Bob Bitchen's buds

skiied at Squaw yesterday pretty fun neat mountain . at noon the winds and snow closed all the lifts so they gave me a pass for today and apolgized never seen winds and snnow like that . moved FEET of snow at a time ... wow! gotta get back here to ski kirkwood once it is all open . thought i knew what DEEP snow was like but cali is whole other level shit 4 feet this week . someone told me that was a weak storm cycle woah
hope your gettn some good turns in !!
love the new avatar
Looks like some suoercropping is in order.

I had to do it one time. Buds still were fat and tasty.

Pinch and tie down so the branch stays horizontal. When weight comes, tie it to the pipe so it doesn't fall.
For example :D
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Bend over yesterday cause it was growing out of the light. About twice the size of her sisters.
cut copy.jpg
I went lazy mans way, lopped off the main, that was a secondary, & has stopped stretching there...
no keepers this round..