Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Stock up for that special pirate costume next year. I'll loan you a parrot, OH HELL screw that I'll GIVE you a parrot. BTW it requires three squares a day or it screams like a f'n girl.
FP go easy on your flaming self. You aren't the first to be high and post in a stream of consciousness way. :-). I'm remembering right now some of the shit I've posted on RJJ. Knowing some of the members better now it makes me cringe. We are for the most part a very forgiving bunch.
Add a heartfelt ME TOO! It's like having both my girls on RIU, Sunni who walks the line and preserves law and order and my youngster who says exactly what she thinks much to her older sister's chagrin LOL. As for you Hooka, I think of you as the level headed sister I never had. Actually RIU has some really deeply good people on here and I've adopted most of you in my crazy head :) as the family I would have liked to have had.

I am blessed.


Well-Known Member
Are you new to WA state? Just curious. Native here. halloween was nastier than most. Usually it just rains or is bitter cold. Last night some nice wind was added. I stayed home surfing for good horror flicks on t.v. WHAT HAPPENED to all the good movies. No Shining, No pshycho, Fell asleep early
Yeah! :bigjoint:

Moved to the Puget Sound area from Iowa back in May.