Matching Drivers and COBs

hi everybody!
so I think im gonna order some shtuff for a 4x4' passive... could someone double check my list? Thanks you guys rock!
cxb3070 x 12 = 509.04
mwhlg240h-c1050 x 2 =153.28
shipping = 15.00
4.9x42 x 3 = 224.28
shipping/handling = 52.81
subtotal = 277.09
bjb 3070 holder x 12 = 30.00
shipping = 12.65
subtotal = 42.65
home depot-
wire, conectors, misc. = 100.00

total = 1097.06

mouser is very expensive for cobs, shop around . (kiingbrite, pacificlightconcepts, cutter, octopart)
so a 240h at 1050ma will run 7 x cxb3590s at 49.7 efficiency? (supra's post pg 5 cob efficiency) if im deciphering correctly
so should I get 14 instead of 12? or a different driver? awww fudge now I'm more confused...
really does was hoping to maybe get clarification on cbx3590 3500k 4000k and their cri comparison info ...and is a hlg-185h-c700b better than the c1400b version. idk what it is (maybe just dumb) but can't figure the chart/graph out. seems the 3590 36v on a driver @700ma are more cost effective than when driven @1.400ma. on the same type/style/# of driver. is this correct?
really does was hoping to maybe get clarification on cbx3590 3500k 4000k and their cri comparison info ...and is a hlg-185h-c700b better than the c1400b version. idk what it is (maybe just dumb) but can't figure the chart/graph out. seems the 3590 36v on a driver @700ma are more cost effective than when driven @1.400ma. on the same type/style/# of driver. is this correct?

These questions were answered, 3500k is more efficient. Low cri/ highest bin is better.

Everybody needs to answer cost-effective for themselves, but driving at 3590 @700 ma cost more upfront, but seems to have a very quick return if you consider higher yield and quality, and will return even just on the basis of electricity costs eventually.
These questions were answered, 3500k is more efficient. Low cri/ highest bin is better.

Everybody needs to answer cost-effective for themselves, but driving at 3590 @700 ma cost more upfront, but seems to have a very quick return if you consider higher yield and quality, and will return even just on the basis of electricity costs eventually.

Every time anyone makes the power savings comparison with HID lighting of any kind, REMEMBER THE HVAC! Add the savings of running your AC half as much or less! Trust me, it makes a big difference in 'power only' payback times!

So REMEMBER THE AC! Because if you don't, that Gavita DE will cook your growroom- and therefore the reverse is also true; in a true apples to apples comparison, AC you aren't using is AC you aren't paying for, and that counts!
Bang did it, 2x 240h-c1050b drivers in the mail.
Tomorrow callin HeatsinkUSA (anybody know the wait time on the 5.88"?)
Next week or two gonna hit up cutter, 12-14 3590s.
Happy Fuckin New Year Er'body! :lol:
Lets spend some money!
Bang did it, 2x 240h-c1050b drivers in the mail.
Tomorrow callin HeatsinkUSA (anybody know the wait time on the 5.88"?)
Next week or two gonna hit up cutter, 12-14 3590s.
Happy Fuckin New Year Er'body! :lol:
Lets spend some money!
They usually ship the nest day when I've ordered.
Every time anyone makes the power savings comparison with HID lighting of any kind, REMEMBER THE HVAC! Add the savings of running your AC half as much or less! Trust me, it makes a big difference in 'power only' payback times!

So REMEMBER THE AC! Because if you don't, that Gavita DE will cook your growroom- and therefore the reverse is also true; in a true apples to apples comparison, AC you aren't using is AC you aren't paying for, and that counts!

I personally think that is not the way to think of it i mean i run 3 DE units in 75 Sq feet with no AC only normal ventilation like all grow rooms should have Right ????

But guess we will see shortly making two 1000 watt cob units for 5 x 10 area thats 50 Sq 40 cobs and 10 drivers or that area .
But 300 watts less for same given area of DE and only 20 percent more heat then cob
at 1.4 amps the cobs are 56% efficient. 1000 x .56 = 560 par watts. i wonder if she will get hot in there
I mean breaking it down i will have out of the 2 units working side by side 112 percent efficient what about the other 88 percent of Heat
Should i consider AC maybe ??? but hey i started a thread on build i will carry it into the actual documented grow but no worries i still will have fresh air in and exhaust
I personally think that is not the way to think of it i mean i run 3 DE units in 75 Sq feet with no AC only normal ventilation like all grow rooms should have Right ????

and how many cfms of input output air are you using ? even with non air conditioned cooling systems less will be needed compared to equivalent hid systems.
Can anyone please explain what 2-step, 3-step, 5-step means. especially 3-step. :)
Im glad you asked, I was just looking into this myself. It seems to be related to the light color and consistency. 1 step would be that all leds in that group would be indistinguishable from one other to the human eye. 2 step would mean that people could distinguish the difference by 1 shade, that is to say 2 shades would be seen. 5 step would be 5 shades of potential difference. In terms of growing, I dont think it would matter. It would be more important for cosmetic reasons. SOURCE.