Everything MMA Thread


Well-Known Member
Aldo needs a rematch first. I feel bad for Frankie but like you said ten years. It all happened so fast. Very disappointing fight, I wanted to see a war.

Nobody got too hurt I think mcgregor might have fucked up his hand. Either way they are ready.. Or can be in a few months. Edger should fight max holloway.
Aldo got KTFO and McGregor broke his hand I read. Rogan was talking about brain injury on his podcast said Aldo needed at least 6 months off based on a few of his Dr. guests opinions of head trauma. I'm not a Dr. so what the fuck do I know though?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Aldo got KTFO and McGregor broke his hand I read. Rogan was talking about brain injury on his podcast said Aldo needed at least 6 months off based on a few of his Dr. guests opinions of head trauma. I'm not a Dr. so what the fuck do I know though?
wtf.. Gets hit once gets brain damage, I find that hard to believe. If he really can't fight for 6 months then edgers up..


Well-Known Member
wtf.. Gets hit once gets brain damage, I find that hard to believe. If he really can't fight for 6 months then edgers up..
Problem is there's really no way to tell for sure until the fighters career is long over. That was the first time Jose was KO'd in his entire career as far as I know, his only other loss in 2005 was due to submission, so I'd guess guys like him don't have too much to worry about when it comes to brain damage. I'm worried about guys like Diego Sanchez, Clay Guida, Chris Leben, etc. Still though, I'd probably recommend taking some time off, I don't know much about traumatic brain injuries so I tend to go with the docs opinion when it comes to that stuff

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
That's how it should work, but it won't. They're making holly holm wait for rousey and wasn't a flash ko it was a one sided beating.
I agree UFC is just trying to protect Connor..
They know if Aldo fights him again it will be a different story. Also how many title shots has Frankie had?? Too tham many.. hes just too tham boring.. hes lost every match by decision.. they where close but his style is kinda boring to me, he either boxes and eeks out a decision or just wrestles and GnP wich its kinda boring too.
Hes a very good fighter but his style is boring.


Well-Known Member
I agree UFC is just trying to protect Connor..
They know if Aldo fights him again it will be a different story. Also how many title shots has Frankie had?? Too tham many.. hes just too tham boring.. hes lost every match by decision.. they where close but his style is kinda boring to me, he either boxes and eeks out a decision or just wrestles and GnP wich its kinda boring too.
Hes a very good fighter but his style is boring.
Dude, Edgar has been in some exciting wars (Manor comes to mind). Edgar comes to drop bombs on fools.


Well-Known Member
wtf.. Gets hit once gets brain damage, I find that hard to believe. If he really can't fight for 6 months then edgers up..
He took some major shots once he hit the floor and before the ref jumped in to stop the fight. The first and only punch when standing, was on the chin. Once Aldo hit the floor he was taking hammer fists to the face. His nose was all busted up once he got up.


Well-Known Member
LOL all aboard the Mcgregor bandwagon around here...

I hope you all are using protection when riding on Mcgregors D u might catch that dirty irish crackhead virus that he got.

And PS I having been apart of MMA and UFC/PRIDE ALOT longer than anyone here so dont go throwing out that your a "fan" when you dont have close to the knowledge about the sport and business side of MMA/UFC that I have from over the years working with the sport/business.


Well-Known Member
LOL all aboard the Mcgregor bandwagon around here...

I hope you all are using protection when riding on Mcgregors D u might catch that dirty irish crackhead virus that he got.

And PS I having been apart of MMA and UFC/PRIDE ALOT longer than anyone here so dont go throwing out that your a "fan" when you dont have close to the knowledge about the sport and business side of MMA/UFC that I have from over the years working with the sport/business.
Hi Dana White, didn't realize you were a cannabis fan too. Should I start sending you the money direct when I order my pay per view fights?


Well-Known Member
LOL all aboard the Mcgregor bandwagon around here...

I hope you all are using protection when riding on Mcgregors D u might catch that dirty irish crackhead virus that he got.

And PS I having been apart of MMA and UFC/PRIDE ALOT longer than anyone here so dont go throwing out that your a "fan" when you dont have close to the knowledge about the sport and business side of MMA/UFC that I have from over the years working with the sport/business.

I hate Dana, I liked the original ufc much better..no hype, no rounds, no broads, no gloves, sometimes three fights in a Night...true warriors.

Me and my dad used to rent the vhs tapes and been fans since ufc 1, I loved the David vs Goliath matches. Don Fry was a bad MF.


Well-Known Member
He took some major shots once he hit the floor and before the ref jumped in to stop the fight. The first and only punch when standing, was on the chin. Once Aldo hit the floor he was taking hammer fists to the face. His nose was all busted up once he got up.
Yeah I think the "6 mos" comment about Aldo is precautionary...with all the new intel coming out bout concussions and traumatic brain injury...Dr.'s likely to error on side of caution when dealing w concussions so as to not lead to TBI from post-concussion syndrome


Well-Known Member
^^^Not trying to contradict what you said, just building off of it...saying likely Aldo doesn't have long term brain damage...but concussion is likely and must be treated appropriately so as to not lead to permanent dain bramage as can occur if concussed individual sustains an additional head injury shortly after first head injury.

EDIT: I posted this message to clarify that I wasn't hating on your post, it seems I can, at times, come off a bit adversarial, it's likely that I simply Don't Play Well With Others for some reason but I'm trying : )
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Well-Known Member
I hope you all are using protection when riding on Mcgregors D.
Haha, that got me weak! McGregor definitely talented/skilled fighter (although I would say he has even greater skills as an orator) but there does seem to be a lot of mma fans these days happily "riding."


Well-Known Member
This pretty cool, I like these dudes approach to weigh-ins, they're just having fun and yet you can tell they are professional by their mannerisms...


Well-Known Member
Im taking:
Cerrone (Dos Anjos dope but Cowboy da dude)
Dos Santos
Marquardt (just for shitz n giggz)


Well-Known Member
Those were great times for sure but the sport has evolved way past that.

Has it though? Its evolved into the WWF and Dana is Vince McMahon.. Too much hype and contrived drama, Brock Lesnar and Kimbo were an embarrassment to the sport..if Dana likes you, you fight tomato cans and get a belt shot..if he don't its much more difficult.

It was never important to fight in every state, the gate brings in chump change..its like 12-15 k people.. All the revenue comes from ppv and merchandise. I don't like how you can upkick from the ground but you can't be kicked..its dumb.