One week old seedling turning yellow from inside!


Hello fellas
This is a critical kush 7 days old from planting in coco
As u can see its yellowing from inside of first pair of leaves
Medium is coco perlite solo paper cup
Light is 36w daylight cfl in 3-4 inches 18/6hrs
Temp/humidity is 25/60
Water is mineral with ph of 6.5-7.0
And im watering a few caps(10ml) every other day
No nutrients used
So wtf is going on?its getting worse and worse pls helppp
Peace ✌ DSC_0495.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wrong water to start. pH is probably way off and the PPM is likely very high.

"A Guide to Growing Cannabis in Coco and Perlite
A “soil -free” growing medium.
For the purposes of this piece, I’m making some basic assumptions about anyone contemplating using this grow medium. They are:

  • That you have a few successful marijuana grows under your belt, but feel you could do better – or that you have grown in soil and encountered problems.
  • That you understand the wet/dry cycle.
  • That you possess a pH pen, properly calibrated and use it every watering. Strips are not good enough – buy a pen. Don’t continue reading this til you have.
  • That you are prepared to spend money on nutrients.
  • That you are growing in pots, either under lights or outdoors."


Wrong water to start. pH is probably way off and the PPM is likely very high.

"A Guide to Growing Cannabis in Coco and Perlite
A “soil -free” growing medium.
For the purposes of this piece, I’m making some basic assumptions about anyone contemplating using this grow medium. They are:

  • That you have a few successful marijuana grows under your belt, but feel you could do better – or that you have grown in soil and encountered problems.
  • That you understand the wet/dry cycle.
  • That you possess a pH pen, properly calibrated and use it every watering. Strips are not good enough – buy a pen. Don’t continue reading this til you have.
  • That you are prepared to spend money on nutrients.
  • That you are growing in pots, either under lights or outdoors."
Yeah bro seems that was a miss to grow in coco for my first grow and also i dont have and can't get a pen i just got stripes
So this is my new water
I'll just lower the ph
Is tds fine?


Well-Known Member
Hell no! That water is harder than a teenager's dick. Buy bottled water. Distilled or RO. There's your problem in a big way. Your untreated PPM (TDS) will be like 0.4 to 0.5 from a good source.


That's hard? Normal tap water is 200-250ppm(0.35Ec) and mine is 188ppm
Im absolutely confused dude


Well-Known Member
Hello fellas
This is a critical kush 7 days old from planting in coco
As u can see its yellowing from inside of first pair of leaves
Medium is coco perlite solo paper cup
Light is 36w daylight cfl in 3-4 inches 18/6hrs
Temp/humidity is 25/60
Water is mineral with ph of 6.5-7.0
And im watering a few caps(10ml) every other day
No nutrients used
So wtf is going on?its getting worse and worse pls helppp
Peace ✌ View attachment 3527548
You should use spring water or tap water(not chlorinated). Seedlings don't need any nutrients for at least three weeks. Ph of 6.5 to 7.0 is a little high, try 6.3 to 6.5. Maybe you had a drop of water stuck to the seedling and the light fried it. Back the light off a little and make sure you don't have any water droplets stuck to it when the lights are on. I'm sure the fluoride isn't helping.


Wrong water to start. pH is probably way off and the PPM is likely very high.

"A Guide to Growing Cannabis in Coco and Perlite
A “soil -free” growing medium.
For the purposes of this piece, I’m making some basic assumptions about anyone contemplating using this grow medium. They are:

  • That you have a few successful marijuana grows under your belt, but feel you could do better – or that you have grown in soil and encountered problems.
  • That you understand the wet/dry cycle.
  • That you possess a pH pen, properly calibrated and use it every watering. Strips are not good enough – buy a pen. Don’t continue reading this til you have.
  • That you are prepared to spend money on nutrients.
  • That you are growing in pots, either under lights or outdoors."
So am i supposed to transplant them to soil? I really don't want to be failed
It's my first try and i don't have a ph/ec pen
Maybe i should get some vermi compost


You should use spring water or tap water(not chlorinated). Seedlings don't need any nutrients for at least three weeks. Ph of 6.5 to 7.0 is a little high, try 6.3 to 6.5. Maybe you had a drop of water stuck to the seedling and the light fried it. Back the light off a little and make sure you don't have any water droplets stuck to it when the lights are on. I'm sure the fluoride isn't helping.
I've got a huge source of spring water
But no idea how much is its ppm!
Ph is 7
Also im considering changing to soil


Well-Known Member
So am i supposed to transplant them to soil? I really don't want to be failed
It's my first try and i don't have a ph/ec pen
Maybe i should get some vermi compost
You basically have hydro, vermicompost is for organics. fertilizer wont fix your seedling.


You basically have hydro, vermicompost is for organics. fertilizer wont fix your seedling.
I mean after one more week when they're big enough transplant them to a 2gal pot soil
Cuz ite easier and safer in soil isn't it?
Then i just wasted that cal-mag nutrient i bought


Well-Known Member

I've got a huge source of spring water
But no idea how much is its ppm!
Ph is 7
Also im considering changing to soil
I run organic and my water is 180ppm ph is 8.1 thats my tap water. I don't adjust anything because my soil buffers it down. You cant get away with that when you do hydro. Everything needs to be spot on. like I said you probably had a water droplet stuck to the plant and the light fried it.


