Best way to consume shrooms?


Well-Known Member
I'm with @GreatwhiteNorth
Soup + blender. Let cool a bit and get it into ya.
I've always found acid gave me a come down - blissed out but a kind of like my brain is knackered but cant sleep. Mushies are more natural-not so clinical if that makes sense

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
I'm with @GreatwhiteNorth
Soup + blender. Let cool a bit and get it into ya.
I've always found acid gave me a come down - blissed out but a kind of like my brain is knackered but cant sleep. Mushies are more natural-not so clinical if that makes sense
acid don't give me bsd nausea like shrooms though, gotta say i like acid better


Well-Known Member
Ethanol works pretty good at extracting shrooms and almost eliminates nausea completely, for me atleast, that's actually the only way I'll take really large doses like 5+gs, just soak and evaporate then put the trippy goo in some caps for shroom pills, to store em wrap em in some foil and throw em in the freezer
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Well-Known Member
What's the largest dose of shrooms you've taken or seen someone eat? My Mexican friend who does not like cid loves hongos (shrooms)
He has eaten an entire half oz of hongos in one sitting. Penis envy is the strain. When I ate one g of pe the first time I thought the world was gonna evaporate into gold and purple spores and red streaks of lightning...

I've seen him do this twice, each time I get him one oz of hongos he gives us (1 brother, me. Maybe 1 other) a q to split, saves an eighth and eats most of the rest adding what he can't finish to the stuff he saves.

And I have been known to eat tums like candy on the hongos

New Age United

Well-Known Member
I ate close to a quarter one time but I know a guy who eats them like chips we estimated that he downed close to a half one night.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I might be wrong but after like 2-3 after you start your adventure, my buddies would intentionally puke and I did it a few times as well. Im pretty sure that was with boomers, I thought theyd boil the shrooms and drink the liquid or something.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
What do they see I wonder? What the lsd equivalent?
He's says he hardly trips at all, just that the universe is a little more vibrant and an intense happy feeling at times.

I don't think you can really compare the two lsd is a much more profound experience but I find mushrooms, though more subtle are more fun I get a ton of energy, laugh my fucking face off and experience bliss that I have never experienced without them, acid doesn't give me that constant state of nirvana.


Well-Known Member
i ate an 8th on to seperate occassions first was put into melted chocolate and turned into a candy bar...went to dq and my hamburger was laughing at me..i busting out crying in the middle of dairyqueen.... second time i ate it str8 i stayed home but everyones face was really red and missing pixels was really really nautious the second time also


Well-Known Member
anyone feel like any type of lsd or extacy doesnt kick in without a joint and a beer? i swear i feel no effects till i smoke or drink then it hits me all at once and i trip or roll balls