, that used to be the first week of May, the past 2 years its been late April. May 1 is probably a good date for you to shoot for next year. Clones are the way to go, as you'll know what you'll get in advance. If starting from seed, get those babies going indoors 6 weeks or so before you expect to plant outside.

For a decent outside grow, if you're going to use pots use 25 gallon (minimum size) smart pots. Pot size is one of the main factors that control your yield. 25 gallon pots will be a little heavy, but you can still move them around.

Finally, those fan leaves are there for a reason. Once they turn yellow, go ahead and HELP them fall off, but other than that LEAVE THEM ON!!!!!!!!!

Also as others have said, go trim those few remaining fan leaves off right now. Other than that, it looks like you've done a great job. Welcome to the club.......grower!
Thanks Johnny! I waited until July because that's when the law went into effect. I could have got a medical card because of PTSD from Vietnam but decided to wait.
The pots worked pretty good because I could move the girls around to get maximum sun.I had them in a garden wagon but they got too big for that.
Thanks for the helpful tips.
Thanks Johnny! I waited until July because that's when the law went into effect. I could have got a medical card because of PTSD from Vietnam but decided to wait.
The pots worked pretty good because I could move the girls around to get maximum sun.I had them in a garden wagon but they got too big for that.
Thanks for the helpful tips.
Welcome home brother....