Skywalker Kush by Reserva Privada

^^^^ Yeah, will be curious to see how final yields turn out. Things are deff looking strong.

Right now I am working on first grow to supply wife and I along with a few friends as just a little experiment given the new grow legalization laws were I am at. If I pull 200+, I will be very happy and by the rate we go through things, should last us ages.


Well-Known Member
hahaha yer I let it get the best of me about 6 years ago.. Now I just keep it simple with the one plant setup, does worry me sometimes when get a strain like this Skywalker Kush - which is generally a difficult strain to grow in terms of the deficiencies, vigorous stretching etc that all my eggs are in one basket, but hey ho. End of the day Its all I really need to do to keep stocked throughout the year and I struggle to manage my time efficiently anyway with working so much etc.

Yer it stinks a lot more than the tangilope I did before. Crazy difference. Hope it yields 350+ like it! Opening the tent for any period of time sends a strong smell into the house which seems to linger for ages lol
Maybe if you can try soil grows? I have grown two Rp strains in soil and had a LOVELY GO OF IT!


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you can try soil grows? I have grown two Rp strains in soil and had a LOVELY GO OF IT!
I had my best quality off soil and dutch pro feeds but I generally find hydro a joy to work with and enjoy it more, also I dont need new soil, pk, boost, rhizo etc saving costs. Problem is with running multiple strains in confined space is if they are completely different so its why I like to seperate areas for different strains. Of course its easily doable still - I used to run a 4 pot modified wilma to essentially be a recirculating system with bubbler and was pulling 900-1000g off a 600w and 400w in a 1.2m tent with 2 or 3 different strains. Just keeping it simples really Iv used a waterfarm for 5 years or so without troubles really (touch wood) - so running 2 plants of same strain just in soil does take away some risk factor, but will add more stuff to do for similar results. Food for thought though always ;) Cheers!
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Well-Known Member
^^^^ Yeah, will be curious to see how final yields turn out. Things are deff looking strong.

Right now I am working on first grow to supply wife and I along with a few friends as just a little experiment given the new grow legalization laws were I am at. If I pull 200+, I will be very happy and by the rate we go through things, should last us ages.
Yer mate its right on target but I like to be skeptical with yields so don't really set myself a number to pull off, more of a ambitious thought lol Yer thats how I started out sorting mates and mrs, its a slippery slope hahaha jokes.. I do just keep myself to myself now, have done for a good couple of years. Couple of people know I grow around here but its cos I sort them cuttings and they give me nice outdoor end of the summer ;)
Yer mate its right on target but I like to be skeptical with yields so don't really set myself a number to pull off, more of a ambitious thought lol Yer thats how I started out sorting mates and mrs, its a slippery slope hahaha jokes.. I do just keep myself to myself now, have done for a good couple of years. Couple of people know I grow around here but its cos I sort them cuttings and they give me nice outdoor end of the summer ;)
I hear ya with all of that.
For me, I cant help but share with those close by. It just makes the harvest better. The community support makes the grow more fun to boot. Maybe are a few rounds I might pull things back though. Its good to hear from others and their experiences though.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya with all of that.
For me, I cant help but share with those close by. It just makes the harvest better. The community support makes the grow more fun to boot. Maybe are a few rounds I might pull things back though. Its good to hear from others and their experiences though.
Yer man for sure, kinda why started the journal ting off just to keep motivated knowing others are watching, giving input, advice etc Iv built this grow setup on a shoe string though (probably under 300 euro as most of its second hand as my mate owns the big grow shop here) so grows are just going to keep getting better and better for me. Little additions now such as having spare meters, hygrometer for curing, 2 thermostats etc all these little additions what zone everything in to perfection I have this time around make all the difference. Still a way to go until fully content, but getting there!

Going to be popping Barneys Farm LSD this weekend for germination. I know how good and easy this strain is to grow and I need to relax over the holidays lol
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Nice. Are you planning on running a new journal for the LSD?
I just throw some Sage n Sours and MK Ultras into some wet paper towels. Hopefully the seeds with pop with int he next 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Are you planning on running a new journal for the LSD?
I just throw some Sage n Sours and MK Ultras into some wet paper towels. Hopefully the seeds with pop with int he next 24 hours.
Yes I most likely will be running a new journal for the LSD. Will be a bit slow starting while I get this girl finished up but it will be a good watch if I do it. I know that strain and its a pleasure to grow. Good luck with the germination also!

edit: Just checked on the SW after putting back on nutes yesterday, 3/4 res gone and PPM pretty much the same (went down by 5ppm) but the ph was low at 4.9/5.. Topped up with RO water and couple of drops of liquid silicon to pull that back up. All looking ok though, spotted the odd orange hair on buds now too.
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Well-Known Member

Ok nearly another week gone by and things are getting seriously smelly!!!!! she is a sticky mess very musky and powerful aroma. Even with a 150mm fan and filter I am getting smell of ganja up the corridor now which I had no signs of with Tangilope.. I am on my way to hopefully acheiving some decent bud to relish the Top Shelf stuff I tried in Amsterdam

So i took her up to 1200PPM and she shit herself. PPM went up 120 and iv been basically flushing and creeping her back up to her 900-1000PPM sweet spot again. Water uptake still around 3-4 litre per day. RH at 54-61% but I need to cover the drip ring again as the tin foil i has on has been depreciated through taking it on and off for feeding for 6 weeks or so.. Will do that tomorrow when I pop to the shop. All in all though considering the challenges presented throughout this grow from lack of calmag, to caterpillar infestation and treatments, high humidity, high temps till week 3 - its looking pretty good I guess.

