The 'sarcastically nice' only thread ............

I think I am probably the most loved member of RIU! What a keen observer you are!

Seriously everyone has been SO kind and welcoming. Getting to know me, and my life, before they pass any judgement.

The kind hearted things that people have said to me…really just gets me right in the feels.

Everyone here is just so awesome. Every. Single. One.
u being sarcastic right ? cant tell

It’s Vagina for dinner, again…

Sorry I know we have that like EVERY night. It’s your favourite though!
you sound like my nymph ex.

you'll be getting dick again as well Bahahabahabahahbbh !!!

sorry that wasn't sarcastic enough, i like you, you're attitudes great :) i am cool. :lol:
I seriously want those shoes!
Yess, please sit on meh face!
(SIDEBAR: Can’t tell if being sarcastic…or if too high to remember the thread theme…)

Sure stranger from the internet I’ve never actually met! Give me your addy and I’ll be RIGHT there! It’s so very hard for me to find people around me that are willing to let me sit on their face. Whew, you SAVED THE DAY!

(SIDEBAR: Can’t tell if being sarcastic…or if too high to remember the thread theme…)

Sure stranger from the internet I’ve never actually met! Give me your addy and I’ll be RIGHT there! It’s so very hard for me to find people around me that are willing to let me sit on their face. Whew, you SAVED THE DAY!

You can sit on my face any day, even with HPV.. ;)
You can sit on my face any day, even with HPV.. ;)


So who is this Susie-2-Hottie from the other pictures? Oh wait, should we talk about it in there? I know people get pissed.

I totally think it is COMPLETELY justified when people try to tell you how to post, where to post, what material to post, and why you should post it.

Those people should totally NOT fuck off. hahahah