Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

Also, the plush x who might be worth your pheno hunting. Just top the shit out. Theres a purple pheno, loud loud black cherry soda smelling pheno. Hella sticky and crystally. The green pheno has a more exotic fruit smell. Also nice crystal coverage. The purple,is a lovely shade though with really bright orange hairs. Pics,don't do,justice.
How was the grape whos resistance to pm? Looks the healthiest of the bunch.. besides that sour bubnle cross.. wholy shit man.. im digging that cross looks like a very handsome yielder and that color... very nice
Needless to say ... i no longer have pm issuses and have been pm free for 2 years now.. thank god. I know what ur going through i found the answer in.ed rosenthals marijuana pest and disease book in the powdery mildew section.. its the only cure.

Shit before that i tryed milk. Peroxide. Sulfur. Soap. Nothing can kill pm safely.. u must streghten the plants xelluar structure to prevent the mildew spores on.landing on ur ladies and reproducing u do this by using Silica.. the Sikica fortifys the outside celluar wall to almost have like a sharp exoskelton.whatever lands on the plant dies.. read up.on it in that book only.. this is alot pf misleading info to sell all those instint cures.. there os no instant consumer safe product.. i want to see u get over thos hurdle as i did my friend..
The only bad thing about silica is that it will reduce microbial life in soil. What i do is i water with silica and feed teas to repopulate the microbe herds.. its working pretty well for me
I use silica blast plus iron regularly already sadly. :( it's been a bear with pm...the outdoor,plants beat it due to sunlight but,seems,to flair up whenever a dehumidifier fails. Or if,I water to heavy. Never had it in cali. Think it's partly due to my areas climate and shit. The plants in veg are going,to get sulfur burned like 4-5 times before,next flower hopefull can get a clean run in.