Well-Known Member
I mean after one more week when they're big enough transplant them to a 2gal pot soil
Cuz ite easier and safer in soil isn't it?
Then i just wasted that cal-mag nutrient i bought
save the calmag you might need it when you flower 4 months from now.


I run organic and my water is 180ppm ph is 8.1 thats my tap water. I don't adjust anything because my soil buffers it down. You cant get away with that when you do hydro. Everything needs to be spot on. like I said you probably had a water droplet stuck to the plant and the light fried it.
I don't think it was a drop of water
Because obviously its coming from inside of the plant and it BECAME HUGE in a few days
Also another smaller seedling is yellowing like this one
So is it overwatering? Or high ph?
Or maybe both?


Well-Known Member
Ph issues can cause all sorts of weird stuff. I'd be watering that coco with 5.8 ph'ed water.

Grab yourself a cheap ph pen meter from ebay (something like this: I have been using one of these alongside my HM PH-80 and it is quite accurate. Just grab some buffers so you can calibrate it. Or find a supplier that gives you the powdered buffers with the pen. It will be the best < 10 bucks you've ever spent. Plus you'll learn how to look after it so when/if you get a decent meter, you'll know how to look after it.

Test strips/liquid testers can be difficult to read. You are usually in a 0.5 range with them, sometimes more. My liquid test kit for example is yellow between 5.5 and 6.5. It's hard to tell which shade of yellow it actually is. I always thought I was watering between 5.5 and 6.0 but when I got the ph meter, I was actually watering at around 6.2.

Also try leaving your water in an open bucket overnight to get rid of that chloride. Grab a whisk from your kitchen and stir it up frequently to get air through it. Or get yourself an airstone/pump and leave that in there overnight.

Unfortunately, getting problems as severe as that so early means your baby is probably going to be a bugger of a thing throughout its life (stunted, prone to deficiencies, pests etc..). You may be able to pull them through if you get on top of the problem early. Start with getting your ph right and then work from there.
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Well-Known Member
I run organic and my water is 180ppm ph is 8.1 thats my tap water. I don't adjust anything because my soil buffers it down. You cant get away with that when you do hydro. Everything needs to be spot on. like I said you probably had a water droplet stuck to the plant and the light fried it.
It surely does look like that colour you get from water/light burn. Much like the white colour of meat when you first throw it in boiling water. Ha!
Why don't you guys just google proper ph for coco?
5.8 seems to be the magic number and the recommended range is the same as hydro (5.5 - 6.5). Good thing about coco is that once you flush with the correct ph it corrects the problem at the roots immediately. Flush at least 2 times the size of the pot and measure the runoff ph. It should be the same ph as you're pouring in. Keep flushing until the ph is equalised (ph of water coming out = ph of water going in). Have had to flush my girls a few times due to stupid mistakes and thankfully it's very easy to correct.


It surely does look like that colour you get from water/light burn. Much like the white colour of meat when you first throw it in boiling water. Ha!

5.8 seems to be the magic number and the recommended range is the same as hydro (5.5 - 6.5). Good thing about coco is that once you flush with the correct ph it corrects the problem at the roots immediately. Flush at least 2 times the size of the pot and measure the runoff ph. It should be the same ph as you're pouring in. Keep flushing until the ph is equalised (ph of water coming out = ph of water going in). Have had to flush my girls a few times due to stupid mistakes and thankfully it's very easy to correct.
So u guys think i better stay on coco and dont change to coco
Look i cant use ebay amazon and etc
I don't leave in eu
Ph pen is expensive here and rly out of my budget
Even my nutrients are not coco specific nutrients
I've got a cal-mag+N
A water soluble NPK 20-20-20+te
A liquid organic NPK 11-5-15
So what to do?
Stay in coco for transplant to soil after a week?


It surely does look like that colour you get from water/light burn. Much like the white colour of meat when you first throw it in boiling water. Ha!

5.8 seems to be the magic number and the recommended range is the same as hydro (5.5 - 6.5). Good thing about coco is that once you flush with the correct ph it corrects the problem at the roots immediately. Flush at least 2 times the size of the pot and measure the runoff ph. It should be the same ph as you're pouring in. Keep flushing until the ph is equalised (ph of water coming out = ph of water going in). Have had to flush my girls a few times due to stupid mistakes and thankfully it's very easy to correct.
Tnx I'll water them with phed water and see if they recover
And how often water do u think?
Am i over or under watering?

Don Geno

Well-Known Member
For a first grow IMO is easier to start off in soil with a 5-5-5 ratio then after that grow you can read the plant alot better and then move to different formulas nutrients and medium because then you have an overall view of basics also soil is more forgiving pop another one in soil just as a back up good luck!



Well-Known Member
Tnx I'll water them with phed water and see if they recover
And how often water do u think?
Am i over or under watering?
If you have good drainage, it is near (if not) impossible to overwater coco. Keep doing what you're doing by pouring the cap or 2 of water down the stalk a couple times a day. Make sure it's ph'ed to 5.8. I'd even start giving 1/8 dose of nutes once it recovers just to provide anything it may have exhausted through the stress. Start the nutes with your cap feeds and progress from there.

...pop another one in soil just as a back up good luck!
Great idea. I'd be doing this AmirR as backup. Keep your coco grow going. If you can fix this problem, you should be able to handle almost anything thrown at you in the future.