Amazing thread MisterBlah. Thank you for all of your time, effort and research! It is because of threads like this that I have started formulating my own nutrients with raw salts.
I am new at this but have done my research and I have one question:
I seem to be getting cloudiness when adding the calcium nitrate to the rez.
I add all my sulfates and phosphates in a stock solution first, then add stock solution of Agsil (potassium silicate), then the Calcium Nitrate last.
I have a 15 gal rez, and add each stock solution to its own 5 gal bucket of RO water separately before pouring into the main rez, so concentrations are very low ~300-400ppm
Is the cloudiness and possible precipitate (gypsum) due to the fact that I didn't lower the pH from 7.5 to 5.8 before adding in the Calcium?
I read that pH must be low for Calcium Nitrate to be soluble and not react with MAP and magnesium sulfate?
I think this is flocculation no?
Maybe I should have added the Agsil last?
I found this salt compatibility chart: Compatability and Solubility.pdf
Also some helpful tips:
I'm just not quite sure where I've taken a wrong turn?