Actually giving thanks- Join me


Well-Known Member
Possibly a little more of a sombre post than I'd normally make, but it's one of those days.

I'm sat in the hospital, because my missus has just had some decrepit idiot pull out on her writing off the second car in 6 months.

She has a fractured cheek bone, possibly a broken ankle and unknown neck shoulder and back injuries.

Thanksgiving isn't something widely celebrated over here, but I might make a point of having a piece of pie and a turkey sandwich tonight. It seems appropriate.

There will also be whisky. She'll need it.
Possibly a little more of a sombre post than I'd normally make, but it's one of those days.

I'm sat in the hospital, because my missus has just had some decrepit idiot pull out on her writing off the second car in 6 months.

She has a fractured cheek bone, possibly a broken ankle and unknown neck shoulder and back injuries.

Thanksgiving isn't something widely celebrated over here, but I might make a point of having a piece of pie and a turkey sandwich tonight. It seems appropriate.

There will also be whisky. She'll need it.

Shit. Sorry to hear, Growan. Glad she's only knicked up- the human body is a pretty resilient thing tho. Keep your chin up and keep her positive too, she needs you. If you need a laugh or something, look at the pic of my weiner I sent you a while back. But seriously hinges will be ok, if you need anything, let me know.
Edit- hinges? Should be things
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Keep her warm and out of direct sunlight for a spell. Glad things worked out in a non-disasterous way. Hope you have smooth sailing for a long while.
Sorry to hear about the wife. You do indeed have something to be thankful for my friend !
Enjoy the turkey sandwich , pie and whisky .
Cheers man. That's 2 no fault write offs in 6 months and everyone still breathing from all vehicles. Guess that makes us 'lucky'.
I'm really sorry to hear about your ole lady. Keep her company and keep her smiling bro. Forget about you looking at Bu$hies peen, if she gets down show her Bu$hies dick pic and remind her how lucky she is that she didn't end up with that tiny lil thang:lol: lol jk @bu$hleaguer you know I lurves ya bruh.

I hope for her speedy recovery and all the best for you and your fam.
Possibly a little more of a sombre post than I'd normally make, but it's one of those days.

I'm sat in the hospital, because my missus has just had some decrepit idiot pull out on her writing off the second car in 6 months.

She has a fractured cheek bone, possibly a broken ankle and unknown neck shoulder and back injuries.

Thanksgiving isn't something widely celebrated over here, but I might make a point of having a piece of pie and a turkey sandwich tonight. It seems appropriate.

There will also be whisky. She'll need it.
I am sorry. What a sucky way to start the holidays. My heart goes out to you guys right now. But I'm glad she's relatively ok.
Damn, it's is one of those days. Hope your gal heals up soon growan, take care bud. Sounds like you're gonna be the dad and mom for a minute while your wife relaxes some this week. much love man..