Real Organics

oh no! you have some mites on your bean plants i'm thinking!!!!! :( i recognize that from the beans in my outdoor garden any day. careful with those bad boys! or are the beans a decoy from the cannabis??? there is a friggin epidemic of spider mites in my outdoor city garden from all the growers with mites around here dumping their shit outside and spreading them. it's gonna make the news one day i'll betcha, not that i'll be watching ;)

you are horticulturist correct? where did you go to school at? I have a little background from botany, soil management, couple chemistry, and geology classes. Continuing my education next year to get bachelors of science in ecology management and natural resources. school was not fun for me when i was younger, but when i finally figured out why i wanted to go, it turned me into a 4.0 student lol. amazing how that works right?

Arborist but i wanna be a horticulturist! I tried to get the remainder of what i didnt inundate with dawn soap and neem oil to attack the beans, that's why you see it solo in a 5 gallon container, i am SOOO DAMN ANAL about using every damn inch of soil, i think its from growing up poor, trying to get the most outa my gardens without realizing im doing it kinda thing, if that makes sense, i'm just being honest here. I took those pics about a week ago, wanted to share new ones with you guys but my powershot cameras battery is SHOT! This lil bastard mite issue just reared its ugly head but there in for a rude awakening fucken with my gardens, i'm on disability and will fucken declare war on there asses!
Talk about reseeting the batteries whoa, my neighbor has san perdro's this last blood moon her husband and her were trying to get me to go skyclad and "join" them lmao wow man wow!

Yeahhhhh buddy, thats the Pedro. The blood moon would have been a real trip. I love nature and the outdoors, i have never locked myself up in a room or hose when im trippin. Always outside! Its a sensory overload, but i feel more intune with my surroundings and on a heavy dose, i would freek out if coupe up inside. Theres nothing more wild than carrying out a full blown conversation with a tree. lol good times, good times
ahh shit, i thought those were grandpa's plants in the pics so that's why i asked about the schooling, i thought i read earlier maybe on first page of this that he went to school. my bad!

@Grandpa GreenJeans you are the horticulturist correct?

Yes and no. I did go to UW-MADISON for horticulture. But didn't finish my major. I however am employed in the agricultural and horticultural field. I'm federally licence and state certified as a Chem applicator for turf/landscapes/ornamental. And also a structural pest control technician with certificate endorsement for aquatic and mosquito.
I'm very educated on mycology as well, but my scholar focus was microbiology and didn't focus just solely on mycology. That's all set taught. My wife is a veterinarian and let's me go to her clinic at night to use lab equipment and such for my own personal research and culturing my bacterial and fungal isolates.
Arborist but i wanna be a horticulturist! I tried to get the remainder of what i didnt inundate with dawn soap and neem oil to attack the beans, that's why you see it solo in a 5 gallon container, i am SOOO DAMN ANAL about using every damn inch of soil, i think its from growing up poor, trying to get the most outa my gardens without realizing im doing it kinda thing, if that makes sense, i'm just being honest here. I took those pics about a week ago, wanted to share new ones with you guys but my powershot cameras battery is SHOT! This lil bastard mite issue just reared its ugly head but there in for a rude awakening fucken with my gardens, i'm on disability and will fucken declare war on there asses!
Look for a germicidal bulb to assist in the war on mites. They create ozone and UV. My set up is (1) 30w florescent germicidal lamp all the way at the ceiling of the grow cab. Mostly for odor control but it kills insects and fungi like PM.
I'm very educated on mycology as well, but my scholar focus was microbiology and didn't focus just solely on mycology. That's all set taught. My wife is a veterinarian and let's me go to her clinic at night to use lab equipment and such for my own personal research and culturing my bacterial and fungal isolates.

cool man, doesn't matter if you finish. it's about using the book knowledge and learning while you experience. experience is everything! nice to have someone to ask a few questions to about some of the botany stuff i didn't get to in my one semester class, but man was that shit helpful for growing. i'm self educated on mycology so far. I love to hunt wild mushrooms. some of the best oyster mushrooms i know of are going to be growing in november/december here in MI. they're a colder species of pleurotus, so much flavor. i dont believe they are ostreatus, but maybe the weather makes them look a little different. they love dead maple. any good mushroom hunter knows the trees/plants that the mushrooms associate with :) i thought about growing shrooms but honestly i can go out and pick shrooms just about any time of the year so i didnt see it was worth my efforts.

do you cultivate your own edible mushrooms? there's big business right now with that. $$$
last harvest i used a bag of roots organics to transplant some girls to flower, some supersoil got mixed in with the roots organic bag. 1 month later, the whoole top is covered in webs and little round fungi looking things.... it gave me chills just by looking at it, WAY TOO ALIVE!!! it looked like your soil but completely covered. now the plants are exploding thanks to it. very nice thread man keep it up.
cool man, doesn't matter if you finish. it's about using the book knowledge and learning while you experience. experience is everything! nice to have someone to ask a few questions to about some of the botany stuff i didn't get to in my one semester class, but man was that shit helpful for growing. i'm self educated on mycology so far. I love to hunt wild mushrooms. some of the best oyster mushrooms i know of are going to be growing in november/december here in MI. they're a colder species of pleurotus, so much flavor. i dont believe they are ostreatus, but maybe the weather makes them look a little different. they love dead maple. any good mushroom hunter knows the trees/plants that the mushrooms associate with :) i thought about growing shrooms but honestly i can go out and pick shrooms just about any time of the year so i didnt see it was worth my efforts.

do you cultivate your own edible mushrooms? there's big business right now with that. $$$

I use to be real big in edible mushrooms. I haven't for a little now, but have a nice collection of prints and spore syringes. I have a couple cubes in petri right now but I'm currently isolating and they won't be ready to noc up grain for some time. It's something I'll get back into eventually.
Wow man, germicidal bulbs sound very sexy indeed! You make me feel like an idiot lmao! thankyou for your help man.

No your definitely not an idiot! AND, the only reason I have one is because I found it with 5 spare bulbs and figured, (mabey one day I'll use it) lol, I'm such a hoarder.
last harvest i used a bag of roots organics to transplant some girls to flower, some supersoil got mixed in with the roots organic bag. 1 month later, the whoole top is covered in webs and little round fungi looking things.... it gave me chills just by looking at it, WAY TOO ALIVE!!! it looked like your soil but completely covered. now the plants are exploding thanks to it. very nice thread man keep it up.

Thanks dude.
Your soil sounds AWESOME! And gave me some motivation for today's to do's.
Look for a germicidal bulb to assist in the war on mites. They create ozone and UV. My set up is (1) 30w florescent germicidal lamp all the way at the ceiling of the grow cab. Mostly for odor control but it kills insects and fungi like PM.

before i research this.... maybe you can save me the trouble. Do you know what makes a bulb germicidal so i don't buy something that's a phony... like what should i look for in terms of it creating the ozone and UVL.
I decided to add about 3lbs dry, from my last harvest in april. Fans, stems, larf buds all crushed up and mixed into my soil I plan to transplant into. Mixed up a aerobic microbial concentrate with my cultured flaculative anerobes. Added a dash of molasses and wet the surface of the soil bed after all the mixing was done. This should add a complete and longer lasting source of nutrients. 20151029_112757.jpg20151029_114037.jpg 20151029_113813.jpg 20151029_115810.jpg 20151029_120012.jpg and I cover it back up.
OK good so they do make 4 footers, that's either a t-8 or a t-5 im likes........grandpa, just for shits and giggles i gotta ask......did you get the trichs off the larf buds of is this a 100% recycling endeavor lol?