What to do with my life.


Active Member
Well my fellow smokers. I have been a lurker on these forums for a little while, and have come to respect many opinions. With that respect I am hoping for a little direction. I feel that a total stranger can have a completely unbiased opinion.

I am a 20 year old pre-med major confused about where to go. I initially chose the medical field for the money and prestige, but lately I find myself wanting to be a teacher. I was born/raised in Miami so I speak spanish, and really like the idea of being a spanish teacher, but feel worried about the $. As I sit here with berta (blue bubbler) we feel confused and would love input.

btw...i have an great girlfriend (non-smoker :-(:confused:) that I have been with for 9 months. She cares nothing about money idk if that makes any difference. Just wondering what the majority think. More-so looking for some OG's to chim in here. Having lived what do you guys think?? Money or passion???


Well-Known Member
Do what will make you the most happy.

Money can't buy happiness. Well.. in most cases it can't.. in my case it would lol.


Well-Known Member
ya money sure would make me happy
but since ur already pre med id just go with it dude u put so much time and effort into it already it would be a waste


Well-Known Member
I agree. You should finish your med schooling. Then after that maybe do the teaching thing and since your still young, maybe you will end up being a med teacher for spanish students... never know but for sure you should finish your schooling because if you dont you will regret it, even if its not about the money.


Active Member
I would just feel like if I went the whole way through med school and residency only to find out that I wanted to be a teacher all along I will feel like I wasted some of my life. Med school is so much fucking work, and I think about how great it would be to have the money all the time. I mean 200k a year is awesome, and with a master's as a teacher I would start at like 50 or something like that.

I just like the idea of having a regular life with like a family, and my smoking hot trophy wife, but I dont wanna have to worry about money.


Well-Known Member
a non smoking girlfriend that dosent care about money. thats rare.

follow your heart dude.
move to cali and teach white kids spanish. trust me, they need it.


Well-Known Member
Well depends on what you call a regular life. I am always out of town, probably 8 months out of the year but me and my girl/kids have what I would call a good or atleast decent life. Maybe not regular to all but it is to us. I dont think money makes up for everything but trust me, it feels good to have it. How much further do you have to go to finish your med schooling?


Well-Known Member
a non smoking girlfriend that dosent care about money. thats rare.

follow your heart dude.
move to cali and teach white kids spanish. trust me, they need it.
heh or teach spanish kids english because we all know they need it more :) sorry had to


Active Member
I'm only a junior...I haven't got my bachelors yet, so I guess that would be 6 more years till I'll be out of med school, and another 2 for residency.


Well-Known Member
I'm only a junior...I haven't got my bachelors yet, so I guess that would be 6 more years till I'll be out of med school, and another 2 for residency.
well if nothing else atleast get your bachelors. I wouldnt just give up without something ya know?


Well-Known Member
well if nothing else atleast get your bachelors. I wouldnt just give up without something ya know?
but dont waste your time pursuing something you are not going to follow through with. you could be spending that time getting credentialed.


Well-Known Member
see im not sure how the college system is but isnt a bachelors for 4 years? so if it is that would be 1 more year right? wouldnt hurt to have it on a resume atleast


Active Member
dude first off you don't go into teaching for the money. everyone knows there's no money to be made in teaching. you do it for the joy and personal fulfillment in helping shape the future generation. you also don't go into medicine for the money. you'll never ever make it through 4 years of undergrad, followed by med school, followed by residency. you don't make instant cash either..it takes time. and don't forget about the huge tutition bills you'll have for many years to come. you need to self evaluate and follow your heart. not the money ... cause you'll never be happy and always be searching for the next best thing. money only buys things. things are replaceable. do something that makes you happy.


Well-Known Member
I reside in canada . Ask yourself this If I wake up in the morning and im not looking forward to going to work > Then what should I do for A living.. Then Decide what bwould make U happy


Well-Known Member
IMO...this is not something that you can think through. You have to take action. The only way to find out if you like something is to try it, no amount of introspection, risk analysis, philosophy, etc., is going to give you the answers. The only way to find what you love and what you hate is to start DOING things!! Get out there, try tutoring/mentoring kids, get a job/volunteer teaching underprivileged kids, go to another country during the summer and teach english, anything! You will start to see what you love and hate about the work, and whether you love it enough as a whole to commit to it. Do the same for medicine. Get an internship at a hospital, do as much work there and see/do/experience as much as possible. In fact, you should probably try and do other things as well if you can, different work will reveal different things. The more you do, the more you will find out about yourself, and the closer you will be to knowing what it is that you really want. I have been down this road man, I'm still struggling to find out what I want..but I was once told this by someone very wise and it has helped. Just my $.02 :peace:


New Member
some people need the finer things in life to enjoy it,, some dont. all i need is love and the ability to farm, hunt and construct,, and i have all those thing already and they didnt cost me a dime. but if its a new ipod or something like that that puts a smile on your face then maybe med school would be the way to go,, you gotta work your ass off but you will have fancy cars and a nice house


Well-Known Member
dude first off you don't go into teaching for the money. everyone knows there's no money to be made in teaching. you do it for the joy and personal fulfillment in helping shape the future generation. you also don't go into medicine for the money. you'll never ever make it through 4 years of undergrad, followed by med school, followed by residency. you don't make instant cash either..it takes time. and don't forget about the huge tutition bills you'll have for many years to come. you need to self evaluate and follow your heart. not the money ... cause you'll never be happy and always be searching for the next best thing. money only buys things. things are replaceable. do something that makes you happy.
Hes dosent wanna go into teaching for the money..he was only worried about the money..anway..yeah if you want money, go to med school, but remeber would you rather wake up in the morning and be happy going to work, or dread it like you do with school. Think of back in highschool when you woke up dreading going to school in the morning. Thats what it will be like if you get a job that you dont like..If you absolutly dont want to go into the medical field then dont. Do what makes you happy. You got a girlfriend who doesnt smoke and doesnt care about money, dont worry about money, you can live a happy life without it.

Oh and btw keep ahold of that girl you got there, shes was just like mine, didnt smoke and didnt care about money, i just lost her and it kills me.