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Happy Friday all @ RIU!
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Well-Known Member
UPDATE! - Okay she has been well high maintenance to say the least this past week. Real headache tbh.... PPM's up and down, water uptake up and down, PH a little strange on one reading! But now she is settled again after flushing 48 hours and adding a couple of drops of liquid silicon to help the roots breath. Just aware of root rotting, but water temp is around 20c and air temps are 24c so should be cool...

Anyway for the last 24 hours she has been real stable and water uptake back to over half the res! so today I put her on half strength nutes just to see some sense on the meters and try and creep her up for the final stretch... She is about to come into week 8 tomorrow I believe so literally on the 2 week countdown, but will start inspecting trichomes next week with loupe once I see that swelling and more orange hairs.

Happy days :bigjoint::bigjoint:

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Well-Known Member

Only had time for mobile pics sorry.... She is in week 8 now and PPM around 650 after a flush. Looking and smelling real good, not long to go now!

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In other exciting news the LSD seed has sprouted, its home is an incubator in a carboard box with household CFL right now, but she will go in the tent when Skywalker is done straight onto 18:6 under the 400w HPS. I will start another journal once she is in the waterfarm. Pretty slow until then to start a new thread lol


Feeling like winter now the last couple of days too, temperatures dropped significantly. Lighting the fireplace and smoking some skywalker kush sounds like an idea soon!
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Well-Known Member
This strain gave me more weight than I estimated due to bud density I didn't see much benefit to higher nutrient levels they seem to take what they want and reject the rest but mine still gave me a good rate of growth in spite of being nutrient sensitive which seemed to defy all logic your experience in growing really shines through on this one


Well-Known Member
This strain gave me more weight than I estimated due to bud density I didn't see much benefit to higher nutrient levels they seem to take what they want and reject the rest but mine still gave me a good rate of growth in spite of being nutrient sensitive which seemed to defy all logic your experience in growing really shines through on this one
Thanks Dude and its nice you have confirmed this abnormality with nutrients, it had me worried at one point! But she was still packing on mass so it was a mind bender, as your quite right mate - she defys all logic of growing lol Over the last few days though I have crept it back up to 840 PPM on latest feed and it was 700 when checking the res earlier. So looks like the plan worked!

Thought Id grab a few pics again, its easy now I got my smartphone. I will crack the SLR out for harvest time though! couple of pics of buds next to a lighter so can get the idea of the size of the buds..

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Sorry if not the best pics. My puppy seems to think when Im in the room handling the plant Armageddon is occuring and goes a bit crazy lol A good friend of mine popped by other day and threw a bagof weed at me to try with a few strains to try, so Iv been really enjoying smoking something decent prior to this! Includes Blueberry, Rosenthel and Himilaya Gold! Doesnt happen often lol


I hate guessing weight but I am happy with around the 300 mark give or take a little..
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Well-Known Member
Its friday, thought few more bud shots wouldnt hurt. She is on a flush again now after getting the ppms up to 850 with decent uptake and ppm decline. Going to put her back in tomorrow around 600ppm see what shes sayin

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Well-Known Member
Thank god for dogs and friends my s/w threw out almost pure white hairs up until a few days before harvest then she turned almost overnight I never figured out the roller coaster nutrient uptake after the stretch period from flipping the light they seemed happiest with a reduced nutrient dose & I also added botanic are sweet as a friend turned me onto it it's the only non gh nutes I use although it gave me good results on the s/w in coco i think it's because of the sulphur I once tried big bud which proved to be a waste of money after growing side by side comparisons my guess is one day soon you're gonna open the room to rapidly ripening buds I have 2 dogs a border collie & an Australian Shepard glad to see you enjoy your dog I'm getting things together as my neighbors moved & the green light to start up is about to shine meanwhile the dogs & I spend a lot of time by the fire drinking beer lol.


Well-Known Member
Thank god for dogs and friends my s/w threw out almost pure white hairs up until a few days before harvest then she turned almost overnight I never figured out the roller coaster nutrient uptake after the stretch period from flipping the light they seemed happiest with a reduced nutrient dose & I also added botanic are sweet as a friend turned me onto it it's the only non gh nutes I use although it gave me good results on the s/w in coco i think it's because of the sulphur I once tried big bud which proved to be a waste of money after growing side by side comparisons my guess is one day soon you're gonna open the room to rapidly ripening buds I have 2 dogs a border collie & an Australian Shepard glad to see you enjoy your dog I'm getting things together as my neighbors moved & the green light to start up is about to shine meanwhile the dogs & I spend a lot of time by the fire drinking beer lol.
Here here to drinking beer by the fire with the pooches :cool:

Yer she is ripening really fast now. Good amount of orange hairs but generally a lot of white hairs so I'm very happy you have said that mate as I'm pretty much due to do final flushing today/tomorrow as the trichomes are really starting to go pretty cloudy in entirety. She is also on day 61 I believe - so all looking good Sunday evening on trichomes; I will starve her and probably leave her in the dark for a couple of days still in the waterfarm.

She smells really really strong, I cant hide the smell now tbh, its a bit like Cheese where the smell just lingers outside and by-passes your filter lol Been super super busy so you will have to excuse the rushed and shit pics from yesterday. I will try get some decent ones over the weekend with the proper camera! Looking like it will be a semi decent harvest next week all going well! Just in time for xmas!!

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Well-Known Member
I'm quite envious to say the least you could smell my sky walker a good ways away as I had no filter system I really should invest in a good filter