Your smell…lets delve in…

I'd be willing to bet every man does it but won't fess up. It sounds gross, sometimes it smells gross but I'd rather smell deez nuts than freshly picked vag. I just try to keep the scratching to a minimum in public.
Do you play it off? Like run your hands through your hair while smelling your fingers in the process? Lmao, best forum ever. Fuck the journal's
I don't shower every day because I don't leave only leave the house about 3 times per week. But when I do, I've been told that I smell great, which is funny because I smoke cigarettes. I use Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree oil soap in the shower, expensive all natural lavender deodorant, and shower to shower powder on my ass and genital regions. I also brush my teeth and tongue with a 5% h2o2 solution I mix myself, so even though I smoke and drink coffee, my teeth are unnaturally white and my breath is fresh for many hours after brushing. I get many female compliments on how great I smell. Then again, they aren't around on the days I don't shower, on which I can smell like a dead gorilla...
I don't shower every day because I don't leave only leave the house about 3 times per week. But when I do, I've been told that I smell great, which is funny because I smoke cigarettes. I use Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree oil soap in the shower, expensive all natural lavender deodorant, and shower to shower powder on my ass and genital regions. I also brush my teeth and tongue with a 5% h2o2 solution I mix myself, so even though I smoke and drink coffee, my teeth are unnaturally white and my breath is fresh for many hours after brushing. I get many female compliments on how great I smell. Then again, they aren't around on the days I don't shower, on which I can smell like a dead gorilla...
Hahaha fuck, i thought i was the only one with dr.bronner
I won't lie, my hair stinks of MJ, I get compliments all the time.

My body prob smells of my bf but that ok coz he shaves his armpits.

When he's not around I smell like I've drowned in Narcisco Rodriguez or Blvgari rose essentialle.
I won't lie, my hair stinks of MJ, I get compliments all the time.

My body prob smells of my bf but that ok coz he shaves his armpits.

When he's not around I smell like I've drowned in Narcisco Rodriguez or Blvgari rose essentialle.
That's hot.

I imagine you say it in a sexy Spanish accent. Even though I know you are from the UK.

That's hot.

I imagine you say it in a sexy Spanish accent. Even though I know you are from the UK.

I think I have a heavy English accent when I speak spanish but my bf says I have better pronunciation than him sometimes. It's natural though because I can easily detect a German, French, or italian when they speak Spanish. Unless they are really really good. Need to learn before puberty if you want a native accent. (Eg French from school).

I stink, shower time!!