Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey there interweb freak bitches.

Just enjoying some coffee and cannabis time this morning.
Figured I'd check in since I've been away for a minute.

Turkey day celebration was pretty great. Was nice to see the Washington Aunt/Uncle and cousins...I hadn't been to their orchard/farm place for years.

They had a kinda wierd potluck style thanksgiving where nobody really knew eachother to well so it was perfect for me.

They sent me home with all kindsa dank homemade goodies.

Couple jars of each:
Apple butter,
Peach honey jam,
Rainier raspberry honey,
Some pure honey,
A couple mystery jars that looks like more raspberry jam,
And some jars of peaches from this year's crop.

Fuck yeah...I tried the peach honey jam and it's so fucking dank.

I drove back on Friday and it was a perfect day for a cruise across this beautiful state. I finally got to drive through the Cascades in the sunshine...the whole trip and experience really made me love life and where I now live. : )

Here's some photos I took along the way.

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Above you'll see the family's nice barn where we all ate our thanksgiving dinner. Mount Spokane is off in the distance to the left.

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The Colombia River.

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Speaks for itself.

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Last but not least, the Cascades.

Hope you guys enjoyed.
What's new with this place?

Ha! drove across the Vantage bridge many times (WSU). beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Today is the day I blast down the wall between my flower and veg room.. For one big flower run

Just waiting for lights on, they know not the fury that looms in their future
Usually I'd just think this was a euphemism but being acquainted with you, what energetic material did you use and how are the plants holding up post explosion?


Well-Known Member
Usually I'd just think this was a euphemism but being acquainted with you, what energetic material did you use and how are the plants holding up post explosion?
Haha i had to take them all out of the area..what a pain that was. The energetic material i used was whiskey, the mechanism donkey kicks and a little hammer swung at the achilles. The plants are the explosive part of the situation the growth is unreal after the re pot and full spectrum.. Going to have to run two nets to maintain a somewhat even canopy

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

are we talking house centipedes or garden?

Oh, right. I just thought of the region.

This is our type. Totally destructible. But they travel in packs of about a million.
Up close they are smiling.

Muahahaha, puny humans! That all you got? I'm almost dead, push some more.

Ohhhh... it hurts..,

Nope! Sike!

*darts away with the speed of a bullet*

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Did you know them fuckers are poisonous!? Akin to a bee sting! Gross fuckers!
Here's what happened:

I'm half asleep. The animals have been fed and cared for and my daughter is sitting on the couch watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and eating her cereal. Time for coffee.

I pour myself a cup and as I put the pot back the little fucker runs out from under the base!!

"HOLY COCKAHOLA!" (that's mom swearing)

Dogs run in and Esther is saying "what happened!". I tell her its a big bug and lift her so she can see it on the stove top.

The centipede is too far from the burners but is sitting right on under the burner grate. I move everything away from it. I ball up some paper towels and dance on my toes and then will myself to pick up the burner grate.

No. Switch hands. My left hand is not as accurate but I need to use my right to lift the grate.

...It's not moving. Here goes.

Phew it didn't move. Ok.. Now the hard part. I look at my dog and then lift her to show her the target. These fuckers are fast. I wish my older dog would come into the kitchen but she doesn't like the slick floors. I am going to have to rely on the younger.

I add more paper towels to my ball. I don't want to feel it squish. God the thing is huge. Don't look at it. Don't look at it!!!

Ok.. Ok... I dance on my toes again.

I can do this.. I can do this.. I slowly move my hand over the ugly beast.

Just do it! Dancing some more.

.....eeeeeeeeehhhhh Now!

HAH! I got it! I can see its tails twitching a bit tho. I press down harder. They slacken. Push down again.. They have stopped moving.

This is gonna be gross to clean up. I lift the paper towels.

It darts away super fast!!! "Get it choji get it!!!! AHHH!!! eeekkk!!"

Choji just stands there and does NOTHING!! It runs under the stove.

"Wth Choji! Shiela would of caught it!"

More dancing.

I have to get this thing. I won't feel safe if I don't.

I remove the plate at the bottom of the stove. I can see it just sitting there. Broom. Esther is watching me. "Where'd the bug go?"

I show it to her and say shhh... Ill get it.

To make a long story short (too late)

It got away sometime while I was trying to broom it out. I sprayed the floor under the stove and in the basement where the gas pipe goes through with ALOT of bug spray.

Hate those things.



Well-Known Member
Here's what happened:

I'm half asleep. The animals have been fed and cared for and my daughter is sitting on the couch watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and eating her cereal. Time for coffee.

I pour myself a cup and as I put the pot back the little fucker runs out from under the base!!

"HOLY COCKAHOLA!" (that's mom swearing)

Dogs run in and Esther is saying "what happened!". I tell her its a big bug and lift her so she can see it on the stove top.

The centipede is too far from the burners but is sitting right on under the burner grate. I move everything away from it. I ball up some paper towels and dance on my toes and then will myself to pick up the burner grate.

No. Switch hands. My left hand is not as accurate but I need to use my right to lift the grate.

...It's not moving. Here goes.

Phew it didn't move. Ok.. Now the hard part. I look at my dog and then lift her to show her the target. These fuckers are fast. I wish my older dog would come into the kitchen but she doesn't like the slick floors. I am going to have to rely on the younger.

I add more paper towels to my ball. I don't want to feel it squish. God the thing is huge. Don't look at it. Don't look at it!!!

Ok.. Ok... I dance on my toes again.

I can do this.. I can do this.. I slowly move my hand over the ugly beast.

Just do it! Dancing some more.

.....eeeeeeeeehhhhh Now!

HAH! I got it! I can see its tails twitching a bit tho. I press down harder. They slacken. Push down again.. They have stopped moving.

This is gonna be gross to clean up. I lift the paper towels.

It darts away super fast!!! "Get it choji get it!!!! AHHH!!! eeekkk!!"

Choji just stands there and does NOTHING!! It runs under the stove.

"Wth Choji! Shiela would of caught it!"

More dancing.

I have to get this thing. I won't feel safe if I don't.

I remove the plate at the bottom of the stove. I can see it just sitting there. Broom. Esther is watching me. "Where'd the bug go?"

I show it to her and say shhh... Ill get it.

To make a long story short (too late)

It got away sometime while I was trying to broom it out. I sprayed the floor under the stove and in the basement where the gas pipe goes through with ALOT of bug spray.

Hate those things.

I once watched one walk over an outlet that had no plate on it. So glad when he arced the poles. Small puff of smoke, brown drip. Left as a warning